greenery is king

Chapter 1502 Marriage Problems

Chapter 1502 Marriage Problems
After the game ended, Ai Huan became the focus again. The reporters were all stuck at Stamford Bridge wanting to interview Ai Huan. Who knew that they didn't wait for Ai Huan at all. It turned out that he had already left before the game was over. .

With no other choice, the reporters had no choice but to pour all their questions on the heads of the two head coaches. Mourinho was naturally chatting and laughing, and blurted out one golden sentence after another. His words were very hurtful. A word of ferocity, what Liverpool said is useless.

And Klopp, who has always been down-to-earth, didn't say anything this time. He didn't even retaliate. He looked completely cold, but this didn't make the reporters feel at a loss. The interpretation is that he lost without words, maybe he was convinced.

After this incident, Klopp also made some responses, saying that he was just unwilling to engage in a war of words with Mourinho, but the public would not accept such an explanation, and everyone still laughed at him according to the previous statement. It also made Klopp have a psychological shadow for a long time.

But these things are no longer a problem for Ai Huan, he has now returned home.The son is almost three months old, but maybe it's genetics and Ai Huan's super physical fitness, and Taylor is not a weak woman, so their son seems to be developing much faster than his peers, and at least he looks different. The little one is about one year old.

Although he couldn't walk yet, he was already crawling very fast. When he heard the sound of Ai Huan's return, he immediately crawled out to meet Ai Huan, and let Ai Huan hug him for a wild kiss. I don't know what I'm talking about, but I can still vaguely hear a few words, but it's not really the meaning of those words, so I don't know.

Ai Huan's parents also came out. Seeing that Ai Huan would come, it didn't matter much. The babysitter took the child away, and the mother went to cook. They have lived here with peace of mind for a while, and they don't care if it's OK or not. After getting used to it, since their grandson is here, they don't care where it is.

But maybe it's because they haven't lived together for too long, although they are always very affectionate when they first meet, but after a long time, both of them are a bit uncomfortable, which is what Ai Huan didn't expect Yes, but there is no other way but to let it go.

Ai Huan and his father were sitting in the living room chatting with each other. Ai Huan also turned on the TV and watched it casually. As soon as he turned it on, he saw the replay of Chelsea's post-match press conference, watching Mourinho Talking over there, Ai Huan couldn't help laughing. Ai Guo saw his son laughing again and asked him what he said. Watching TV here is really a problem. Fortunately, they also have satellites to watch domestic programs. After all, British programs don't have subtitles, and they really can't understand them.

Ai Huan smiled and translated Mourinho's words to his father. Unexpectedly, his father was not very happy. There is something wrong with his personality, I really don't like his arrogance."

Ai Huan could only chuckle at this, and he did not hesitate to take his father's words seriously. His understanding of Mourinho is still too shallow, but it doesn't matter, Mourinho himself doesn't care what others think of him .

After the press conference, Ai Huan still changed the channel, and he didn't want to explain too much to his father, because speaking of it, he seemed to be not much different from Mourinho, but his father couldn't understand English and I put all my energy on my grandson, so I didn't care about him, otherwise I must be talking about myself now.

I didn't expect to see Taylor's news as soon as I changed the channel, and the news officially reported Taylor's comeback concert, which was already the last one.

There is no problem with Taylor's singing, but he always looks a little uncoordinated when he dances. Maybe it's because he is too tall and has long hands and legs, so as long as he dances, he seems a little inexplicably happy, so I didn't want to see it at first. Ai Huan couldn't help but look at it.

Sure enough, just looking at it one more time, my dad immediately found a new topic, "Taylor is a good boy, although she always likes to perform and sing, but after all, she was a big star before, and there is nothing wrong with liking the stage." Ai Huan didn't speak, he knew that his father must have something else to say, these are just a few words, and sure enough, his father changed the subject and said what he wanted to say, "But when are you going to say something? What about getting married? Before you said that she is a big star, you can't propose marriage to affect her future. I can understand this, but now that you have a child, you can't just go on like this without mentioning it? What are you planning? Time to give my eldest grandson an official identity?"

Ai Huan smiled wryly, "Don't make trouble, he has an ID card since he was born. There is no household registration book here in China, as long as he has an ID card, and the names of me and Taylor are written on his birth certificate, which has proved It's all over."

"Fart, what are you talking about? What am I talking about? Do you understand? I'm asking when you plan to get married, and you plan to hang around like this? What do you think?" Dad Not very happy right away.

Ai Huan smiled and didn't speak, but just lowered his head. Dad was a little angry or a little guilty when he saw him like this. Anyway, he had nothing to say, and now the father and son became even more silent.

Ai Huan is also suffering and can't tell, why doesn't he want to marry Taylor?Although he went abroad since he was a child, he actually stayed in the football team, and the real so-called foreign culture did not have that deep influence on him, so in fact he is still a person who behaves according to the Chinese way of thinking. People, so marriage is still very sacred to him.

But when he was with Emma, ​​the shock he received was from the proposal, so this time he was a little worried, wondering if he should ask.

And before Taylor left, he also mentioned it to Taylor in private, but he didn't know whether he was too tactful or Taylor was pretending to be confused. Anyway, Taylor didn't pick up the conversation, which made Ai Huan retreat again. Yes, but this time he also has some preparations, because it seems that the time has come.

(End of this chapter)

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