greenery is king

Chapter 1410 Declaration

Chapter 1410 Declaration
The grievances between Mourinho and Benfica have a long history. Mourinho, who was born in a small Portuguese town, has been a fan of Benfica since he was a child. Although he has never expressed this matter in any public place, it is an unrelated one. It is not difficult to speculate, and there are many clues to prove it.

However, his football career was very average. At the age of 24, he could only announce his retirement and put all his energy on the coach. Since 1990, he has served as an assistant coach in Amadora and Setubal clubs in Portugal. Since he is proficient in eight languages, he has served as a translator for the famous coach Bobby Robson in Porto since 1992. In 1996, he followed Robson to Barcelona, ​​Spain as an assistant coach. After Bobby Robson left Barcelona, ​​Mourinho continued to serve as coach Van Gaal's assistant until Van Gaal dismissed get out of class. A lot of football knowledge and advanced tactical concepts have laid a solid foundation for his future coaching career.

In September 2000, Mourinho officially became the head coach, replacing Heynckes as the head coach of the Portuguese giants Benfica Football Club, but after only coaching Benfica for nine league games, Mourinho was at odds with the new chairman and the board of directors And resigned.Then Mourinho took over the coach of the small club Liana Football Club and helped the team achieve a historic No.9 result in the league.

Of course, since then he has embarked on a fast road to success. He has successively won the best coach of the Portuguese Super League, the Premier League, Serie A, and La Liga. He is the world's best coach of the United Statistical Federation, and won the first FIFA Golden Globe Award for the world's best coach in 2010. He has become the "French Football" annual world football coach Forbes No. 1 for nine times.

But these honors still can't heal the scar in his heart, and the scar naturally comes from Benfica.Forced to resign after nine games, this has almost become Mourinho's most painful scar and insult to the werewolf so far, but the reason for it has been kept secret by all parties involved, and neither side is willing nor has it ever been mentioned , but all the players who have worked under Emourinho have a consensus, that is, as soon as he meets Benfica, Mourinho will immediately become disorganized, crazy and excited, like Seeing the enemy made him always confused, but in every game like this, the players would hear an order similar to a must-kill order, that is to defeat the opponent at all costs, humiliate the opponent, and use everything The method makes the opponent despair, if it is not caused by personal enmity, who would believe it?

Rui started to follow Mourinho from Porto, and he didn't know the specific reasons for this, but after all, they all came out of Portuguese football. Ao's mood is still understandable. After all, those things at the beginning are not contempt at all, but a real insult. How could a person like Mourinho give up the chance of revenge so easily?

These two teams have only two European war records in history. In the 2011-12 UEFA Champions League quarter-finals, Chelsea beat Benfica [-]-[-] at home and [-]-[-] away.

And this time is also the fourth time in Chelsea's history that they have entered the final of a European competition. They have won two European Cup Winners' Cups three times before, and only lost to Manchester United on penalties in the 2007-08 UEFA Champions League final.

In history, Chelsea has faced Portuguese clubs eight times and achieved six wins, one draw and one loss.The Premier League clubs have performed poorly in the Champions League this season. The British media are also looking forward to whether Chelsea can earn back their face with the Europa League championship.

Benfica has participated in a total of 360 European games in history, more than twice that of Chelsea. They have reached the finals of European competitions eight times before, but only won the championship twice, in the 1960-61 and 1961-62 seasons. Champions League, and then the horrible Guzman curse happened.From 1962 to the present, although Benfica has entered the European final six times, they have lost all of them. The last time they reached the final was 23 years ago. This also makes the outside world almost overwhelmingly optimistic about Chelsea.

"Gentlemen, we have achieved exciting results this season. We have proved that we are invincible in the Premier League this season, but now we are not facing a Premier League team, but Benfica, that is. Cursed Benfica." Mourinho's voice was low, but each one seemed very powerful. In his eyes, he was still that arrogant and unruly magical bird.

"God, I never believed in any curses, they just have the current situation because all of Europe is developing at a high speed, and only they themselves have stopped, so I ask you to forget that damn curse, please Don't underestimate our opponents, don't forget, they have produced countless shining stars, the Portuguese have never lacked football talents, even those players who look unknown and unknown may be buried in the soil rough jade."

The players didn't understand what happened to their boss today, how could he say such a thing at this time, isn't this raising the opponent's prestige and destroying his own spirit?
But soon Mourinho changed the subject and said clearly what he really thought in his heart, "But what I want you to pay attention to is that whether this curse really exists or not, it must not be in our We have worked so hard to get to the present moment. I will never tolerate making any mistakes at the last moment. I want you to firmly suppress your opponents so that they cannot breathe, and then tear them apart little by little. Crushed and trampled, ravaged and turned into scum, that's what I want you to do today."

Having said that, Mourinho paused for a moment, took a sip of water, let the cold water relieve the burning flame in his heart, and then continued in an unquestionable tone, "Maybe one day that great curse will be broken, But this will never happen to us, we are a strong Chelsea, our goal is not only now, we will dominate Europe, so let Benfica be the first opponent to lay the flag for us, use their Blood to light the crowns on our heads, that's all I want to say, the war is on!"

(End of this chapter)

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