Take the arsenal to Da Ming

Chapter 145 Signal Bomb

Chapter 145 Signal Bomb

The new army in Nan'ao was not idle. After Ye Dacheng heard the news, he was angry and immediately acted. He first sent his confidants to the Chaozhou government for help.

In order to prevent the news from leaking, he specifically confessed that he could only tell Song Yunshu the news.

Afterwards, he sent a company to support Song Yunwan, while he himself led the main force of the Nan'ao navy to the east of Nan'ao.

Because in his mind, since Zheng Zhilong hijacked his lord, if he wanted to leave Nan'ao, he had to go by water.

There are already many people on land, and there will be continuous reinforcements. As long as they are on Nan'ao Island, they are not afraid of running away.

However, once they hijack Mr. Tang to the sea, it will be troublesome, so the deployment of surface forces must be accelerated.

Ye Dacheng was very confused, he didn't know if he would arrive in time, what if the worst happened and your lord was hijacked to Fujian by Zheng Zhilong?
He wasn't afraid to go to war with Zheng Zhilong, but his family was hijacked and his life was still in Zheng Zhilong's hands, which made him very embarrassed, so he was very upset.

Song Yunwan's mood was even worse. She was mainly responsible for protecting Tangning's safety. Now that Tangning was kidnapped under her protection, she naturally had an unshirkable responsibility.

She had already found the tunnel in the evening, she took people down and walked for almost an hour before coming out.

Naturally, there was no one in the tunnel, which was expected by her, and she continued to lead people along the way to find clues to follow.

Those people left in a hurry, and there was no time to erase the traces left behind.

However, Song Yunwan found traces in several directions. Obviously those people also knew that they would leave traces for tracking, so they simply created all kinds of false appearances to confuse them.

This really brought a lot of trouble to Song Yunwan, she could only divide her troops and search towards the sea from the exit of the tunnel, and she herself led the way.

In fact, the flames that Tangning saw before boarding the boat were from Song Yunwan's team, and they were also the closest team to Tangning.

But it was still a bit far away, so in the end, they missed Tang Ning.

Tangning, who was alone on the boat, was still trying to save himself. He fired two flares in a row, illuminating the sky and himself, making himself more conspicuous.

Tangning didn't care too much. He had to adjust his direction from time to time so that he wouldn't go off track. It would be troublesome if he got farther and farther away from Nan'ao.

Tang Ning estimated that he should not be very far from the coastline, about ten miles away, because he was about half an hour away from the shore before he started.

Although it was only about ten miles away, Tangning felt that if she wanted to land, it would take at least twice as long, because the speed was much slower now.

Tangning is now a little torn between whether to find a way to increase the speed of the ship, or continue to reload.

After thinking about it for a while while reloading, Tangning decided to continue reloading, because reloading was completely under his control, but he was not at all sure about adjusting the speed of the ship. It would be embarrassing if it slowed down.

After loading a few magazines, Tangning took a look at the distance from the enemy ships to her and pulled them closer. Some of the small boats had already surpassed the big ones.

Tang Ning roughly counted, there were at least dozens of small boats. This is what he saw now, and there may be more that he didn't see. His expression suddenly became more serious.

Tangning took out the flare gun and fired two flares.

Right now, Tang Ning had no other options. First, make sure her heading was heading towards the coast of South Australia, then keep loading the magazines, and then fire the signal flare after a while.

As for the enemy ships getting closer, it was out of his control.

As time went on, Tangning got closer and closer to the coastline, and the enemy ships got closer and closer to him.

Tangning fired a flare, then picked up the binoculars to look at it, and calculated again, knowing that the nearest enemy ship was less than two kilometers away.

The coastline couldn't be seen through the binoculars, which meant that it was basically an extravagant hope to reach the shore before the enemy caught up. Tangning could only prepare to fight alone.

After the enemy ship approached to a distance of about 800 meters, Tangning put down the newly loaded magazine and came to a machine gun.

MG42 set up a tripod, and Tang Ning aimed in a kneeling position. The hull of the ship rose and fell with the waves, making aiming much more difficult.

"嗤嗤..." A tear-like voice roared, and the dense bullets shone like a meteor ship, cutting through the sky and flying towards the target.

Tangning knew that her first burst shot missed the target, so she quickly adjusted and fired again.

Still missing, Tangning became a little angry, so he stopped firing and held down the trigger, "Chi Chi..." The machine gun roared wildly, and the muzzle of the gun kept adjusting under Tangning's control.

Finally hit, the ship's direction slowly deviated.

But Tang Ning knew that with the MG42's firepower, it was very difficult to sink the ship, and the main thing was to kill and injure the enemy personnel.

Since machine guns were not so easy to hit at this distance, Tangning would not use anti-aircraft guns lightly, and he wanted to save those loaded magazines.

Because after the enemy is close, he will not be given time to reload the magazine.

"Chi Chi..." There was no need to save the machine gun bullets at this time, and there was also a lot of ammunition chains to squander.

Shooting at such a high speed, the barrel turned red in no time. There were a few spare barrels next to Tangning, and he immediately replaced them with a new one.

In addition to shooting, he did not forget to take the time to adjust the course and fire signal flares.

Facts proved that Tangning's persistence was effective. Song Yunwan, who was about to go crazy, was suddenly stopped by a soldier.

"Captain Song, look quickly."

Song Yunwan turned her head, followed the direction the soldier pointed, and saw a bright light slowly falling from the sky and into the sea in the distance.

Then, another ball of bright light lifted into the sky.

"Flare, it's a flare." Song Yunwan's lips trembled with excitement, because only the new army had flares.

She took out the binoculars to observe for a while, and vaguely saw a small boat.

Although I'm not sure if it was Tangning who launched it or whether it was launched by our own scout ship, it's better to have news than no news, and I'm afraid there will be no news at all.

Song Yunwan immediately ordered: "Go and bring the boat here."

Before, when Song Yunwan was looking for someone, she also collected two boats for emergencies, and now they are ready to be used.

While giving the order, she quickly rushed towards the coast closest to where the signal flare was fired, and the soldiers behind her immediately divided into two teams, one team went to sail, and the other team followed her footsteps.

Not long after arriving at the coast, Song Yunwan saw the flares go up into the air again, and they fired twice in a row.

Finally, two bird boats approached, and Song Yunwan immediately asked, "Which one is faster?"

"Battalion Commander Song, this one." The soldier on the smaller boat replied.

Song Yunwan immediately said: "Bring more grenades, submachine guns for those that can be replaced with submachine guns, and machine guns."

Everyone immediately acted according to the order.

Song Yunwan turned around and gave orders to Company Commander Yang: "Commander Yang, I'll take someone there first. You send someone to continue looking for the boat, and then come to support us."

"Yes." Company Commander Yang responded immediately.

Song Yunwan flicked her body, jumped onto the smaller bird boat, and shouted: "Let's go..."

The two ships, one in front of the other, quickly rushed towards the direction where the previous signal flare was lit.

(End of this chapter)

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