Chapter 294

The matter of moving the capital to the capital went very smoothly, and Ying Tianfu became the accompanying capital again.

After the relocation of the capital is completed, the most important thing is to deal with internal affairs.

After the Qing army withdrew from the pass, it left a big mess, especially in the Jiangbei area, where there were 70 million surrendered troops alone.

Among them, of course, the original four towns in Jiangbei were the main ones, with 40 to [-] people. Then after Emperor Hongguang's brief restoration, some people pulled up a team and supported the scene for Emperor Hongguang.

However, following the death of Emperor Hongguang and the retreat of the Qing army outside the pass, these people were abandoned by the Qing court at Tangning's request.

For a while, without the need for the new army to conquer, these mobs began to coax among themselves, and in order to save their lives, they took the initiative to attack their own generals one by one.

Liu Zeqing was directly dismembered by his subordinates, and his head was sent to Huang Hairu.

Li Chengdong and Liu Liangzuo were all captured alive and taken to the new army's tent. There were also rebel generals of all sizes, more than a hundred in total, and almost all of them were executed.

As for the various 70 million surrendered troops, the new army immediately shrunk and reorganized. A rough selection of 40 troops was organized into four armies with a total of 36 divisions.

After the purge of the rebels is completed, the civil servants and generals who surrendered will be liquidated, and more than a thousand people have been arrested.

Now that the Qing court has been kicked out, there is much less scruples about these traitors. More than [-] people have been liquidated and punished, and most of them were killed and exiled.

Tang Ning also took advantage of the trend and began to implement the constitutional monarchy practiced in the south to the north. The officials and gentry in the north were already panicked, and few dared to stand up to oppose it, nor did they have the strength.

The northern provinces and Beizhili are also eligible to elect personnel to the Senate and the House of Representatives, making the system more perfect.

Until then, Daming was truly reborn, and everything was developing in a good direction.

When the Ming Dynasty was rectifying and cleaning up, the Qing court in Liaodong was not idle. They also had to hold some people accountable. It was because of their incompetence and failure that the Qing Dynasty fell into such a state.

The one who bears the brunt is naturally Hauge, and it is precisely because of his fiasco that the irreparable ending has been brought about.

What is even more unforgivable is that, as the eldest son of the former Emperor Taiji, after being trapped by the enemy, he was captured alive and watched tens of thousands of elites surrender in front of his eyes, which is a disgrace to the Qing Dynasty.

Of course, there is another important reason, that is, the gap between him and Dorgon, they don't like each other, and they can't wait to kill each other.

Now that Hauge has made such a big mistake, Dorgon naturally has enough excuses and reasons to attack Hauge.

By the way, swallow up the strength in his hands, so as to strengthen his own strength, in order to consolidate his own power, after all, he also lost a lot of Dorgon's strength.

Hauge was directly imprisoned for the crime and was deprived of the title of prince. The already weakened Qing Dynasty needed a capable person to bring them back to glory.

And Dorgon is a better candidate, so everyone doesn't have much objection to punishing Hauge for his personal felony.

The reason why it is said that it was a heavy punishment for personal reasons is that Dorgon's punishment for his brother Azig was much lighter, he was only demoted, and then fined some salary.

Although it is considered a bit heavy, compared with Hauge, it is too far behind.

Speaking of the sharp decline of the Qing Dynasty, it actually started from Azig.

Had it not been for Azig's disastrous defeat in the Battle of Lishui and the loss of Ying Tianfu, the subsequent series of vicious events would not have occurred.

Azig was also captured alive, and the elite lost even more than Hauge.

Besides, Hauge didn't lose Shengjing, it's just that Hauge failed to get it back.

Based on the situation at the time, I am afraid that if anyone came over, it would not be able to change the final outcome.

It's just that Hauge chose to surrender, and if he were replaced by a more powerful person, he might fight to the death, that's all.

In fact, Hauge's choice to surrender is also related to his character.

In the official history, Dodo once said that Hauge was weak in character in front of Hauge, and even told him directly that when he was fighting for the throne, the original Prince Zheng Jierhalang proposed to make Hauge emperor at first.

But seeing his weak personality, he might not be able to convince the public at this critical moment, so he stopped being so persistent.

At that time, when Hauge and Dorgon were vying for the throne, Prince Zheng Jierhalang had an important say. If he called to support Hauge, Hauge might not be able to ascend the throne.

However, his own character was not tenacious enough, which disappointed the supporting forces and missed the opportunity.

It's the same this time, after being imprisoned for various crimes listed by Dorgon, he didn't resist too much, and seemed to accept his fate directly.

Of course, it is impossible for Dorgon to settle accounts with Hauge alone, otherwise he would not be able to convince the crowd. The defenders who stationed in Shengjing City and survived in the end were all punished to varying degrees.

At this time, a major event that directly determined the fate of the entire Qing court occurred.

Maybe it was lax supervision, maybe it was because he didn't believe that Hauge dared to escape. In the middle of the night on August [-], Dorgon, who had just fallen asleep, received an urgent report that the prison where Hauge was held was robbed and Hauge disappeared.

Dorgon was shocked, and immediately sent a large number of Qing troops to search the city, but Hauge seemed to have evaporated in the world, and there was no news of it.

It wasn't until a copy of "Ming Pao" reached Shengjing many days later that they learned that Hauge had left the city and joined Tangning.

The reason why Hauge was able to escape from the tightly controlled city of Shengjing was not by accident or luck. It was because Tangning had secretly left behind for him before leaving Shengjing.

After Hauge was captured, Tangning personally persuaded Hauge to surrender and promised to help him to the top, but she didn't listen.

Afterwards, Daming signed a peace treaty with the Qing court, and Tangning also took the initiative to tell Hauge the content of the peace treaty.

He also asserted that after Dorgon returned to Shengjing, he would definitely settle accounts with Hauge as soon as possible, and that Hauge would be imprisoned first and then killed.

When Tang Ning was in Shengjing, he secretly sent someone to build a secret road in Shengjing, leading to the moat.

Before leaving, Tangning told Hauge about the secret passage, and told him that once Dorgon came back as Tangning expected, he would liquidate Hauge, hoping that he could seize this last chance.

As long as he, Hauge, can escape from the prison and come to the place where the secret passage is, someone will assist him to leave the city successfully.

Many people in the Two Yellow Banners support Hauge, and he also has many cronies. After some operations, it is not difficult to escape from prison, but the difficulty lies in escaping from the city.

From Dorgon's point of view, he wished that Hauge could escape from prison, because in that case, he would be absconding in fear of crime, and the crime would be aggravated, and it would be easier to kill him.

Hauge wasn't stupid either. Although he didn't accept Tangning's suggestion, it didn't mean he didn't listen to it. This can be seen from the fact that he didn't disclose the existence of the secret passage to anyone immediately.

So before he was arrested, he also worked secretly, and placed his own people in the Shengjing prison in advance, so that he could help him when necessary.

As expected, Dorgon was the first to liquidate Hauge as soon as he came back, and a prince said he would go to prison and he went to prison.

Haug didn't know if Dorgon would kill himself in prison as Tangning guessed, but he didn't dare to bet.

After all, Tangning's predictions were extremely accurate many times, and he knew very well in his heart that Dorgon definitely wanted to kill him.

So, after struggling in prison for a few days, I finally made up my mind to escape from prison.

(End of this chapter)

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