run with space

Chapter 342 The Dead

Chapter 342 The Dead
After hearing what Ximen Leng said, Wen Xin nodded, this method is the best method now.

Wei An disagreed a little in his heart. If they researched the cure for the plague, they didn't know how much time would be wasted and how many people would die.

Before Wei An could object, Wen Xin stood up and happily made a decision.

"Just do what Ximen Leng said, and start researching the medicine to cure the plague now." Wen Xin believed that as long as they were given enough time, they would be able to research the medicine.

In the past, those doctors did not develop a cure for the plague because the plague spread so fast that they had no time to study it, but now it was different, they had enough time.

In the mountain village thousands of miles away from Chunyang City, the trees and branches are green, the river is clear and transparent, and the village is quiet. It is already noon, and there is no light smoke rising from the whole village. It is because the people in the whole village are dead. Died of the plague.

Shang Hanlian was covered with a black veil, a thick cloak covered her whole body, and a wide hat hid her veiled face in the shadows. Behind her stood a man and a woman. If Wen Xin was here, she would be able to Recognized, these two people are the dead Wang Yu and Yan'er.

At this time, Wang Yu and Yan'er's faces were pale, their eyes were empty and lifeless, and they were staring at the direction where Shang Hanlian was, without any focus.

Shang Hanlian looked in the direction where Chunyang City was located, as if she saw the dead bodies in Chunyang City through the mountains, turning it into a beautiful scene of a dead city.

The corners of the mouth hidden under the veil raised happily, and the hand also covered with black veil slowly lifted up, touching his bumpy face, Shang Hanlian's eyes were full of monstrous hatred, that bitch owed her, she owed her all They will all get back one by one, and it will be with interest.

Shang Hanlian turned her head to look at Wang Yu and Yan'er. "You two go to poison the river in Chunyang City, and I want it to become a dead city immediately." Before the two of them could answer, a puff of black smoke rose from her body, and then she disappeared into the original place very strangely. land.

After Shang Hanlian disappeared, the two puppet-like people mechanically turned their heads and looked at each other before heading towards Chunyang City.

All the imperial physicians sent by Shangguanxuan lived in the city lord's mansion. They were ready to die after receiving the order in Beijing. Each of them explained their affairs clearly before leaving. It's not that they didn't want to escape, but the world It's so big where they can escape, not to mention that the emperor has issued a secret order, if they escape, not only will they die, but even their family members will suffer from skinning.

Along the way, they also figured it out. Anyway, they are going to die anyway. It is better to die in Chunyang City. At least the history books still remember their strong strokes. They sacrificed their lives for the country, and their families will feel honored when they die.

When they came here, they had a lot of images of Chunyang City in their minds. There were corpses lying everywhere on both sides of the street.

But from the moment they entered the city, they saw everything in order. The patrolling soldiers walked on both sides of the street with stern faces. Although they looked tired, they still watched everyone carefully with wide eyes. For flushing symptoms, they will immediately take isolation measures, and the division of labor is orderly without panic.

What surprised them the most was the attitude of the soldiers of Chunyang City towards the plague. Although they were afraid, none of them left their posts without permission. Even if their legs trembled due to fear, everyone stuck to their posts and did not give up any hope.

More than a dozen imperial physicians saw the medical team formed by Wei An and the others, and looked at the person wrapped from head to toe in front of them, they were at a loss.

Wei An and the others all wore masks and wore simple and clean doctor uniforms. Except for the masks, the imperial doctors had seen the crowds walking around the city. An and the others are all in high spirits. They really believe that they have given up their lives and put on mourning clothes as soon as possible just to die.

The first thing a dozen or so imperial physicians did when they entered the city lord's mansion was to take a bath, and then drink medicine. The medicine was taken out by Wen Xin from the space to enhance Qi and blood.

When the imperial doctors saw Pluto was there, they didn't bother to be curious about his white hair. They were in a mood like rainy weather, but suddenly a beam of sunshine shone in.

With Pluto here, their chances of surviving will be greatly increased. If they can defeat this plague, then they will be the greatest imperial physicians in history, and each of their names will be immortalized and praised by future generations.

As long as they think of this, these imperial physicians are all full of enthusiasm. Under the deliberate guidance of Wei'an Ximen Leng, they no longer think that the plague is incurable, but boldly propose ways to test the medicine, and the people of the entire Chunyang City know that their city lord invited Wei An and Ximen Leng, the two genius doctors of China, can cure the plague.

There was a riot in the city that day, and Chi Chu released the news. Later, someone saw it with his own eyes. Everyone knew that there was a doctor in their city who could cure the plague. Everyone stopped panicking and listened to Weian and Ximen Leng. They were almost enshrined as gods, and now Wei An and Ximen Leng are in Chunyang City, and their prestige is far and wide.

The city is disinfected every day, and the situation has not deteriorated. Both Wei An and Wen Xin are relieved.

Before Wen Xin got up from the bed in the morning, the door of the room was slammed by An Yi, and his anxious voice could be heard. "Master, open the door quickly, it's bad, a plague has broken out in the city."

Wen Yan Wenxin opened her eyes and turned over, got dressed very quickly, opened the door and saw An anxiously frowning. "Hasn't the plague been discovered a long time ago? Why are you in a hurry now?"

It has been almost a month since the plague was discovered, and their research on the prescriptions is becoming more and more effective. In other words, the plague has been controlled by them, so why are they so anxious now.

An Yi looked anxious, saw Wen Xin opened the door, and hurriedly said: "For some reason, nearly half of the people in the city are suddenly infected with the plague, and the symptoms are worse than before, and the onset is faster. An is in the medical room, now it is all up to Wei An to control the disease with spiritual energy, but there are too many infected people, there is really no way."

After hearing what An Yi said, Wen Xin hurried to the medical room. Before entering the room, she was frightened by the patients in the courtyard. Walking on the road to the Palace of the King of Hades.

If Wei'an didn't take action, they definitely wouldn't survive until night.

Turning around among the patients for a few times, Wen Xin squeezed her hands tightly, with a serious and angry expression on her face, it must be the flower god, but how did he control the plague?
Ying Er went to investigate the reason why these people contracted the disease. Many of them became like this after drinking water from the river. Ying Er then went to the river and brought a bowl of water to Wei An for her to examine. For the bowl of river water, Wei An stopped what he was doing with a look of shock.

"Where did you get this water?" Wei'an stared slightly with a pair of big eyes full of shock, looking at the water in Ying Er's bowl a little absentmindedly.

When Wen Xin and the others saw the situation here, they also moved closer to this side.

(End of this chapter)

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