greenery is king

Chapter 1013

Chapter 1013
CCTV naturally sent a professional broadcast team to report on the game. At this time, they had finished their opening remarks and were discussing the matter of 10,000+ fans.

"Mr. Zhang, do you think this kind of stadium can really accommodate so many fans? If something goes wrong, so few security personnel can really control so many fans?" Xie Quan couldn't believe his eyes. After all, what they see is people everywhere, and because of the country's habits, the 10,000+ fans are all men, which is almost equivalent to a large group of thugs.

Zhang Dao didn't care much, he smiled and said, "Don't be intimidated by the sights before you. After all, this situation is not the first time, and it will definitely not be the last time. Of the 37 A-level games they've played, they've only lost two games, and none of the fan riots you're worried about happened, which means they just like it."

"Only lost two games?" Zhang Enhua, who was sitting on the side, was also taken aback. He is today's guest.In order to better talk about this stadium, CCTV also took great pains, and finally they chose the main central defender in 98 to explain the game.

"Yes, we only lost two games, so this is the devil's home court, and fights and the like are not the characteristics of this place at all, otherwise no one would dare to let 10,000+ people pour in like this. It's not going to be easy for anyone."

"Mr. Zhang is right to say that, but I still think it's a bit too much. Even if it's to scare people, it doesn't have to be like this?" Xie Quan muttered dissatisfied, "What's more, I heard that their off-the-market recruits A lot, all we heard in the past two days was not very happy news. I also heard that due to unaccustomed diet, some of the players in the Chinese team had diarrhea. If it affects today's game state, then they also Is it too much?"

Zhang Dao is still smiling, "For a strong team, what is needed is to be able to win no matter what the situation is. This is the style of a strong team. But for a weak team, they can only Try to play some tricks, this is football, this is home and away games. If everyone is the same, then what is the need for home and away games? Why don’t you just play a game?”

Zhang Enhua agreed with this, and immediately said, "I haven't encountered this kind of treatment in the national team these years. On the contrary, I often encountered it in Wanda back then, especially when they were away from South Korea. What they did was even worse. Is it embarrassing?"

"Is there anything more excessive?" Xie Quan was still young after all, and he didn't know anything about the past, so his eyes widened immediately.

Zhang Enhua sighed softly, "Of course, it's just that the news at that time was not as developed as it is now, and many things were not reported. We have always been at a disadvantage in this regard, but now I see our national team It is quite happy to be treated like this, after all, it also shows that the opponent is very afraid of us."

Xie Quan really wanted to continue to ask what happened to them back then, but at this time the director had already given him a reminder that the lineups of both sides had come out, so he had to switch to broadcasting this "Now I will broadcast today's lineups for both sides, first of all It's the Iranian team. They still played their most familiar 4-3-3 formation today, which is a very offensive formation. Goalkeeper Daniel Wadari, defender Mahini, Jalal Hosseini, Beta Sauer and Zahad, midfielder Andranik, Hajiji and Jahanbash, the striker is Saujay, Mehdi and Gshannejad. This is also a relatively bold lineup, where Saujay It should be the one we are most familiar with."

"It's not as simple as you said." Zhang Dao immediately showed the style of an expert, "There are as many as nine players in this lineup who have played in foreign leagues, including seven in the Bundesliga and Bundesliga. This is why it is known as the strongest Iranian team in history."

Zhang Enhua curled his lips, "This is considered the strongest in history? Then what about the 98 team? I still think that the talents of Arizayi and Madavikia are the best. As for these people, although most of them They are all in Germany, but the problem is that they are all in an inconspicuous position in the fight against Ai Huan, and they all understand Ai Huan's horror better, so I think there may be surprising scenes in this game, After all, the more you know how powerful Ai Huan is, the more afraid you will be."

Xie Quan still likes this statement very much, but he did not continue this topic, but continued to talk about China's lineup: "Today we also changed some personnel arrangements. Uribe changed the formation of the previous two games. It has become a 4-4-2. The goalkeeper is still the Champions League goalkeeper Zhang Chong. He has not conceded a goal in the first two games. The central defender combination is still Zhang Lindong and Feng Xiaoting. The game was pretty good. The right back is still Xu Luyang. Needless to say, his performance can be said to be one of the most stable players in the Chinese team. However, Sun Jihai was sent on the other side today, and Eddie was just Appearing in the substitute lineup, could it be said that Eddie was recruited?"

"It's not surprising, that is, Hai is a very good player, he has a big heart, and it's not a good thing to force young players in this kind of situation. The role of Dinghaishenzhen." After studying in the UK for several years, Zhang Enhua's whole state is indeed different, and he can definitely see the problem from the position of a coach, which surprised many people.

"The defensive midfielder is still composed of Lu Peng, Yu Hanchao, Yu Dabao and Ai Huan, but today Ai Huan appeared in the forward position. Mei Fang performed well in the first two games. It seems that it is also because of this mentality. He was put on the bench for some reason.” Xie Quan paused before continuing, “There are two people on the front line today, and one is naturally Dongfang Zhuo. He cooperated with Wu Lei, which is really strange, why did he play him today? Isn’t he also a young player?”

Zhang Dao and Zhang Enhua didn't speak immediately, but they thought of something almost at the same time. When they looked at each other, they had already seen the answer in each other's eyes, and immediately laughed tacitly.

(End of this chapter)

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