Reborn into the careful liver of a paranoid boss

Chapter 978 You don't need to contribute

Chapter 978 You don't need to contribute

To be honest, from the time the child was born to the present, several hours passed before Fu Yehan had time to take a good look at the child, so he didn't know what the child looked like.

I only vaguely remember that Su Shihan's birth was a dragon and a phoenix.

A man and a woman just make up a good word.

It's auspicious, it's a good omen.

Quiet night, silent.

Su Shihan drank the porridge and let the child sleep next to her. Gradually tired, she slowly closed her eyes, and against the exhaustion all over her body, she fell asleep again at some point.

The arrival of the child brought Su Shihan a lot of joy.

Faced with the child's crying, Fu Yehan, who became the child's father, panicked at first and was in a hurry, looking at one side but not the other. Fortunately, after half a month, he slowly got used to it, and it became more effective to take care of the child. Looks good.

The child's daily necessities have been prepared in advance, such as clothes, feeding bottles, diapers, milk powder, etc. are indispensable.

One month, short or not, long or not, just passed by in a flash.

Su Shihan is a novice mother, but when it comes to children, Su Shihan doesn't have a half-knowledge, she doesn't understand at all. During her pregnancy, she read a lot of parenting books, and at this moment, it just happened to come in handy.

In any case, she wouldn't be out of control.

Su Shihan lived a life where honey was mixed with oil, autumn passed and winter came, winter passed and summer passed, unknowingly, when the next autumn came, the child would be one year older.

Babbling children are the most fussy.

Su Shihan's daughter's small face is exquisite, white and clean, her round black grape-like eyes are watery, slowly outlining the sparkling water, her mouth is bright red and small, with a slight pout, so cute.

On weekdays, she is the one who is mischievous and noisy.

It's a ghost.

When meeting people, even if they are unfamiliar strangers, she will open her mouth and smile brightly, her eyebrows and eyes are curved, and her laughter is silvery, which makes people feel good and wants to hold it in the palm of their hands.

Compared to his daughter's mischievousness and fuss, Su Shihan's son is a cruel little man. He usually doesn't have any expression on his small face, his thin lips are stretched, and his brows are cold, and he doesn't like to smile much.

Even when he was young, he first showed Fu Yehan's stern temperament.

His cool and handsome face is very similar to Fu Yehan's, as if carved out of a mold.

Obviously, the dragon and phoenix twins born by Su Shihan moved and remained silent, with completely different personalities.

The child was still young, only one year old, and had not yet learned to walk or speak a complete sentence. Su Shihan carried the two children into the stroller.

"Let's go, Yehan, we're going out." Qiu Gao sent it off, it was a sunny day, Su Shihan and Fu Yehan agreed to go out together to buy milk powder.

The milk powder I bought a while ago was almost finished, so I bought a few more cans for preparation today.

Fu Yehan was dressed neatly, as before, with a serious suit and leather shoes covering his tall and straight figure, his sword eyebrows were heroic, his facial features were cold and his expression was cold and indifferent.

But the moment his deep eyes touched Su Shihan, his cold facial features softened little by little, and the indifference and coldness on his face dissipated little by little like clouds and mist.

A trace of tenderness dyed the corners of his eyes and brows.

"Shihan, you don't need to work hard, I'll come, I'll push, you just need to follow me and keep close to me." Fu Yehan stood beside Su Shihan, shoulder to shoulder with her, he said to Su Shihan with his eyes downcast.

(End of this chapter)

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