good meal

Chapter 521 Space Confrontation

Chapter 521 Space Confrontation
After the medicine was cooked, Huo Tainan personally fed it to Chu Liangrao.

The soothing ingredients in the medicine took effect, and Chu Liangrao's eyelids gradually sank.

Huo Tainan helped her lie down, while he sat beside Chu Liangrao and held her hand.

Such a feeling of peace of mind made Chu Liangrao more sleepy, and finally fell asleep.

In the dream, there are layers of white mist.

Chu Liangrao walked in a daze, but a familiar feeling rose in his heart.

Pushing away the white mist, she saw a touch of green.

This space?

What's the matter with this white mist?And the crops are all sluggish, not as vibrant as before when they were lush.

"Lin Lang!" Chu Liangrao shouted, "Lin Lang?"

After shouting several times, but there was no response, Chu Liangrao became more suspicious, and found the Lingquan by feeling, and she leaned over.

The Lingquan was as calm as stagnant water. Even if Chu Liangrao leaned over to look at it, her appearance could not be seen on the water surface. The always clear spring water turned milky white like milk.

Chu Liangrao subconsciously grabbed the jade pendant around his neck, but he missed it. Not only did the jade pendant disappear, but the red string that was attached to the jade pendant also disappeared.

Chu Liangrao noticed something strange, and murmured: "Am I dreaming?"

"That's right, you are dreaming." A voice sounded in the fog, so empty and misty that people couldn't tell the direction.

Chu Liangrao's complexion changed slightly, how could there be other people in the space?
The mist gradually parted, and a glamorous woman in red came out. Her figure was slender, and she walked with a swaying demeanor, which made people think of a word: natural beauty.

But Chu Liangrao didn't relax his vigilance because of her beauty, looking at the person coming, Chu Liangrao asked cautiously: "Who are you?"

"You should have heard of me." The woman gently lifted her long hair, Yin Hong's lips glowed with a little pearl, "I am Liu Guang."

Chu Liangrao still didn't relax her vigilance. She remembered Lin Lang said that he couldn't even enter the Liuguang space, so it was too suspicious that Liuguang would be here.

"Why are you here?" Chu Liangrao asked.

"Lin Lang invited me here." Liu Guang said, raising his hand, a jade pendant hung on his slender fingers, "Are you looking for this?"

Recognizing at a glance that it was his own jade pendant, Chu Liangrao said lightly, "That's right."

Liu Guang smiled and said, "Aren't you surprised, why did this thing fall into my hands?"

Chu Liangrao kept silent, pretending to be mysterious just because he wanted her to ask, if she didn't speak, Liu Guang would also speak.

As if seeing what she was thinking, Liu Guang also put away his smile: "Oh, I can't bear to be so indifferent. Fortunately, Lin Lang used himself as a mortgage to let me protect your child."

Hearing this, Chu Liangrao's pupils widened: "What did you say?"

"What did I say, don't you understand?" Liu Guang looked over coldly, "Otherwise, where do you think the child in your womb came from? Do you really think it's God's eyesight?"

His complexion turned pale, and Chu Liangrao asked, "Where is Lin Lang now?"

"He? He disappeared like gold and jade." Liu Guang raised his brows, "I'm really surprised, what ability do you have to make the two of them willing to work for you."

"The smoke disappears... the clouds disperse." Chu Liangrao recited it lightly, but Lin Lang's disdain when he talked about gold and jade emerged in his mind.

Even though he looked down on her so much, he still did stupid things for her.

Chu Liangrao's eyes turned hot, and he said, "If what you said is true, then I will reject your kindness."

"Oh?" Liu Guang looked at Chu Liangrao with interest.

"As the person involved, I should have the right to make a choice." Chu Liangrao raised his head and said firmly, "My child is gone, I know this well. I am very happy, very happy that he can come back, but If it is in exchange for Lin Lang's life, I would rather not. I know that you are in charge of time and space, since you can bring my child back to life, you can definitely bring Lin Lang back to life."

"It's just a mere human being, what a big tone." Liu Guang's eyes flashed hostility, "I'm helping Lin Lang because we are equal. What right do you have to ask me to do something?"

"Equality? If it's really equal, why would you just watch him disappear." Chu Liangrao took a step forward, "The gold and jade are gone, and there are only three of the four of you left. Now that Lin Lang is gone, if Lang Xuan One day you won't be here anymore, will it be interesting for you to be alone? You have an endless lifespan, and they are the only ones who can really accompany you!"

"I think you made a mistake. Companionship and friendship are not important to me." Liu Guang said indifferently, "With scum like them, I will only feel ashamed."

"If that's the case, how can you help?" Chu Liangrao took another step forward, his eyes aggressive, "You didn't pay the price for helping Jin Yu, otherwise, why would you seal your own space, or Lin Lang would enter, because you are afraid This day! You are afraid that Linlang and Langxuan will follow in the same footsteps as gold and jade!"

Liu Guang turned to the beginning, and snorted coldly: "You are being smart! I closed the space, but I didn't want to see the trash."

"Trash? I think it's you who is trash!" Chu Liangrao's eyes burned with anger, "Lin Lang and Jin Yu can follow their own hearts, but what about your heart? Are you dead? I know a saying, the more powerful you are, The greater the responsibility, the greater the responsibility, and now it seems that you are just acting out of your ability!"

"What did you say?" Liu Guang narrowed his eyes slightly, as if licking his red lips with the tip of his tongue, looking very dangerous.

Chu Liangrao was not afraid, and said: "If you didn't pretend to be smart, how could Yun Shanshan become like this?"

Liu Guang seemed to be poked in a sore spot, she gritted her teeth: "If you weren't a hindrance, how could she be like this?"

"Yun Shanshan is dead!" Chu Liangrao said, "She is free! Why do you make her suffer?" Touching his belly, Chu Liangrao's eyes became soft, "I want to , my child can see the world, but she is dead."

Liu Guang's face was uncertain, and he raised his eyes to look at Chu Liangrao.

A teardrop fell from his eyes and hit the back of his hand. Chu Liangrao calmly and gently said: "She is already dead."

"Don't think you can impress me just by saying these things." Liu Guang said, "If you really say that, you are just a dead person."

"So?" Chu Liangrao raised his head and looked at Liu Guang, "I don't belong here, but you let me live, why?"

Liu Guang bit his lip and didn't speak.

Chu Liangrao said: "Liu Guang, these are not your thoughts, you just want to make everything better, I am like you, but I have no ability."

(End of this chapter)

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