Chapter 137 Retribution
He Wanxiu, who was cooking at home, heard a knock on the door. Looking through the cat's eyes, she found that it was the police.
Opening the door nervously, I heard a thunderbolt.

My daughter is suspected of deliberately buying a murderer, and now needs to be taken to the police station for investigation.And the target of the murder was...Zhuo Zimin!

"Impossible! My daughter is young and kind-hearted, she would never do such a thing, and she has no money to do such a thing. The police and you must have made a mistake, a mistake."

"Ma'am, we came to arrest people only after we had definite evidence. Please don't hinder us from enforcing the law."

Bai Rouman, who had already been frightened to the side, yelled in horror until she was handcuffed, "Mom, save me, mom, save me, mom, you must save me, mom..."

One sound at a time, each sound pierced He Wanxiu's heart like a knife.

She pounced on her daughter and tried to release her from the handcuffs, but was stopped by one of the policemen.

It wasn't until her daughter was taken away that He Wanxiu collapsed on the ground, her mind was full of her daughter's panicked and tearful face when she was taken away.

The neighbors outside the door all looked over and asked what was going on.

It was only recently that everyone found out that this woman, He Wanxiu, was actually a mistress!Her husband, whom she hasn't seen each other for several months, is her benefactor, and he is also a phoenix man. He spends his original wife's money to raise his mistress' illegitimate child.

Thinking of how I used to envy her for not having to work, envy her man willing to spend money on her, envy her wearing famous brands, wearing jewelry, and eating delicacies from mountains and seas, I really hate to slap myself twice, this kind of shameless Women, what a fart to envy!

At this time, a few neighbors who had been listening to the police when they saw the police knocking on the door of He Wanxiu's house came out to explain, "Her daughter asked someone to kill the family's ex-wife, and that person was arrested. Confessed her daughter."

"You can't be so shameless. Her mother meddles in other people's marriages and enjoys herself happily with the money from the original spouse. How can she have the face to kill the original spouse?!"

"Face? Hmph! For Xiaosan, what kind of face do you want? Is face important if you have money? Think about it, after all these years, does her daughter know what her mother does? I don't know how her so-called father got back. Things? If you know it, you can take it for granted. There is no guilt list or shame. I heard from my child that she often shows off in front of her classmates and friends what her father bought her. Tsk tsk, this is really the same. Family history!"

"Oh, you even learned to use idioms! Did you learn it from your kid again?!"


"Don't talk about this, let's think about our own safety first. Are you not afraid of being neighbors with murderers? Don't stab us with a knife whenever she is unhappy! No, we have to find the property to respond. respond to the question."

"Yes, this woman can't be allowed to live here! Otherwise, I wouldn't dare to let our child go out!"


He Wanxiu's eyes were reddened by the sentence of the murderer, and she shouted at those people, "My daughter is useless to kill people! You are slandering people!"

The neighbor curled his lips, "If your daughter didn't kill someone. The police are too full to arrest others, so they will arrest your daughter?"

"That's right! Your daughter is so young and vicious, she dared to kill someone!"

"Like a mother, there must be a daughter. A mother is shameless, and a daughter is even worse. Not only is she shameless, she is also vicious!"

He Wanxiu couldn't bear it anymore, and scratched at the face of the front neighbor.

"Ouch, I'll go!" The neighbor's fat aunt was suddenly scratched by He Wanxiu, and she reacted with embarrassment and anger.

Aunt Fat is as her name suggests, tall and fat. After realizing it, she stretched out her hand to hold He Wanxiu's head. He pulled He Wanxiu's hair to the side.The other hand kept greeting He Wanxiu's body, and kept yelling and cursing.

"You shameless vixen, not to mention the man who seduced others, that disgusting thing you gave birth to dares to kill the original wife! Did I say she committed a murder by mistake? You still deny it when the police came to arrest her You shameless things are only allowed to do it, we are not allowed to talk about it!"

"Damn! I feel disgusted to live on the same floor as you! You usually pretend to be a rich lady, but you are actually a slut inside! You are ashamed to show off in front of us by spending the original wife's money! You sold yourself to earn money! You still feel honored, don't you! You have no shame!"

"It doesn't count if someone else's family is broken up, but you still dare to harm someone! Do you think you can take over after the death of the original spouse? You dare to beat me, I will kill you, you disgusting bastard! I tell you not to Face! Let you be a vixen! Let you harm people!"

The fat aunt beat and scolded, and cried after scolding.The neighbors next to him also reflected it, and stepped forward to fight.

Everyone knew why Aunt Fat was like this, and Aunt Fat's daughter's marriage was also interfered with.

The mistress not only took advantage of the fat aunt's daughter to make provocative phone calls, but also asked gangsters to call in the middle of the night to scare the fat aunt's daughter, which eventually caused her daughter to miscarry.The fat aunt came to the door and wanted to teach Xiaosan a lesson, but the Xiaosan called her son-in-law, and also called 110. Not only was the fat aunt pushed by her son-in-law, she was also taken back to educate her by the police who rushed over. , and finally lost some money to Xiaosan.

Fat Auntie is a warm-hearted person, and usually she loves to help out if anyone in the neighbors has something to do.Now everyone looks at the fat aunt who is bursting into tears, and they feel a little sad. Women are more disgusted with people like mistresses and vixens, not to mention that people's hearts are inherently biased. I have a good neighbor, who do I help?This is simply not something to think about.

So, the neighbors who came up to fight put their hands on their hands, pulled their legs, and they suppressed all of He Wanxiu's resistance, making it easier for the fat aunt to do it.

He Wanxiu was left on the ground after being beaten, but none of the neighbors came to see her. They were busy comforting the fat aunt and making her feel at ease, saying that this vixen would be punished sooner or later, and that This vixen also has a daughter, and her daughter will definitely meet a vixen like her in the future.

He Wanxiu lying on the ground was full of despair, wondering if this was her retribution for destroying other people's marriages.Now that I have lost my money and my reputation, I have also implicated my sons and daughters, and my daughter even harmed others for this, and may face prison in the future.

Hearing them say that her daughter will also be meddled by a vixen in the future, her body trembled, and boundless fear filled her heart.When she was a mistress herself, she didn't think there was anything wrong with it, she just thought that women were incapable and couldn't win over her husband, but if her daughter would be involved by a mistress in the future, she would feel cold hands and feet, dense fear welling up in her heart.

At this time, Bai Rouman, who was taken to the police station, was also full of despair.

(End of this chapter)

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