Chapter 351 Cheating
Hu Anguo recalled the reason for appearing in the examination room today, and it was really hard to describe.In order to repay the kindness he owed back then, he had no choice but to go out of the mountain against his principles and serve as the chief examiner of the Xiangzhou government this time.Although he could not repay this kindness, he still kept it in his heart and decided to repay this kindness.

At the beginning, before Hu Anguo settled down well, and he didn't even have any money left, someone arranged by Zhao Yougong pulled him into a sedan chair, and then got out of the sedan chair and changed into a carriage. He traveled all the way and finally arrived at Ye County, Xiangzhou Prefecture. It was still a bit late, but he finally arrived Purpose.

In addition, Hu Anguo did meet Steward Wang in the Xiangzhou Mansion, and his respectful appearance made him a little curious about Zhao Gou's identity, so he left an extra heart.From the beginning to the end of the exam, Hu Anguo was not allowed to leave the Tribute Court, nor was he allowed to meet anyone, and anyone who violated the law would be punished according to law.

This method is to prevent the examiner from contacting the examinee, as well as the relatives at home, so as to prevent someone from accepting bribes and affecting the fairness of the exam.However, those who really want to cheat can't be stopped by this tribute courtyard. There are many ways.

Hu Anguo sits in the town and is guarded by soldiers. If there are any birds or beasts within a radius of two miles, or if there are people coming, they will not be allowed to enter.This order is a warrant personally issued by the general of the Zhending Army. Without his military order, no one is allowed to leave his post without permission. Those who violate it will be beheaded to show the public.

Yesterday, the principal and deputy chief examiners, and others entered the room one after another; the next day, the examinees entered.Regardless of the township examination or the general examination, you need to enter the venue in advance, and the actual examination will not start until the next day.

"Master, everything is ready!" Steward Wang said respectfully.

Today is the time for Zhao Gou and other candidates to enter the examination room, so they are not allowed to go out during the examination period, so they have to prepare some dry food and so on; Even in winter, the clothes prepared for the cold weather also need to be thicker. These housekeepers Wang took care of them all, saving Zhao Gou some trouble.

Zhao Gou nodded and said, "Then let's enter!"

Following in the footsteps of Zhao Gou, Steward Wang rushed to the examination room in strides, and many candidates also came.Zhao Gou came not too early or too late, and saw many examinees seeing off their relatives, and some entering the examination room alone.Generally speaking, the rural examination is not as important as the general examination, but for the common people, this is a good opportunity to stand up, so treat it with caution.

Zhao Gou asked Steward Wang to wait outside for a few days, while he, like other examinees, stood in the long queue with a letter of recommendation, which is the qualification for the exam, like other candidates.Only after passing the inspection can you enter. This is to prevent candidates from cheating.

There were many candidates, and there was a long queue. Zhao Gou was in the middle of the queue, looking around boredly.After a while, a candidate was escorted out by the soldiers, who even threw his baggage out, and directly rejected him. Zhao Gou was very curious, "Cheating in ancient exams?"

Thinking back to when I went to school when I was young, cheating was commonplace in order to get good grades in the exam.However, at that time, it was not as strict as it is now. As long as you are caught, you will be deprived of the qualification for the exam.Being caught at that time was nothing more than zero in that subject.

As the saying goes: Wealth and wealth are found in insurance, so many people are willing to take a gamble.

The township examination at this time is like the entrance examination from elementary school to junior high school in later generations. If you get good grades, you can choose a better middle school, which is also an important process.There is basically no distinction between good and bad in rural areas, but there are many differences in cities.

Many parents are more willing to send their children to key middle schools, but they don't take it seriously. Whether it is the focus or not, the important thing is whether the children themselves are willing to learn.For children who are unwilling to study, even if they are sent to a good school, it will not be of much use, and they will still do nothing after they come out. The only advantage is that the teachers in key schools are better.

Zhao Gou has always wondered why the parents of future generations must send their children to key schools. Isn’t the child’s childhood very important?If you are sent to a key school, you have to deal with boring and piled up test questions every day. Are grades really so important?

When Zhao Gouhun traveled all over the world, the team had already begun to shrink, and gradually there were only a dozen candidates in front of him.Zhao Gou came back to his senses and watched curiously, only to see that every candidate needs to hold a recommendation letter, register their name, and receive a number before entering the curtain.

As for all the clothes and so on that you carry with you, hand them over to another place for search. As long as you have relevant papers, even if they are not articles, you will be killed as an example.If you don't pass the inspection, you won't be able to get a number and you won't be able to take the test.

"My lord, I found this, please have a look!"

Zhao Gou heard the prestige, and saw the examinee trembling, lowered his head in fear, not daring to look up at the examiner; when he looked carefully, he saw that the man's clothes were ripped off, and even his shoes were taken off. It's gone, if it weren't for the warmer place here, it would be frozen into a popsicle in the sun.

"Expelled!" Wang Huai, as an inspector, replied directly after just a glance.

"My lord, give me a chance! Give me a chance!" The examinee cried and begged for mercy, but the soldiers threw him out without showing mercy.

Then, the next candidate came forward, Wang Huai glanced at it lightly, and then signaled the soldiers to start a body search, and as expected, they found cheating tools.This person was much smarter than the previous one, and he didn't write the article on the top of the clothes, but in the interlayer, but he still couldn't escape Wang Huai's sharp eyes, so he caught him and was thrown out again.

The latter two didn't find anything, so they let them pass; however, they were caught again.This person is even more shrewd. He directly manipulated the candles, hollowed out the candles, and prepared many candles for emergencies.

Wang Huai saw that this person was carrying many more candles than ordinary people, so he didn't search his body. He took out one of the candles and peeled it off, revealing a small piece of paper.The originally calm and composed face suddenly showed panic. He didn't expect that he hid it so well and was discovered.

Due to the long exam time, candles will be lit to answer the questions at night, so the candles are all prepared by myself.Therefore, some candidates want to cheat through candles.He is smarter, he doesn't have any pockets on him, he doesn't even have shoes, but when he meets Wang Huai, he sees the truth at a glance, and directly lets him reveal his true form.

Zhao Gou looked at the candidates who were expelled from the test and saw their endless cheating methods. It was really an eye-opener, and he couldn't help but admire secretly: "At the beginning, when I took the exam, why didn't I think of using such a method to cheat?"

After this examination, Zhao Gou saw that in order to pass the examination, these candidates really worked hard and cheated in a variety of ways. There is nothing you can't do, only you can't think of it.However, the height of the devil is one foot higher.

There are many ways to cheat, such as Huai Zang and Jizhu. What Zhao Gou admires the most is that someone takes the exam for him, and that examinee has a great reputation, and he takes the exam for others for money.In the end, he was discovered, and it was only because he inadvertently asked the fellow of the person he took the exam that something was wrong.

Zhao Gou was finally fortunate enough to see the cheating methods of the ancients, and he was filled with emotion. There are some cheating methods that even he couldn't think of, but someone thought of them.Even cheating in exams in later generations was not so open and aboveboard. He muttered to himself: "There are so many ways to cheat, and only those who get fame will be kings! The sharp eyes are helpless, as much as you steal!"

(End of this chapter)

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