Idle courtiers

Chapter 123 Damn Feudal Ethics

Chapter 123 Damn Feudal Ethics

Yunniang is a weak character, she hurriedly persuaded her, but she couldn't persuade the two maids who were tearing apart.

Zhou Nan had already put on her clothes and went out, only to see a thin little girl jumping.This little maid is as thin as Xiaolan, two fingers shorter than her, she is exquisite, but her appearance is ordinary.

He frowned. After all, he was a clerk of the yamen and worked in Tang Shunzhi's Xingyuan. He had never seen such a big man, and he naturally carried a sense of majesty.The two servant girls were shocked, they stopped arguing, and ran away with their heads down.

Zhou Nan looked at Yunniang up and down. It had been more than a month since she had seen her. She was fairer than before, but she had lost weight. She stood in the courtyard like an orchid in an empty valley.

Looking forward day and night, Zhou Nan finally came back.Yunniang wanted to speak, but she didn't know what to say, only tears rolled in her eyes.

In front of so many people, it was naturally difficult to express his emotions, Zhou Nan said: "Lady, let's go into the main room to talk."

After entering the main room, Yunniang still didn't speak, she hurriedly twisted the towel and wiped Zhou Nan's face lovingly.

Zhou Nan: "Don't be so busy, lady, sit down and talk."

Yun Niang still carefully wiped the gum from the corners of Zhou Nan's eyes, but she couldn't help shaking her head.

"Don't be busy." Zhou Nan grabbed her soft little hand and looked at her face: "My lady has lost weight, and you have suffered a lot these days."

Yunniang finally couldn't bear it anymore and wept softly.

Zhou Nan pulled her into his arms: "I'm back now, don't cry, we are finally reunited, and we will never be separated again."

After comforting her softly for a long time, Yunniang finally calmed down.The husband and wife sat down, Zhou Nan said with a smile: "Actually, I didn't suffer any hardships this time. Not only did I not encounter any danger, but I got a great opportunity, but it was a blessing in disguise. The fate of this life...God will close a door for you. The door opened another window for you."

This trip to Jiangyin to meet Tang Shunzhi was Zhou Nan's proud work, so he probably told his wife the whole story of the matter.

Yunniang exclaimed in a low voice when she was nervous, she smiled when she heard something interesting, and then she was full of sadness...

At some point, Sister Su came in and quietly stood behind Zhou Nan and Yun Niang.

Yun Niang hurriedly stood up: "Sister, you are pregnant and cannot stand, please sit down quickly."

"No, I just want to come over and ask Xianggong and Yunniang what they would like to eat for lunch, so that someone can cook."

"You are already heavy, so let Lettuce do any heavy work. Lettuce, my husband likes to stir-fry. The taste is strong, and he needs a lot of oil and salt."

Lettuce glanced at Sister Su angrily, but said nothing.

Sister Su: "Yunniang, let me do it."

He bowed his head and walked out, his eyebrows were pleasing to the eye, like a little daughter-in-law.

Seeing that his wife and concubine were still in harmony, Zhou Nan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.He and Sister Su spent the day in the main house doing Zhou Gong's benefits, and it was really embarrassing to be met by Yun Niang.Besides, this is still a month since I left home and just returned home.

Not feeling guilty in his heart, he said abruptly: "By the way, where is Xiao Lan, why didn't I see her?"

Hearing his mention of his niece, Yun Niang sighed slightly, and said, "Master, Xiaolan was taken back by my uncle and Cigu to marry. I heard that something happened to Xianggong, so my uncle and Cigu came to pick her up on the third day. And took a lot of things..."

It turned out that after Zhou Nan was taken away by Jin Yiwei, Zhou Yang and his wife went to the city to take Xiaolan back after hearing the news.They originally fostered Xiaolan with Zhou Nan, thinking that their elder brother is also a master in the yamen, powerful and powerful, and Xiaolan might be able to marry a good family and eat and drink for free in the future.

Now that Zhou Nan is gone, he naturally refuses to give his daughter to Yunniang as a maid for nothing.He also said that Xiaolan had worked for Yunniang for such a long time, so she had to pay some wages anyway.So he ransacked Yunniang, robbed a lot of things and left.

These two couples are also bad, wanting everything, even the mosquito net and the tableware in the kitchen, so Yunniang spent several days to repurchase a set of daily necessities.

"What a beast!" Zhou Nan was so angry that his face was livid, and he said solemnly: "Zhou Yang, a beast who doesn't care about his family, doesn't talk about his family, but also throws stones into the hole. Does he still have me as an elder brother in his heart? It seems that I have to go back to Zhoujiazhuang. The family law should deal with this bastard."

Yunniang was shocked, and hurriedly grabbed her husband's hand, shaking her head: "Sister-in-law, don't, after all, he is my brother. Xiaolan has lived in our house for a long time, so I, as an aunt, should buy those things for her." Dowry." Xiaolan sent food here to Zhou Nan, which is naturally her petty plan, but we have been together for a long time, Yunniang also has some feelings for this little niece.Xiao Lan was picked up by Zhou Yang, she was still a little sad.

"Well, for your sake, I won't pursue this matter." Zhou Nan still has a lot of things to do when he returns to Anton this time, and he has to go to Huai'an to take up his post after finishing.Besides, his status is different now, he is already regarded as an official of the imperial court, and if he entangles in housework, it will only make others laugh, and it will also damage his own reputation.

Speaking of this, some people may be surprised that the so-called court officials are all officials above the seventh-rank county magistrate, and Zhou Nan is just a ninth-rank governor, what kind of order official.

In fact, although the governor of the criminal office of the government is only a nine-rank miscellaneous job, he also needs to be appointed by the court officials.As long as they are officials appointed by the imperial court, they are considered officials.It's just that it's a folk convention that officials with a seventh-rank or higher imperial examination background are called Mingguan.

Being an official and being an official are two different things. When you are an official, you must be ruthless in dealing with complex affairs and ordinary people, so that others can fear danger.When you become an official, you have to be close to the people, so that you can make the people feel good.

If you want to be an official for a long time, and grow bigger and bigger, you have to raise your reputation and gain your reputation.

As an official, you are obsessed with housework all day long, is it plausible?A gentleman cultivates Qi Zhiping, and after cultivating himself, he becomes the Qi family, and only after the Qi family can rule the world.You can't even do well with the Qi family, so how dare you entrust the work to you in the organization?
Zhou Nan asked again: "Who is Xiaolan married to, and at what age will she marry?"

Yunniang: "It's Wang Er from Wang's Village next door. His family is fairly well-to-do, and he can live well."

Zhou Nan was shocked: "But that Wang Er who lacks front teeth... is already 30 years old, and I heard that his character is not very good. How can Xiaolan marry him?" He knew this Wang Er's family, and his family background Not bad, with more than 50 acres of land.It's just that his character is really bad, he likes to cause trouble, and his front teeth were knocked out.

In addition, the mother-in-law is really powerful, and no one dares to marry their own daughter.

Wang Er likes to run around, he will go out for several years, and he will come back home when he gets too miserable.If you don't stay for a few days, you will steal the money from the family and disappear again.After several times of reincarnation like this, I was in my early thirties.

It must be that Zhou Yang was greedy for the bride price from the royal family, so he married Xiaolan.

This is Zhou Yang's family matter, and Zhou Nan didn't bother to take care of it, so he just shook his head and stopped discussing it.

Although a little embarrassed, Zhou Nan couldn't help but ask, "Yunniang, why do you want to bring Sister Su in?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he couldn't help but blush a little.

Yunniang said seriously: "Sister, is this your fault?"

Zhou Nan: "Why am I wrong?"

Yun Niang: "Sister Su's child is not only yours, but the seed of our Zhou family. It is your flesh and blood. Sister Su has a big belly, causing gossip in the city. In the end, our Zhou family is ashamed .Others say that I, Yunniang, is jealous, a cruel woman who separated your father from your son. My husband, you should have told me about this earlier, why would I refuse? "

Zhou Nan was stunned: "Are you really willing?" Looking back, yes, he is now an official, and his family background is good, and Yunniang has no children.If it were someone else, he would have already married several concubines to continue the incense for the family.

In the eyes of others, he is simply a weirdo for not taking concubines.

This matter was spread among those who were interested, and if it was not good, Yunniang became jealous and a tigress who wanted to monopolize her husband.In this way, Yunniang might not be able to withstand the pressure of public opinion.

I am a modern person, and I always like to use the concept of modern people to look at ancient affairs.But I don't want to change the modern moral concepts to ancient times, sometimes they seem out of place and weird.

It would be a lie for any woman to say that there is no grudge in her heart when Sister Su comes in.But Yunniang still has to act like she is gentle, skillful and Xinxin Ran, this damn feudal ethics!

Yun Niang became the hostess of the family, and she quickly entered the role.He said sternly: "Sister Su, Sister Su is pregnant, and she might give birth soon. You can't do things too absurdly. If you hurt the baby, wouldn't it be too late for regret? From now on, you can't go there for half a year. Sister Su lives in the room."

Hearing her talk about this, Zhou Nan said in a low voice: "Didn't I get drunk yesterday and mistook her for you... Eat, eat. After dinner, I still have to go to the yamen for business!"

After lunch, Zhou Nan walked leisurely towards the Yamen with her hands behind her back.

He went to the county government this time for two things. One was to get the document from the Ministry of Officials to waive his Andong County classics and history, and to hand over the errand at hand; the other was to meet Zhan Tong and ask him why he returned to Andong County without going to the capital. Come to be the magistrate, what happened in it.Although I went to Huai'an to work, my relatives are all in Anton, and I still need him to take care of me in the future.

With this curiosity, Zhou Nan came into the county yamen, but felt that the atmosphere in the yamen was somewhat converted.

Seeing him, everyone laughed dryly: "I've seen Master Zhou, congratulations to Master Zhou for his promotion." Then they hurried away without daring to say a word, treating him like a plague god.

One person is like this, and two people are like this, Zhou Nan was annoyed.Seeing Brother Lin A Da Lin A Er coming over, he hurriedly grabbed him: "A Da, what's the matter, why do the people in the yamen avoid me when they see me?"

Lin Ada had a stiff smile on his face: "Why did you come here, Master Zhou, I just received an errand and I am anxious to go to it, and I will go to the mansion to congratulate the master when I have time to wait."

Lin A'er was furious: "Brother, we were able to achieve what we are today because of Master Zhou's support. This time Master Zhou came back safely and became an official again. We are very happy. You are obviously afraid that the county magistrate will see you and Zhou. The master is close, afraid of being put on small shoes. Seeing your cautious and wretched appearance, I can't help but look down on you."

Only then did Zhou Nan realize that when Fatty Zhan and Fatty Zhan were captured by Jin Yiwei, they were incompatible with each other and choked together.The people in the yamen didn't know that after the ordeal between him and Zhanzhi County, the relationship between him and Zhanzhi County was different.Now that Zhou Nan was leaving, they were afraid that Zhou Nan would get involved and be retaliated by Zhan Zhixian.

Although Zhou Nan is an official now, what he can do is that the officials in Huai'an Mansion can't control everyone. The tea gets cold when people leave, which is the same in ancient and modern times.

Zhou Nan was annoyed in her heart, thinking about showing Lin Ada some color.He can tolerate others treating him like this, but he cannot tolerate the betrayal of his caring subordinates in the past.

But after thinking about it, he thought to himself: I'm still a serious official now, why should I be angry with such a small person?

At this moment, Zhixian Zhan came from the other side, saw Zhou Nan, and slightly bowed his hands.Called coldly: "Master Zhou is here?"

Zhou Nan also returned the gift: "I have seen the county magistrate, and I am here today to handle the handover."

Zhan Zhixian's expression was even more indifferent: "That's right, anyway, you are leaving your post, and the affairs at hand will be handed over soon, so just speak up if you need anything."

Zhou Nan suddenly felt anxious, pointed at the Lin family brothers and said: "There is one thing, I need a long-term follower when I go to Huai'an this time. I am used to these two people, and I also asked Zhan Zhixian to spare them. Leave it to me to use."

Lin A was shocked: "I won't go, I won't go. The villain is from Anton. There is an 80-year-old mother who needs to be taken care of, and a three-year-old child. How can he get away with it?" .”

He is working in the yamen now, he has regular work and food money to get, and he can blackmail the people on weekdays, he has a lot of money, and he is living comfortably.It is said that although Zhou Nan is an official, he has no position and no power, which is not very beneficial.Also, the yamen servant is an iron rice bowl that can be eaten for a lifetime, not to mention, it can also be passed on to his children and grandchildren.

Going to be Zhou Nan's long-term follower, what are you kidding?
Lin A'er said happily, "I am willing to follow Master Zhou."

(End of this chapter)

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