Chapter 520 Confessions
The city of Nanjing was lost, and countless troops were lost. However, Emperor Liao Tianzuo did not take it seriously. In his eyes, he only cared about his own throne and ignored the generals who fought on the battlefield. At this moment, all the officials were extremely distressed.As the king of a country, it is rare in ancient and modern times to be so fatuous and incompetent.

In addition, Emperor Tianzuo was still optimistic that the Liao army would win a big victory. The Jin army conquered and the Song army went north. The two armies attacked Liao from different directions. This made the ministers toss and turn, and it was difficult to sleep. .

However, their emperor didn't take it seriously, as if he didn't care, not to mention that he had no sense of crisis, and even lived his emperor's life leisurely, regardless of the life and death of the people. These behaviors exhausted them physically and mentally, but they were powerless.

"Qizou Emperor, the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun are not only a barrier for the Song Dynasty, but also a barrier for our dynasty. Now that Nanjing City is lost, it will be a great disadvantage to our dynasty. If the Song army marches northward, then our dynasty will be in jeopardy."

"I thought that to strengthen the defense of the Yanyun sixteen prefecture army, we must stop the Song army's footsteps. Now, our army is concentrated on the east road, fighting with the Jin soldiers, and it is difficult to split up. It is impossible to dispatch troops. , the only way to make peace with the emperor of the Song Dynasty is to 'harmonize the book'."

"The Song Dynasty and our Dynasty were originally brotherly states, and the emperor of the Song Dynasty would not attack Shangjing. As for the peace petition, that would be waived!" Emperor Tianzuo said confidently, he still did not think that the Song Dynasty would really attack the Great Liao, so very optimistic.

Emperor Tianzuo was fatuous and incompetent, ignorant of the current situation, but some of the ministers were loyal and dedicated, they could see the situation clearly and were not optimistic.

If there is any more hesitation, then Daliao is really over.At that time, it was too late to regret, so they tried to persuade Emperor Tianzuo again.

"Your Majesty, right now is the moment when our court is in danger. Judging from the current situation, Song and Jin have already formed an alliance. Although I don't know the specific content, I can roughly guess that it is not good for us. If we don't seek peace at this time, I'm afraid it will be difficult to recover, how can I resist the army at that time?"

Emperor Tianzuo asked suspiciously: "Is it really so serious?"

"Returning to the emperor, the matter is far more serious than what I said. Now, the Jin soldiers are conquering our dynasty, and the situation is irreversible. For the present plan, we can only seek help from the people of Song Dynasty. If we want them to be willing to help me North Korea, the only way is to seek peace."

"In that case, let's make peace!"

The reason why Emperor Tianzuo agreed to sue for peace was not thinking of the immediate predicament, but his own throne. If the country was really ruined and his family was destroyed, how would he, as an emperor, go on? No one supported him, and no one obeyed his orders. , Where is the high bed and soft pillow life?

Rather than saying that he cares about the people and Daliao, he cares about his throne and his rights.If it wasn't for the emperor, he would be a Liao man who no one cared about, and behind him would be overwhelming golden soldiers. With no one to protect him, with no strength to restrain a chicken, he would surely die.

Emperor Tianzuo is fatuous and incompetent, but it doesn't mean that he is really stupid and doesn't know anything.He may be helpless in major national affairs, but he is still very shrewd when it comes to his own interests.

"Qi Zou the emperor, I think that it is not enough to just ask for peace, but also need to cede the land."

"What? Still need to cede the land?" Emperor Tianzuo was taken aback, his face was full of unhappiness, asking for peace was already the biggest concession, and he didn't expect to have to cede the land, which made him very dissatisfied.

Thinking back to the Liao Kingdom back then, how heroic and sharp-edged it was, even the Song Dynasty could not shake it at all, and even had to pay tribute to Liao, such as old coins and silk, which made Emperor Tianzuo furious.

Everyone saw that his face was livid, and the dissatisfaction in his eyes was beyond words.Even so, everyone still had to continue talking.Emperor Tianzuo didn't understand the situation clearly, but it doesn't mean they are the same.

"Now the Song army is attacking me in the south and other places. Their purpose is nothing more than to get the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun. Since they want to get it, they will cede it to the Song Dynasty. On this condition, let them stop their troops and use the Song army The power of help me to repel the golden soldiers to solve the current predicament."

Emperor Tianzuo's complexion became worse and worse, his complexion was gloomy, and he looked at the man gloomyly, as if his anger was about to burst out, and he burned him to death directly.

The man went on to say: "Of course, we didn't really cede territory for peace, but a strategy of delaying our troops. As long as the Song army rests, our Chao army can gather in one place, and then attack the Jin soldiers."

"If the Song army helps, it will be even more powerful. With their help, the casualties of our army will be reduced, and the strength of the Song army will be reduced. At that time, our army can keep all the Song army in the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun, and separate them. The city, and it will come back without any effort."

There was a trace of warmth on Emperor Tianzuo's gloomy face, as if when a storm was approaching, one could see the blue sky through the clouds and mist, which made Emperor Tianzuo feel good.

The man secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and he walked through the gate of hell by himself.Emperor Tianzuo showed a smile on his gloomy face, only then did he realize that his back was icy cold, and he was secretly wiping away the cold sweat.

Accompanying you is like accompanying a tiger, it really is true!

If you are a wise king, your loyal words are harsh, but there will be no mass killings; if you are a foolish king, you will die sooner as a loyal minister, and if your loyal words are harsh, you will be pulled out and beheaded directly.

"Then, according to Qing's words, draw up an order!" Emperor Tianzuo agreed, and then said: "I'm tired, you all retreat!"

"I'm waiting to leave!" Everyone shouted long live, and then retreated.

Due to the close relationship between the Liao Dynasty and the Great Song Dynasty, many rituals of the Liao Dynasty followed the Great Song Dynasty, such as the early dynasty, shouting long live when seeing the emperor, etc., and the Sangong and Liuyuan.

"King Xiao, are you really planning to do that?"

After everyone left, those ministers who had devoted themselves to the country were together again, whispering in low voices, discussing state affairs.

"Who told me to be the king of the North Court, but the emperor... Alas! It's fine if you don't say it!..." Xiao Shan, the king of the North Court, sighed helplessly. Although he had the heart, he was powerless. There is a heart that will tear him apart.

"I don't know when the emperor will really wake up!" Xiao Shan continued to ask, "Lord Yelu, you are the Grand Master and in charge of the emperor's personal guards. You should know what the emperor does in his daily life these days?"

"Oh, I won't tell you about King Xiao, you can guess it too!" Yelu Yanqing smiled wryly, he didn't need to talk about this question, everyone could guess it, they just had some expectations.

But the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment.Emperor Tianzuo didn't think about how to deal with it in a critical moment, but lived his life as an emperor as usual, and the whole palace knew about the pleasures.

"Da Changgun, you must always pay attention to the movements of the Jin soldiers. In addition, you must also take care of His Royal Highness Jin Wang!"

Xiao Shan gave a solemn instruction, and everyone nodded in agreement.At this moment, the future of Daliao can only depend on them and pin their hopes on King Jin.

In fact, they urgently hope that Emperor Tianzuo can abdicate and pass the throne to King Jin.Because in their minds, King Jin is the real heir to the throne and can lead everyone out of the predicament, but Emperor Tianzuo was reluctant to abdicate for a long time, and even sent the popular King Jin to the front line because he was worried that his throne would be threatened. Everyone knows it well, but they can't help it.

Now, the only way they can think of is to cede land and seek peace.Apart from this method, there is nothing else that can be done.After all, compared with Song and Jin, the relationship between Song and Liao was much more relaxed, so they could only be forced to cede territory and sue for peace, which is a tactic of delaying troops. They are really not sure about the outcome of the knowledge, and they can only take a risk.

(End of this chapter)

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