greenery is king

Chapter 1436 The Unknown

Chapter 1436 The Unknown

After a game, after 12 years, the Chinese team finally entered the gate of the World Cup, and this game brought a huge shock in the country.

Ai Huan also appeared on CCTV's news program again, but the highlight was the album broadcast on the third night's football night, which was an exclusive interview with Ai Huan.

It's not that Ai Huan has never done an exclusive interview before, but this time the meaning is obviously different, which also makes the football night that has been silent for a long time and is about to be cut suddenly appear a blowout phenomenon.

This interview was hosted by Han Miao, the number one beauty of CCTV Sports Channel. There is no one who can't understand what it means. After all, many people know that the two have been in love, but the parties involved are all Don't care, what else can others say?

Han Miao has also done a lot of homework, so this interview is very interesting, and the topic covers a wide range, not just focusing on the upcoming World Cup.

"You have scored [-] goals this season, which is your best result so far. Does this mean that the English league is actually lower than other leagues?" Han Miao's first question even Ai Fan didn't think of it either.

However, after a short thought, Ai Huan still said seriously, "It can't be said so simply. This includes many other reasons, and there is even an element of luck, and it is quite large."

"Are you saying that you scored so many goals by luck?" Han Miao asked with a smile, which was beyond her belief.

Ai Huan also laughed, "If I say luck, you may not believe it. In fact, this is an indisputable fact. My level is definitely not that crazy. It's just that many people didn't expect Chelsea to formulate a brand new tactic for me. And this tactic seems to be very successful now." He paused and continued, "Whether it's the German league or Serie A, the actual level of these teams is far behind the English league, not because I want to say that in the Premier League now. , but because this is also an indisputable fact. The development of the Premier League in recent years has been very fast, especially after the last season, I know that many teams have changed their head coaches and strengthened their player reserves, and I I also believe that such an enhancement will raise the level of the Premier League even more."

"But last season's Champions League and runners-up were all from the Bundesliga, and the champion Bayern Munich has reached the Champions League final twice in a row. If you count last season's championship and runners-up, they still came from Schalke and Bundesliga. Doesn't that mean, Bayern, that the Bundesliga is ahead of Europe?"

"Of course not." Ai Huan laughed hesitantly, "The level of the Bundesliga is good, but absolutely don't regard them as the best league just because of the results of the past two years. Because we can see a problem, this The players sold in the Bundesliga over the past few years are worth a lot, which has also caused a qualitative change in many clubs, but the problem is that we have not seen any players who have absolute control in the Bundesliga. Except for Bayern Munich, Most teams are keeping a wait-and-see attitude, so how can there be any improvement?"

"As for your claim that the Bundesliga won the Champions League in the past two years is only due to luck. Football is not a sport that can be used as a necessary condition for victory through simple accumulation. The weaker team wins in the end, and the Bundesliga obviously takes advantage of that."

"You think so? But the Premier League did not have a good record in the Champions League last season."

"Yes, but I believe this situation will be reversed soon. As I said before, the Premier League will make this league better because of joining a large group of excellent coaches and players."

Han Miao did not continue to entangle on this issue, she also changed the subject, "The scolding battle between you and Klopp has been upgraded now, and I want to hear your real thoughts."

"Actually, I don't care what he said, because we all know that he has just arrived in Liverpool. Liverpool has always had some heritage of its own, and now they have broken it, but the problem is that many old fans In his mind, only those inheritances are the best, so if he wants to integrate into the team as soon as possible, he must find an opponent, and I am the best opponent he chooses, that's all."

"So you're just trying to cooperate with him? You don't really want to defeat them at all?"

"Of course not. No matter what he thinks or what painstaking efforts he has, it has nothing to do with me. What I have to do is to beat them. Just like all the teams I have taught, I will use my best ability to teach them. Let him know that provoking me is not a wise thing. In fact, Guardiola is the same. They don't know that it is not the best time to go to the Premier League, but they all hope to compete with me at this time. Well, now is the best time to beat me, they all hope to accomplish this feat."

"So who do you think you're most worried about among these people?"

"Actually, this matter is what Mourinho should think about, not me. I am just a player, and I will do whatever the coach wants me to do, so those coaches are no threat to me, but I am very Wondering how the hell they're trying to beat me, so I'm up for the challenge."

"Like the current World Cup?"

"It's different! The World Cup is another stage, I want to see what it's like to stand there, but it's not something I can say, because I'm still just a player, maybe the next moment I will be I am also prepared to be excluded from the national team squad."

Han Miao was taken aback, "At this point, do you still have this opinion?"

"It is impossible for me to believe that I have become an indispensable person just because of one or two games, because I don't need to say what everyone understands. This time I agreed to fight for the country only because of the invitation of Director Fan and my respect for the country. , I don't want to be in the national team uniform and have some messy problems, that's an insult."

"But you're back now."

"It's still the same sentence, I don't get what I want. Who knows if someone will reach out again? Everyone knows that Director Fan only signed with the national team at the end of this year, and the world will not be able to do so until next summer. At the beginning, you think everything is fine, but in my opinion, everything is still unknown."

(End of this chapter)

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