Take the arsenal to Da Ming

Chapter 122 Chaozhou Hemispheric Experiment

Chapter 122 Chaozhou Mansion Hemisphere Experiment ([-])
Seeing that all the main personnel were in place and all the work was almost ready, Tangning didn't delay, let alone talk nonsense, and directly announced the official start of the experiment.

Naturally, Tangning didn't need to do it himself during the experiment, he was mainly in charge of hosting it.

The students who followed the procedure were still the students of Chaozhou College. These students have operated many times in the past ten days, and they are already very proficient.

It's just that because the sphere is bigger, it takes longer. Everyone is looking forward to it. Although they have watched it many times, no one is impatient.

Even knowing that the most exciting link should be the Mara link, but the most exciting link is placed at the end, which can make people look forward to it even more.

Finally, after almost half an hour of preparation, two copper balls about the size of a washbasin were finally joined together, and the tasks of those students were completed.

There are several thick ropes tied to each hemisphere. Six cavalry stepped forward and tied the thick ropes on the two hemispheres to two logs about the thickness of thighs.

Then, six cavalrymen brought six strong war horses, and tied the rope tied to each horse to the log.

In several directions of the crowd of onlookers, several soldiers held paper tubes and began to shout loudly: "For the first time, six horses, three on each side."

Hearing these shouts, the originally calm crowd immediately became agitated.

"Six horses as soon as they come up? Can't the six horses pull away?"

"It should be, it's really incredible."

"It's about to start, it's about to start..."

The six cavalry were separated to two sides, three on each side, and the three horses on each side stood side by side, running in opposite directions.

The cavalry turned on their horses, and when they were ready, they immediately whipped the horses and began to use the horses to tug of war.

"Papa..." The whip whipped the horses, and the six war horses neighed, and immediately kicked forward and galloped forward.

However, the horse's body that had just advanced a few steps was suddenly reined in, the rein behind was stretched straight, and the copper ball on the ground was suddenly pulled up and floated in the air.

"Papa..." The cavalryman continued to wave his whip, and lashed at the horse.

"Baby, baby..."

The war horse neighed non-stop, and rushed forward with all its strength, both front hooves were raised high due to excessive force.

But the copper ball was unmoved at all, without any intention of separating.

The crowd of onlookers had already boiled, all kinds of voices kept shouting, and they were shocked to see that the horses had obviously exhausted their whole body strength.

"How is this possible? The horse is so tired that it still can't be pulled away."

"Yeah, I can't figure it out at all. What's going on? There are six horses. Why can't they pull a small ball?"

"That's right, it only takes five horses to divide a human body into five horses, and these six horses can't do anything to such a copper ball."

Not only are these onlookers inconceivable, even those foreigners who have drank foreign ink, including Wannu Bugalao and Claudia, all showed shocked expressions, stood up involuntarily, thinking To see more clearly.

"Oh my God, is this the power given by the Lord?"

"My God, this is just unbelievable."

"Oh, sorry, I can't understand, can't understand..."

"Oh my God, those poor horses are dying."

Tang Ning raised her hand to signal, and the soldiers who sent the order waved the command flag immediately. When the cavalry saw it, they reined in and stopped the six horses.

In fact, the six war horses basically didn't move much, they just kept exerting their strength on the spot, but they couldn't rush out at all.

The six poor horses were taken down to rest, and eight new horses were quickly brought in, four on each side.

"Wow, two more horses have been added, so it should be able to pull away now."

"It's really hard to say now, I don't think it's that simple."

"That's eight war horses, how powerful are those..."

"Master Tang has prepared twenty war horses. Now someone says that we need twenty war horses. I believe it. Let's just wait patiently. Master Tang will always let us see all kinds of miraculous things."

After tying the ropes, the eight cavalry quickly got on their horses, gave an order, and began to whip the horses.

"Clap clap clap..."

"Baby, baby..."

The whip continued, the horse neighed, and the eight cavalry urged the horse one after another. The horse strenuously moved forward, but they couldn't take a step forward.

The onlookers were all anxious for the war horses, shouting loudly to cheer them up.

The war horses also seemed to have sensed people's encouragement to them, and their four hooves exerted more and more force, so that the ground was dusty and a layer of ground was scraped off.

He was so tired that he was out of breath and his nose kept ringing, but he still stopped in place.

If war horses could talk, they would definitely say: "Don't smoke anymore, try your best, really try your best, really can't run, can't move."

"You human beings must be sick. You tied me up tightly, but urged me to run away."

"If you have the ability to untie the rope, I promise to let you fly."

Seeing that the horses were already salivating from exhaustion, Tangning waved her hand to stop.

With the waving of the command flag, the eight cavalry immediately stopped their movements, reined in the reins, and calmed down the horses.

This also shows that even if eight war horses are dispatched, it will end in failure.

There are a total of 20 war horses, and now [-] of them have been used, and there are only six unused war horses.

There was no other choice but to bring out the first batch of six horses again to form twelve war horses, which were evenly distributed to both sides.

During the tethering of the horses, the crowd's chatter began again.

"It's unbelievable, it's unbelievable. Eight horses have not moved at all. Is it really necessary to use twenty horses? Now there are twelve horses."

"If news of today's incident spreads, our Chaozhou government will probably be known to the whole world, and the whole Ming Dynasty will be famous, right? And those foreign barbarians, maybe they will also spread the news to their countries..."

"It was so rewarding to witness such an amazing scene with my own eyes."

"Look, the twelve horses are tied up, and we're about to start."

"Let's see if we can succeed this time."

Following Tangning's order, the messenger quickly waved the flag.

Twelve cavalrymen raised their whips and urged their horses at the same time, the whips crackled and the horses neighed.

The twelve war horses galloped at the same time, and the whole earth trembled.

"Come on, hurry up, it should be driving fast." The onlookers involuntarily cheered up the horses, wishing they could step forward to help them.

However, the copper ball was still quietly floating in mid-air, even though the twelve war horses tried their best to pull it, there was still no intention of separating it.

Without an order to stop, the cavalry could only continue to urge the horses. The horses could only move forward desperately again and again, but they could only use force in place. The biggest result was to dig the ground into dust.

This is really a painful torment for the war horse.

He obviously wanted to gallop freely, but was pulled tightly by a huge force. He was so tired that he was drooling, panting like a cow, and couldn't move an inch.

(End of this chapter)

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