greenery is king

Chapter 1362 Restart

Chapter 1362 Restart

The press conference after the boxing match was being played on the TV, and it was already a replay. Taylor didn't want to watch it, but he just couldn't control himself and couldn't turn off the TV.

She didn't watch the game last night, but this morning it was broadcast everywhere, which made her have to watch it, so she re-watched the 13-second game and the press conference.

Ai Huan seemed to be in a good mood, this time he talked eloquently, and he answered those questions one by one, "I think this will be the last time I appear in the Octagon. After all, I am not a professional fighter. There's no greater interest in fighting, and if I had a choice I'd rather be in WWE, there's at least a bit of humanity left, and here I really feel like I'm losing my humanity."

"For that Japanese player, I have no regrets. Even if I was given a million chances, I would break his arm a million times. Not because I am a bad person, but because my heart is full of anger. I Worried about turning into the Hulk at any time, so today's game is not a game for me, but more like a vent. But this should not blame me, or his own problems are more, I think a persistent Nothing will end well for the strong who bully the weak."

"Yes, I'm talking about him. Think about it, everyone. He just thought I was a rookie and dared to stand there to challenge me. Today, I believe no one dares to challenge me. It's not because of how good I am. , but because it's not worth it, isn't it? Real masters won't fight me, because they won't get the corresponding benefits, and I don't have a gold belt, and those who pretend to be bullying have to think about it, so I I think this should be my biggest achievement this time.”

"The competition has passed, but I still want to say a few more words. If there are any unknown people who want to challenge me, I don't mind sending them all to the Paralympic Games, so this is my last The battle is also my initial battle, I am not afraid of challenges, I am not afraid of anyone, but I am not a bad person, I am just living by my own principles."

Taylor finally couldn't help it anymore, and muttered in his mouth, "You're still such a stinky fart, I'm upset seeing you!"

But when the TV was about to be turned off, the screen suddenly returned to the studio, and the host inside said quickly, "Whether Ai Huan's game is really such a sensation in the market, we can't say yet." I understand, but one thing is very true, that is, his new song was released on the Internet at 300 o'clock last night, and it has been downloaded more than [-] million times so far. It can be seen that this competition brought him absolutely not It's so easy to vent, and there are countless benefits."

new song?Taylor frowned, she didn't expect Ai Huan to release a new song, at this time?What is he trying to do?However, her great curiosity still made her turn on the computer. Sure enough, as soon as she logged into Google, she immediately saw Ai Huan's song appear on the home page, so she tapped it lightly, and the song called I Miss You immediately rang in the room. up.

"When I saw you for the first time, we were both young. I closed my eyes, and scenes of the past reappeared in my mind. I stood on the balcony, and the air was thick with the smell of summer. It's your smell. But tell me you've been wasting your time, how cruel it is, you wish I would change and give me a lot of chances, but I always let you down. But I won't say sorry to you, Because I love you, a lover will not say sorry to his woman, you know. I miss you, I miss you, I miss you so much, I don’t want to do anything, I just miss you crazily, just miss you so much , I'm going crazy, but I still have to stay awake, because only in this way can I miss you better, miss you!"

Taylor, who was about to go upstairs, had already stopped. At this moment, her expression was complicated, and she really couldn't tell what it was like. At this moment, she didn't feel much sadness, but was more relieved. , so at this moment her tears are already spinning in her eyes but her face is full of smiles.

This song is obviously adapted by Ai Huan for his apology is useless. Although it is already a song in 2011, Ai Huan wrote such a song to echo at this time. What exactly is contained in it? Taylor is very understanding.

She listened to it for a while and sighed, slowly stood up and walked upstairs. Many things are not that simple. At least that bastard has not contacted her for several months. What is he thinking in his heart is only himself. Know.And he hasn't stopped in the past few months. Emma and Ronda have appeared in his life one after another. Others don't know what kind of person this person is, but she knows very well, so she couldn't help but pouted, "bad guy , will I contact you because of a song?"

But at this moment, her cell phone rang suddenly. Taylor glanced at it and immediately laughed again. It really was this bastard. What was he doing calling at this time?

After thinking about it for a while, Taylor still connected the phone, and Ai Huan's voice also came over there, but there was not much sadness or more emotion in his voice, just like an ordinary phone call that cannot be more ordinary .

"Did you watch my game?"

"Just watched it."

"Have you listened to the song?"

"Just listened."

"How does that feel?"

"I don't feel anything except that you are still like the Hulk. Your lyrics are so badly written that they don't sound good at all." There was a smile in Taylor's voice, which even Ai Fan could hear clear and direct.

"I, I miss you!"

"I know, but why do you suddenly think of me now? Have all your women ignored you?"

Ai Huan laughed, "Some things don't need to be explained clearly, and I can't explain clearly, so I don't intend to explain, let alone apologize to you, because I have a clear conscience."

"Do you really have a clear conscience?" Taylor snorted.

Ai Huan laughed loudly, "This question is a bit too weird, let's stop dwelling on this question, let's keep it simple and start over."

"You mean to start all over again?"

"Yeah, I want to be the master of your life, even if it's a mess, I want to be the master for you, how about it, do you have the guts to lose yourself again?"

"You bastard!" Taylor's voice was choked up.

"Open the door, I'm right outside."

(End of this chapter)

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