Blind date to idol talent show

Chapter 399 Holding Your Hand and Not Letting Go

Chapter 399 Holding Your Hand and Not Letting Go
To hold a concert in front of hundreds of singers, the program team said that this is for Li Yimu to get used to it in advance, because he will definitely perform on stage for the next Golden Song Award, and there will be more singers and artists off stage, all of whom are well-known , the pressure will not be greater?

In this regard, Li Yimu's feeling is, trust you ghost!
He understood that the reason why the program group seized every opportunity to hold an airborne concert in such a hurry was to stockpile material, because they knew that after New Year's Day, there was a week when Li Yimu had no time because he was going to hold a wedding.

Although Li Yimu's family is huge and he is not responsible for many trivial matters, he still has to be busy, because as we all know, can every talent hold a wedding these days?He and Nan Xiaoyue still have to bring the groomsmen and bridesmaids to work!

This time the airborne concert was relatively poor, because the number of spectators was much smaller. In the previous two times, the crowds were hundreds of people. Now there are only a hundred people, and there are some staff members and so on. , the volume of the noise was not too loud.

What's more, these singers are also tired. They haven't had a long break since queuing up and rehearsing last night, and they just came to a live performance, and they are tired.

So there are many singers who are in a state of being high and not moving when they want to be high, and some may be a bit of an idol burden, sitting still.

The audience in the audience is not strong, they are not happy to sing, and they are not good at playing.

Only Chen Yingte is in a better state, because he used to be a resident singer and understands a truth, no matter what happens in the audience, you have to sing well, because you are chasing your own dreams, you are not only singing for them, Also sing to yourself.

Of course, there is another more realistic reason, that is, if you don’t sing well, your wages will be deducted
It was not until the third song that Li Yimu regained his state when Chen Yingte crazily interacted with him and played.

What's wrong with the audience?It doesn't affect me, isn't it the same if I sing in the bathroom without an audience?No, there is an audience now, Nan Xiaoyue, this "bad woman" always secretly replaces the frosted glass with transparent glass when I am singing happily
Then, a song "Love ing" led a group of ancient singers to learn English, which finally made the atmosphere of the scene exciting. This trip did not sink from beginning to end.

Li Yimu's Muguang band almost encountered Waterloo, but the outside audience didn't know it at this time. They were still discussing the two explosive songs that Li Yimu sang at the [-]th anniversary celebration of e-sports.

Needless to say, "Hundred Battles Become Poems", as soon as the stage version is released, the audience is in a hurry to see what they have missed. In 7 minutes, the amount of information in the lyrics is so large, it is not enough to digest it once. what!
The biggest feature of "The Unknown" is that the chorus is very memorable. A friend said that he was doing something, and this line of lyrics popped up in his mind for no reason, and he couldn't help singing along : "Nobody, who am I?"

This statement was agreed by many people, and he was asked to remove the camera installed in his home, which means that my situation is the same as yours, so I suspect that you are spying on me and so on.

Except for this comment, the following comments are all aspirational, some are determined to pass the postgraduate entrance examination after a while, some are determined to work hard for the college entrance examination, and some want to succeed in the interview.

If these old-fashioned parents see it, they will definitely feel that it has subverted the three views. Can an e-sports celebration also achieve the function of encouraging students?

In their traditional concept, they firmly believe that e-sports is just playing games in a better way, and it is still a matter of killing people.

In fact, competitions on the e-sports stage, like traditional sports events, will make people feel passionate and moved. This passion and emotion can also inspire people to move forward. Some people may say that sports events are for strengthening the body. Are you Hurt!
This is another misunderstanding. All sports, as long as they rise to the level of competitive sports, are all things that hurt the body!
Many old-fashioned people always want to demonize the game, thinking that if the game is banned, the child can study hard, but they don’t know that your child has no self-control. Even if there is no game, he can still watch comics and cartoons, ban animation and TV, Ban TV and novels.

Even if you ban everything around him that has nothing to do with textbooks, he still has imagination, can wander, and can use ten fingers to play finger fights. With just these fingers, he can play for several classes!

Li Yimu was very sad today, because he thought he didn't do a good job on the stage performance. Afterwards, the band also voluntarily admitted his mistake in the replay session, and said that after that, no matter how the audience reacted, he could sing as he wanted. The quality and character that a stage actor should have.

After returning home, he looked depressed. Nan Xiaoyue asked him to lie on her lap, massaged his head, and said, "I don't blame you. The two big stages in front of you are very tense. Such high-intensity No one can stand the continuous performance."

Nan Xiaoyue's words made Li Yimu feel much better, but he was very comfortable at the moment and didn't think about it, so he pretended to be uncomfortable and planned to enjoy it for a while.

After a while, Nan Xiaoyue said, "Okay, I'm going to cook!"

"Together, together!" Li Yimu also stood up and interlocked his fingers with her.

"You're like this, how can I cook with one hand!" Nan Xiaoyue smiled wryly, Li Yimu was in a bad mood now, so she didn't complain, but said it in a tone of pampering him.

"Don't I still have one hand?" Li Yimu stretched out his other hand.

Then the two of them started to cook together. Fortunately, there was no need for troublesome knife skills for dinner. They simply tore some vegetables, pressed one by one and tore the other, and then cooked a bowl of mung bean and millet porridge and it was over.

When eating, Li Yimu still had to hold hands, but this caused a problem. Both of them were right-handed. At this time, Li Yimu could only use his left hand. Although his finger control for playing the piano is stronger than others, but after all Still not as good as the right hand.

Li Yimu simply stopped eating, and opened his mouth wide to let Nan Xiaoyue feed him.

"So, when are you going to wait?" Nan Xiaoyue scooped up a spoonful of rice soup and put it towards his mouth.

"Hold your hand and grow old with you, I will hold you like this and never let go!"

After speaking, Li Yimu took a big mouthful, and drank it contentedly. Before he drank rice soup, he had to add sugar, and he couldn't drink it anymore, but now the rice soup without sugar is so sweet!
"Then what about going to the bathroom?"

"Hold on, I don't despise you for being smelly."

"Huh" Nan Xiaoyue gave him a disdainful look: "Why are you talking about this while eating!"

"It's not the toilet you said first"

"Also!" Nan Xiaoyue put down the spoon to beat him, but Li Yimu hurriedly shook his head to express that he would stop talking.

After a while, Li Yimu answered the question seriously, it is impossible to hold hands forever, it is about love, there must be a time limit on the spiritual level, and on the physical level.

He held hands interlocking with Nan Xiaoyue's fingers, put them on the table, and said with emotion: "When I was young, I really liked to use my two hands to fight with fingers, and I fought for a few classes. Now, I use one hand to grab Interlocking your fingers with one hand is much more fun than that, so you have to grasp it for longer than a few classes, right?"

From that day on, Li Yimu and Nan Xiaoyue invented a couple game. For a period of time, the two of them would hold hands when doing everything at home, and each used the other hand to complete various housework together.

They also gave this game a game name that would be shameful to say it: slime!

 My boss and his wife just play like this at home, and he also named the game, but I’m not exposing it, because he himself said on the live broadcast that I’m just learning from it, so it shouldn’t become a full-time writer.
(End of this chapter)

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