Chapter 598

"King Yan proclaims himself emperor? Is what you said true?"

"This is not what I said, but what is said in this poem!"

"Have you heard? Recently there are rumors about King Yan proclaiming himself emperor!"

"Of course I've heard of it! I've read that poem myself, and I've read it by heart!"

"Then do you think what this poem says makes sense?"


There is a lot of discussion among the people, and the situation in the court is unpredictable. It is all because of a poem that has been circulated in the capital recently. Not only in the capital, but also in the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun, such rumors have appeared one after another in other places.From being ignored at the beginning, it became an unstoppable trend later on.

"Swallows are always fascinated by Henghaizhi, and the queen mother is sweetly moved by the king's will. It is said that there are many and few lessons, and the emperor travels in Henan to serve Tianyi."

What everyone was discussing was this Tibetan acrostic poem. The meaning of the poem was deciphered, and the target was pointed at Zhao Gou, king of Yan.Because the poem mentioned "the king of Yan proclaims himself emperor", especially at this special time, everyone has speculated.

This poem was accidentally seen by a Guozijian student, and he thought it was very good at a glance, so he wrote it down, and later wrote it down, and was seen by the Guozijian supervisor. The meaning of it, hurriedly played to the emperor.

"My minister has met the emperor, long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

"Exemption!" Song Huizong looked at the supervisor of the Imperial Academy in amazement, and said, "When I see you today, could it be that something happened to the Imperial Academy? Or did you discover a rare talent?"

"Reporting to the emperor, it is not!"

The supervisor quickly replied, but the way he hesitated to speak showed his embarrassment at this time.After all, it would be fine if the emperor accepted this matter, but if he did not accept it, he would be framing an important official of the court, which made him very embarrassed, so he was a little secretive, and it was really hard to say it clearly.

Song Huizong said: "Speak up when you have something to say, don't hesitate!"

"Reporting to the emperor, I came here today because of this poem!" The judge judge gritted his teeth, and said it truthfully.

"What's wrong with this poem?" Song Huizong asked while looking at it.

The supervisor said in a deep voice: "It's very bad, this poem is acrostic, your majesty, just read it and you'll know!"

"The king of Yan proclaims the emperor?" Song Huizong murmured to himself as he said. After a long while, he looked at the poem carefully, but he had preconceived ideas, and the four words could not be dispelled.

It has been nearly a year since Zhao Gou left the capital. In this year, what I heard most was that the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun were restored to life, and even the tribute gifts were the best choice, better than other prefectures. Not a lot.

In just one year, Zhao Gou completely changed the Yanyun sixteen prefectures, kept their houses open at night, and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment.At the same time, Zhao Gou's reputation was getting higher and higher, Song Huizong knew all about it.

However, this poem seems to be a lyrical work on the surface, but after careful reading, it is found that something is wrong.It's just that Song Huizong didn't take it to heart and didn't take it seriously.Moreover, Song Huizong also strictly ordered the Guozijian to talk about this poem again.

Unexpectedly, in less than a month, Song Huizong received a memorial again, mentioning this poem, and then there were more memorials, exactly the same.Then, the court officials also began to talk about the poem.Because many such things have happened in the Song Dynasty, which made those interested people start to pay attention.

"Your Majesty, such a rebellious act should be severely punished!"

"It's just a poem, Lord Huang don't need to take it to heart!"

"Your Majesty, I'd rather believe what you have than believe what you don't have!" Master Huang said earnestly, "Throughout history, such a situation is a sign of great changes in the world. I am afraid that there will be great turmoil in the Song Dynasty."

"The king of Yan is nepotism in the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun, and the land of Yanyun is his own. The people know the king of Yan, but they don't know the emperor. This is a very serious matter. I beseech the emperor to deal with it as soon as possible, and take the king of Yan to enter Beijing, late makes changes!"

Song Huizong turned his head, looked at Prince Zhao Huan, and said, "Prince, what do you think?"

"Reporting to the emperor, my son thinks this poem is nothing more than talk and can't represent anything!" Zhao Huan replied respectfully, "However, there is no wave without wind. If it weren't for what the ninth brother did, I'm afraid there would be no such poem. Poetry, my son thinks that the emperor should make a decision as soon as possible."

"Privy Council, what do you think?" Song Huizong still did not give a correct answer, and asked Chu King Zhao Yougong's opinion again.

Zhao Yougong bowed and said: "The emperor has his own judgment, I dare not say too much!"

"But it's okay to say, let's talk and listen!"

"I think this poem was written by someone else, not by the King of Yan. As for what is said in the poem, I think that it is nothing but nonsense." Zhao Yougong replied truthfully, "Now the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun are It is the fiefdom of King Yan, the largest fief in history. King Yan is no longer in the capital, so how can he think of his ascension to the throne?"

"Besides, the emperor has already established a prince; the current prince has officially supervised the country, and in a few days it will be the day of inheriting the great rule. At this time, there are rumors everywhere, and I am afraid that someone is behind the scenes, just wanting to see the turmoil in the Song Dynasty , so I think that I don't need to care about what this poem says."

"All the true and false emperors have already seen it in their eyes, and your lords have also seen it. In just one year since King Yan went to the fiefdom, the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun have undergone earth-shaking changes. Both commerce and agriculture are booming. Now is the time to expand our ambitions, and all of these cannot be done without the support of the court, so what can you do with the power of King Yan?"

"Master Li, what do you think?"

"Reporting to the emperor, I thought that the king of Yan was so loyal and guarded the frontier for the Song Dynasty. This is great loyalty; when he entered the land of Yanyun, he reformed extensively, just to win the hearts of the local people, and let the people of Yanyun land be grateful to the emperor. , this is Daren."

Li Gang replied respectfully, "Such a loyal person, if you say that you are enthroned as emperor, I'm afraid no one will believe you."

"Master Pan, you are also a Jinshi, what do you think of this poem?"

"Reporting to the emperor, I have already read this poem. Although this poem looks ordinary, it is actually pressing every step of the way!" Pan Lianggui said righteously, "Even if this poem was written by King Yan, it is still a It’s just expressing one’s own feelings, it’s not a masterpiece, but it shows King Yan’s determination to recover the lost land for the Song Dynasty and guard the border, so that the emperor doesn’t have to worry about traveling, which means the country is peaceful and the people are safe.”

"Besides, this poem was not written by King Yan at all, so it is nothing. In my humble opinion, this should be malicious slander, just like when King Yan was assassinated when he went to the land of Yanyun. I'm afraid someone deliberately framed it, the emperor doesn't have to worry about it."

Song Huizong asked a few people, and some people had the same idea as Lord Huang, thinking that King Yan had the heart to proclaim himself emperor, so he had to guard against it.It's just that few people who really knew Zhao Gou thought he would become emperor.Even Song Huizong didn't think that Zhao Gou had such an idea. If he really had such an idea, he wouldn't be so troublesome. On the contrary, he was very happy.

"I don't say that this matter is the responsibility of the King of Yan, but the rumors are spreading, and it will not be for no reason." Song Huizong said lightly, "Then let the King of Yan trace the source of this matter and see who is spreading it. Such rumors."

The implication of Song Huizong's words is that this matter will end in the end.It's hard for everyone to say anything, and the rumors are over.

(End of this chapter)

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