greenery is king

Chapter 668 elation

Chapter 668 elation
Ai Huan and Metzelder rushed forward at the same time, and immediately brought out a burst of unavoidable momentum, which also made the Nuremberg defenders retreat involuntarily. At this moment, they even felt that their legs seemed to be poured Lead is generally heavy.

Metzelder was able to keep pace with Ai Huan at the beginning, but after five or six steps, he couldn't keep up, so he also lowered his speed, but he still followed closely behind him.

At this time, Ai Huan had rushed to the opponent's hinterland like lightning, and then gave the ball to Holtby, who immediately dodged to the other side.Anyone who has a little knowledge of Schalke will know that this is the team's best continuous wall-hitting tactic, and then Holtby will quickly pass the ball to Ai Huan, and then it will be a shot.

They must not let them shoot so easily, the common thought of all Nuremberg players at this moment, so they all rushed to Ai Fan, focusing all their attention on this crazy boy.

But at this moment, Holtby had already passed the football to the other side, and all the players in the flash could not help but be stunned, because a blue lightning had also been shot out at that place, and he shot fiercely. Foot shot, the football rushed into the net immediately.

"Go in! It's Metzelder! It's our Metzelder! Beautiful! He has followed closely from the backcourt, and now he finally found his chance, and all the players in Nuremberg went to defend Ai Huan, they How could we know that Schalke has plenty of offensive means! As long as God is with us, victory will be on our side." Dipper shouted excitedly, and at this moment, the fans all over the stadium also broke out the most ferocious roar, And this sound resounded throughout Gelsenkirchen almost at the same time.

After Metzelder scored the goal, he was naturally very happy. He hugged Holtby and others and shouted wildly, and Ai Huan also ran to him and gave him high fives to celebrate. The two laughed and complimented each other, and then they were happy ran towards his backcourt.

The morale in Nuremberg was extremely low. None of them thought that they would be like a paper tiger in front of this team. The ruined walls didn't even have the strength to fight back, which made them no longer have the courage to continue fighting.

Fortunately, there is less than 1 minute left in the first half. If there is a little longer time, everyone believes that Schalke will definitely score a few more goals.

During the half-time break, the atmosphere in Schalke's lounge was lively, and everyone was happy. In fact, at this point in the game, everyone knew that there was no suspense in the game. Nuremberg really couldn't stop these lunatics. So even Magath didn't know what to say to his players.

Bischalke's offensive in the second half was still crazy, and Nuremberg's state was still as sluggish as the first half. Even if their head coach replaced two players in a row, they were unable to recover, so they simply let it go, even they I feel strange, why does Schalke look so scary today?

Minutes, Schalke's offensive was successful again. This time, Escudero made a direct pass from the left rib and was blocked by Mendler's leg into the penalty area. The far corner turned the score into four to zero.

Aofu Schalke naturally fell into ecstasy again. They immediately forgot the loss of the last game, and now they can only think of today's happiness.And then Magath also made substitution adjustments, he replaced Ai Huan with Annan.Ai Huan naturally enjoyed the highest treatment when he left the field. All the fans stood up and cheered for their God. There were even many girl fans who took off their upper body clothes in the ice and snow, and threw their underwear directly to Ai Huan who was waving. , they cheered for Ai Huan in the most enthusiastic way.

Ai Huan also ran back to the lounge as if he was running away, this kind of enthusiasm really made him a little unbearable.

However, after Ai Huan left the field, Schalke's offensive remained unabated. They still firmly controlled the situation on the field, threatening the opponent's goal again and again.

No. 601 minutes Papadopoulos made a cross from the left, and the unguarded Raul headed the goal from the right side of the penalty area.The football that is bound to be advanced was unexpectedly held out by Schaefer's incredible flying with one hand! Two minutes later, Schalke's offensive burned to the opponent's goal again. Draxler's ball was blocked. Holtby slipped and fell in the middle of the penalty area, but Pukki behind him quickly caught up with his right foot shot and was again caught Schaefer blocks.

Since then, Schalke's offensive has paused a bit, and Nuremberg has gradually stabilized its position. After all, Schalke does not have a strong man like Ai Huan now, which finally allows them to relax and slowly start to counterattack , but the score gap is too big, and they have already admitted defeat from the bottom of their hearts, so the next game is just delaying time.

It wasn't until the 80nd minute of No.[-] that Nuremberg ushered in an excellent opportunity to save face. Plattenhart made a cross from the left, and Mendler grabbed a header and hit the crossbar and popped out!Then he kept up with another header and shot an empty goal but it was over the crossbar!This ball was also caused by some relaxation in the defense, but even Nuremberg couldn't grasp this opportunity, and really felt helpless.

Schalke also had the opportunity to open the score again before the end of the game. The Nuremberg defender made a header to clear the siege. One minute later, Draxler scored the ball in the middle of the penalty area, and Pukki, who was very active on the field, got the ball and his stab shot was once again resolved by Schaefer, who performed bravely in this field. After this ball, even Pukki felt unbelievable Shaking his head again and again, it seems that his luck is really bad today.

After the ball, the game was finally over. The Schalke players seemed unsatisfied, while the Nuremberg players seemed to have let out a sigh of relief. They rushed back to the waiting room one by one, and they didn't even have the face to talk to themselves. The expeditionary force exchange.

However, the Schalke fans took on this responsibility. They interacted with the Nuremberg fans very kindly, and finally the fans of both sides ended the game with applause.

The Schalke fans left happily. Today's game made them satisfied, and they can finally go home happily.And the players are naturally very excited. Metzelder, who scored a goal today, yelled loudly for everyone to drink together, and all the money for the drinks was counted on his account. It seems that it is really good to have fun.

(End of this chapter)

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