Blind date to idol talent show

Chapter 156 Learn to Swim

Chapter 156 Learn to Swim

In the swimming pool, Li Yimu pretended to be afraid and walked down the water step by step, then looked at Nan Xiaoyue and said, "Well, I can't swim!"

Nan Xiaoyue said strangely: "No, why do I remember that you signed up for summer interest classes when you were young!"

"No, no, no, you must have misremembered. I haven't signed up for it. When I was a child, the interest classes were all related to music. How could I come to swim?"

In fact, it was reported. Li Yimu's mother expressed the hope that he would learn to swim, at least he would be able to do something like a dog planer, as long as he can't drown.

But at that time, he was afraid of water, so he came to the first two classes. The first class taught warm-up and basic knowledge on the shore, and the second class taught decomposition movements.

When it was time to go into the water in the third class, Li Yimu didn't go, claiming that learning to swim was a waste of time, and he needed more time to practice piano.

Huaxia-style education pays attention to spreading the net widely and enrolling children in more interest classes. The purpose must be to discover the best side of children's talents. Li Yimu has already developed a strong musical talent, so if you don't go swimming or something, don't go.

My mother didn't reprimand him too much, after all, when the swimming pool opened to recruit students, she said that there was no reason to refund.

Since Nan Xiaoyue doesn't remember this clearly, of course she can't be reminded that this is a dark history.

But now he has come back, it was in the summer sports swimming class in college, he has learned from his classmates, the breaststroke is not very standard.
As for the physical education teachers, they don't teach swimming. It's enough for students to go into the water. If they go into the water 6 times in half a semester, they will be given a passing grade.

In Huaxia, it is said that ice skating is a special event in the physical education class of the northern university, and swimming is a special event in the physical education class of the southern university, but I don't know if this is true, after all, Li Yimu has never gone to college in the north.

Why do you pretend you can't swim now? Of course, there is a small calculation.

Recalling the swimming class in college, I didn't plan to learn it at first. I just stood in the water and supported the railing to pass, but I was dragged by a few bad friends to learn it.

The process of learning to swim is not very wonderful, surrounded by several big men, watching him swim alone.

At the beginning, he couldn't even float on the water, but a few old men helped him float and hold his breath, and then helped him stand up.

Whenever Li Yimu tried to resist and didn't want to learn, he would be threatened and poured water on him collectively. Facing the siege of many people, Li Yimu had no power to fight back, and he had no power to parry at all.

And now pretending that she can't swim, let Nan Xiaoyue help her to float, how wonderful it is!

"Oh, then watch me swim first, and then follow me!" After speaking, Nan Xiaoyue put on her swimming goggles, and started to swim freestyle with a swish.

Li Yimu was dumbfounded, this is different from what he imagined, and why did you teach freestyle?This is really not possible.
After swimming more than ten meters, Nan Xiaoyue turned around and swam back: "Did you see the movement clearly?"

"No, I can see your hands dangling, but you can't see your legs."

"Oh, then you wear swimming goggles to watch my leg movements, will you hold your breath?"

Look at the legs, you can do this, Li Yimu nodded, then pretended to be a beginner, pinched his nose, and sank into the water.

Yes, only beginners pinch their noses and dive into the water because they are afraid of getting water in their noses. In fact, such worries are unnecessary, because the human body structure does not allow water to enter the nose when you hold your breath.

Li Yimu forgot the specifics, anyway, he heard it from a classmate who taught swimming in the university.

As soon as he entered the water on this side, Nan Xiaoyue on the other side started to swim again, his legs kept swinging, looking very relaxed, well, I checked, it was an unlearnable movement.

Then he stopped focusing on the movements and only focused on the legs.

The muscular lines of this leg are really beautiful, unlike the simple and thin girls in many videos, whose thighs and calves are as thick, like chopsticks, without aesthetic feeling, Xiaoyue's legs are better.

"do you understand?"

"The eyes are good, but the legs are not!" Li Yimu replied.

Nan Xiaoyue asked him to hold on to the railing next to him, float up, and then practice kicking.

Ok?Shouldn't you support me when I float?Why did you ask me to hold on to the railing? Yes, I was dragged to the water center before, and there was no railing to support me, so I had to be supported by my friends.

"I can't float!" Li Yimu just wanted to pretend that he couldn't float on the railing, but his body memory made him float directly
"Isn't that good?" Nan Xiaoyue asked in surprise, and then began to focus on supervising his "kicking".

Li Yimu, who was practicing kicking, listened to Nan Xiaoyue: "The purpose of kicking is to keep your body head up and legs down swimming posture, so that you can easily turn your shoulders, head, and breathe!"

While complaining that I can't steal chickens and lose rice, I said I can breaststroke, so it's over, how easy it is, this kick, my legs are sore
I don't know how long he practiced, but Nan Xiaoyue asked him not to hold on to the railing, but stand in the middle of the water to kick his legs.

This made Li Yimu see an opportunity, and immediately said that he could not float without railings, so come over and help me.

Nan Xiaoyue didn't doubt that he was there, so she just stood beside him, holding her abdomen with one hand and her thigh with the other, and slowly watched Li Yimu float up.

"Start kicking!" Nan Xiaoyue ordered.

Li Yimu tried to do the action of holding on to the railing just now, but there is a big problem. When holding on to the railing, you can use the strength of your hands to keep your head on it.

, but in the middle of the water, after losing the leverage of the railings, it is a bit difficult to keep the head above the legs and tilt all by kicking. Anyway, he can't do it now.

So his head kept sinking and tilting. Just when he was about to expose himself and stood up directly, he felt his waist being hugged.

It was Nan Xiaoyue, seeing that Li Yimu's head was going down more and more, thinking that he couldn't swim, she hurriedly wrapped her arms around Li Yimu's waist, and pushed the lower hand up.

Li Yimu also took advantage of the situation and stood up with his strength.
"Am I so strong? Or is he too light?" Nan Xiaoyue couldn't help feeling puzzled, but before she could think about it, she felt Li Yimu hug her tightly.

Li Yimu was still muttering: "It's too scary, it's too scary."

It's not that they haven't hugged before, but they are wearing swimsuits now, and their skin is in direct contact with each other.

At this moment, whether it was Li Yimu who was looking for a reason to hug Nan Xiaoyue, or Nan Xiaoyue who was forced to hug her, they all felt hot, even standing in the water.

Nan Xiaoyue patted him on the back: "Okay, how old is he, don't feel ashamed!"

Li Yimu hugged her and didn't want to let go, of course it wasn't because he was afraid, it was because there were too few opportunities like this, how could he not cherish it.

As soon as she hugged Li Yimu, she couldn't help but let go, and then opened her mouth to kiss Nan Xiaoyue, and Nan Xiaoyue also closed her eyes and waited for the kiss to come.

The female lifeguard on the side of the swimming pool hurriedly turned her head and muttered, "This young man!"

Then, the expected sweet kiss did not happen, because after the two people's faces were pressed together, the bulging swimming goggles touched together, and there was a "boom", which shocked both of them.

Li Yimu said a little awkwardly: "Ah, the tilt of the head is not enough, why don't you take off your glasses and do it again?"

Nan Xiaoyue looked at Li Yimu reproachfully: "There are still people watching over there!"

Li Yimu was stunned: "Then let's have a kiss in the water, I haven't tried it yet, I just watched it on TV!"

After speaking, she grabbed Nan Xiaoyue and was about to squat down, but Nan Xiaoyue slapped her on the arm: "Don't be afraid now? Continue to practice kicking!"


 When kissing normally, it’s enough to keep the nose away and don’t hit it. The master wears swimming goggles, especially the ones that bulge a lot.
  Thanks to the book friend 20210301175500029 for the reward of 100 starting coins.

(End of this chapter)

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