The paranoid young master Mu is spreading dog food

Chapter 158 It's done, let's grow old single together?

Chapter 158 Alright, shall we grow old single together?

"Seventeen, you know me so well, I didn't expect you to remember that I like to eat hot pot. You are indeed my best friend!"

That is wearing a slightly curly wig as smooth as seaweed, wearing trendy women's clothes, although there is no makeup on his face

But Bai Xuzhou looks prettier than a girl
While cooking the beef in the bubbling, bubbling hot pot, he smiled happily and praised Su Enyun for a good meal!
"It's fine if you're happy, sister Zhou, as long as you're happy today, I'll accompany you to the end!"

Su Enyun picked up the glass of juice in front of her, and respectfully toasted Bai Xuzhou.

"Yo, you also ordered mushrooms, don't you know that I never eat mushrooms?"

Bai Xuzhou lowered his eyes, looking at a plate of mushrooms among the many dishes on the table.

Immediately, he frowned, and there was some doubt in the eyes that looked at Su Enyun.

"This is not for you, you think too much, Mrs. Zhou, Mu Ze, he likes to eat mushrooms
After we finish eating later, I will boil these mushrooms in clear soup and bring them to him! "

Su Enyun saw that Bai Xuzhou disliked the mushrooms she had prepared for Mu Ze in advance.

Immediately, he reached out to take the plate of mushrooms, took it over and smiled.

When waiting to go back, Mu Ze should be very happy to see that he brought him mushrooms!

"Seventeen, didn't you tell me before that you don't like Mu Ze?

You said that you were forced to live with him by your grandma,

As a last resort, why don't you forget to think of him even when you eat? "

Seeing that Su Enyun was so interested in Mu Ze, Bai Xuzhou's expression froze immediately
Frowning, she stared suspiciously at Su Enyun, who was cooking dishes in the boiling hot pot.

Hearing this, Su Enyun looked at Bai Xuzhou and blinked, with a very sweet smile on her face: "Isn't this obvious? I really smell good!"

"What?" Bai Xuzhou called out, as if he couldn't believe his ears.

Seeing that Bai Xuzhou was teased by his own words, he just froze there.
Su Enyun looked at him with crooked eyebrows, and opened her mouth a little shyly: "Let me tell you, I really didn't like Mu Ze before, but now I... quite like him."

Speaking of this, in Su Enyun's clear eyes

It was lit up for a while, and it was as radiant as a diamond, which made people feel wonderful.

"No way, seventeen, why did you fall in love with someone so easily, and agreed that the two of us will be single until we grow old?"

Seeing Su Enyun, she smiled shyly and admitted that she fell in love with Mu Ze!
Bai Xuzhou was immediately so angry that he didn't know what to say, he had only been abroad for a few months
Su Enyun was Mu Ze, why did that kid get it?

Why is that kid so lucky!

In Bai Xuzhou's heart, Su Enyun is like a fairy, the kind that ordinary people can't get!

But I didn't expect...

Bai Xuzhou sighed angrily, feeling that the world was too hostile to him!
As soon as he returned to China, he was forcibly given dog food by Su Enyun!
"Sister Zhou, who didn't say a few crazy words when you were young, although I can't accompany you to grow old alone

But if I get married, you must be my chief bridesmaid, no best man! "

Su Enyun glanced at the woman who was wearing women's clothes at this time, and Bai Xuzhou glanced at her mouth for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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