Take the arsenal to Da Ming

Chapter 267 Large-scale Northern Expedition

Chapter 267 Large-scale Northern Expedition ([-])

Guangxi wolf soldiers are very powerful, but their military discipline is not very good. It took a little trouble to recruit wolf soldiers this time, but they also borrowed nearly [-] troops from several big chieftains.

Tangning also sent someone to send them a total of one million taels of silver, and was allowed to go to Guangxi to recruit recruits.

Guangxi soldiers are definitely one of the best sources of soldiers. Naturally, Tangning also wanted to dig out some high-quality recruits from here.

As for the poor military discipline, this is what the local chieftain is used to, and he pays more attention to the toughness of the local people.

As for the issue of military discipline, it is not a big problem at all to put it in the new army barracks to practice well, and then use military discipline to restrain it.

After all, the army's military discipline is corrupt, and it is not born.

At the same time, when the white pole soldiers and wolf soldiers were heading towards Yingtianfu, two huge fleets also sailed from Guangdong and Fujian towards Yingtianfu.

Tangning mobilized another 15 reorganized Dashun troops from Hao Yongzhong's and Liu Tiren's troops, as well as [-] reorganized former Ming general Fang Guo'an, and a combined [-] troops into Wuchang Mansion, and then crossed the river north to attack Huangzhou Mansion.

While Wu Liuqi took out a regiment of new troops to supervise the battle, he also tried his best to maintain contact with the front.

Tang Ning then sent the reorganized Dashun Army Liu Fangliang's Department, Li Laiheng's Department 12, and the former Daming General's Army Wang Ren's Department [-], a total of [-] troops went northward to Yangzhou Prefecture through Zhenjiang Prefecture, and then continued northward, targeting Shandong.

At that time, the strength of the Ming army crossing the river to the north was nearly 60, and it was divided into three groups.

Among them, the elite of the new army led by Shi Lang and Huang Hairu and Li Guo and Gao Yigong of the Dashun Army are the main ones in the middle, with the most abundant and strongest troops.

At this time, there were successive battles with more than [-] troops of the Qing army in the west and northwest of Nanzhili, which also held back the elite of the Duoduo tribe.

On the west road, Hao Yongzhong and Liu Tiren's former Dashun Army led the way. The main goal was to capture the northern part of Huguang and then enter Henan and Shanxi.

The East Road is led by Liu Fangliang and Li Laiheng's troops, and the target is Shandong.

If it goes well, these two armies from east and west can directly threaten Beizhili, which is the ruling core of the Qing court.

Why did Tangning dare to send these troops who were defeated by the Qing army half a year ago and were driven all the way south of the Yangtze River to the north, and set such an ambitious goal for them?

You must know that Li Zicheng's million-strong army was not an opponent of the Qing army at the time. He was beaten all the way and fled in embarrassment, losing the country he had already grasped.

Is it unwise to use these defeated troops now?

In fact, this is not the case. This is the result of joint consultation between Tang Ning and the staff.

The reason is simple, today is different.

At the beginning, the Qing army gathered the elite of the Qing army, and joined forces with Wu Sangui, Shang Kexi, Kong Youde, Geng Zhongming and other large numbers of surrendered troops to pursue and fight fiercely.

Due to the disparity in the quality of soldiers and other aspects, it is normal for the Dashun Army to lose.

But now, Azig has suffered a disastrous defeat, and the elite has lost a lot.

Wu Sangui, Shang Kexi, and even a part of the Mongolian army who had followed the Qing army to besiege the Dashun army all joined the new army, and at this time they held back Duduo's elite troops in Nanzhili.

Although the northern part of Huguang, Henan, Shandong, and even Shaanxi were occupied by the Qing army, due to limited troops, the defense was relatively empty.

Many places were even ruled by temporary troops independently recruited by surrenders appointed by the Qing army.

The reason for this is that the Qing court occupied these places for too short a time.

The opponents of the Dashun Army, the Daxi Army, and the Xin Army were not eliminated, and they did not have the time, energy, and sufficient troops to strengthen the defense of these places.

If Tang Ning hadn't sent troops to the Northern Expedition, the Qing government's rule in these places would not have had much impact.

Because those who dared to resist have been almost wiped out, or have been driven to the south of the Yangtze River, and there is no force that can threaten their rule.

It was precisely because of these reasons that Tang Ning did not agree with the Qing court to rule the river, even if it was a temporary delay, because he and the staff felt that the Qing court needed more time.

If they were given enough time, the defense of these areas would definitely be strengthened when the Qing court freed up their hands. If they wanted to capture them at that time, the cost and effort would be too great.

Sure enough, Huangzhou Mansion, the first stop of the team crossing the river, was occupied very smoothly. There were only 4000 to [-] defenders, of which less than [-] were full of the Eight Banners.

In order to give these troops greater confidence, Tangning specially equipped them with two German artillery pieces, one 88mm anti-aircraft gun and one 105mm howitzer.

Of course, these two cannons are in the hands of the new army accompanying the army, and they are only used at critical moments. If you encounter a little trouble in normal times, you can use the equipped red cannons to solve it.

After occupying Huangzhou Mansion, they successively went to Hanyang Mansion, Chengtian Mansion, De'an Mansion, and Jingzhou Mansion.

Except for Fucheng, most of these places don’t even have a real Manchu Banner. They are governed by Han officials who surrendered. When they heard that the new army was coming, they either surrendered immediately or fled.

Along the way, they didn't even encounter a few decent battles.

The results of the Eastern Route Army were also good. They first occupied Huai'an Mansion, then Xuzhou Mansion, and then entered Shandong to capture Yanzhou Mansion.

When Duoduo heard about the success of Tangning's West Route Army and East Route Army, he was horrified.

However, he did not dare to easily draw troops to support.If Kong Youde, Geng Zhongming or even the troops from the four towns of Jiangbei were sent there, he would really be worried.

Once these people are out of their control, who knows what they will do, if they directly raise the flag to surrender to the new army, it will really be sent directly to the new army for annexation.

He would also be worried if he dispatched all Eight Banners elites to block the attack, because there are so many surrendered troops here, and enough force is needed to deter them.

Otherwise, it is not impossible for these people not only to surrender to the new army, but also to directly attack him, Duoduo, and kill him to claim credit.

In desperation, Duoduo had to report the situation to the capital urgently.

In fact, after Duoduo sent out the message for help, several rescue messages have been sent in Huguang, Shandong and other places.

After Dorgon received the rescue information and reported it to the court, all the ministers were shocked. They didn't expect Tangning to make such a big move not long after the negotiating envoy returned.

But things have happened, and countermeasures must be found as soon as possible.

"The Han army is really untrustworthy. In Henan, Shaanxi, Shandong and other places, most of the Han troops or Han officials stayed behind. This time the bandit army is making a large-scale invasion of the north. If elite support is not sent, Henan, Shaanxi, Shandong and other places may not be able to survive. what."

"To put it lightly, my Eight Banners Army already has four banners outside. If we want to block the enemy's east and west armies, we must send out at least two elite main forces."

"If two more banners are sent out, there will be only two banners left around the capital. There are many Han troops in Shanxi, so who can guarantee that they won't take advantage of the emptiness of the capital's defense?"

"Then transfer the people from Shanxi General Soldier Jiang Yu out as well..."

For the first time, the Qing court encountered the biggest problem since Nurhachi raised troops: defense.

After Nurhachi became powerful, he has been on the offensive side almost all the time, giving full play to the riding and shooting ability of the nomads, and he doesn't care about the gains and losses of a city or a place.

Defense is something that the Ming army needs to consider, so the Qing army has a very high degree of combat freedom.

But now, after taking over the Central Plains, they are occupying and ruling a vast area.

We must try our best to keep Shaanxi, Henan, and Shandong, so as to defend the defense of the capital and maintain their rule.

So they also had to start to care about the gains and losses of one city and one place, and the situation has undergone tremendous changes.

(End of this chapter)

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