greenery is king

Chapter 937 London London

Chapter 937 London London

After a while, the kung fu dishes came up, and Ai Huan couldn't arouse his appetite when he saw what Taylor had specially ordered for him.

Although the food was very monotonous in Germany, it was acceptable to a carnivore like Ai Huan. Whether it was a variety of sausages, ribs, or roasted pork knuckles, they were all delicious, but what are these now?
Many people think that Germans are not good at cooking. In fact, it is also a rumor. Germans love all kinds of meat, and there is no meat that they do not eat. They even have their own famous meat dishes with each other. It's just because eating meat is a bit monotonous that many foreigners can't stand it, so they are said to be hell cooks, but compared with the British, their taste is more in line with Ai Huan's appetite.

Now the things on the table seem to be feeding rabbits. The green arugula is just mixed with sauce and served. This is dipping pickles. It’s okay to eat occasionally, but the taste is not flattering to Ai Huan. He There is no shit sesame smell, just a grassy smell.

And what came up behind was carrot puree, which Ai Huan really didn't dare to enjoy. He never ate carrots since he was a child, and now he has no intention of trying a bite.

Fortunately, there are other things behind, these are meat.The problem is that there's nothing special about a grilled steak, just like anything you'd eat anywhere.The haggis sausage and the German sausage can't be compared at all, and it also has a strong smell of lamb. I really don't want to touch it a second time.

Irish beef stew is very similar to Chinese beef stew, but I don’t know why their beef stew is not soft and rotten. The soup is okay, but the meat is fine. It’s not as delicious as Ai Huan’s own cooking.However, the two fish dishes are still barely edible. Among them, the flatfish is just fresh fish steamed.Only fried fish with chips is the most appetizing to Ai Huan, and he eats the most, plus pickled cucumbers and fried cream sausages, how can he barely eat enough, while eating, thinking about the time at Emma's house The food I ate didn't seem so bad, did it?
Eun Taylor seemed very eager. She looked at Ai Huan expectantly every time she ate something, as if she was waiting for Ai Huan to praise him, which made Ai Huan really hard to say If I ate it, I had to reluctantly eat it.

"Actually, English breakfast and afternoon tea are the best. Those things are really delicious."

Ai Huan also just smiled reluctantly, "Really? Didn't I eat English breakfast this morning? It's not bad." But he secretly slandered in his heart that it was nothing compared to deep-fried dough sticks, tofu nao, and pancakes. Things, it seems that Americans are the most pitiful, otherwise why would they think that English breakfast is the best?
After lunch, they continued to wander the streets of London. Taylor was very excited, and when he saw some small shops, he would go in and have a look, and then told Ai Huan as if offering a treasure, this is a special offering from the royal family, then Celebrities specialize in Yunyun, which made Ai Huan dizzy, but he also mentioned a lot of things along the way.

When it was about three or four o'clock in the afternoon, the rain finally stopped, and the number of pedestrians on the street gradually increased. As a result, Ai Huan and Taylor didn't dare to continue wandering on the street. The influence here is not lost to anyone, so Taylor had no choice but to put away his thoughts of continuing to hang out, and returned home with Ai Huan.

Taylor's house is right next to the Thames River. From the window on the second floor, you can see the scenery of the Thames River outside. Taylor also obviously likes this view. He always stands at the window and looks at the scenery below. He hugged her waist tightly and leaned his head on his hair. The two of them leaned against the window and didn't speak, but they felt warm in each other's hearts. At this moment, they were each other's sunshine, and the sunshine Companionship is always a joy.

"What are you thinking? You are not allowed to think about the game when you are by my side?" Taylor turned around and reached out to gently stroke Ai Huan's cheek, but at this moment she still felt that Ai Huan's mind should still be on the court.

"I can't think about it, but it's useless to think about it. After all, I'm not here to line up for the game. I just need to play the game, so when I stand on the sidelines, I'm [-]% devoted." Ai Huan didn't either. Going to be perfunctory, just telling the truth.

Taylor's hand continued to move slowly, and had already begun to stroke Ai Huan's chest muscles, "Do you think London is good?"

"It's okay. I really like this weather." Ai Huan let her tease him with a smile on his face.

"Then are you willing to come here for me?"

"Ah?" Ai Huan was stunned for a moment, he never thought that Taylor would say such a sentence, and looked at him a little strangely.

"I'm not kidding, remember the last time I told you that Gelsenkirchen is nice, but it doesn't belong to me, I just like it here, so I want you to come here, I want to be the queen here. "

Ai Huan smiled, "Why do you want to be queen? Is Elizabeth willing?"

"You know what I'm talking about? I've seen how Jennifer and Emma were treated on the court. I want to have a city of my own. Would you like to?"

"But this is not what I say. You know that there are many good teams in London, but I can't decide who is willing to pay for it."

Taylor shook his head, "You know you can. Anderson's head office is here, and his relationship with Arsenal is well known. Do you think he is unwilling to put you in his sphere of influence?"

"Arsenal?" Ai Huan shook his head and sighed, "Although this is also a strong team, it seems impossible to buy me, and I don't want to go there. It's impossible to get along with him happily, and it's better not to move this kind of thinking than to turn your face at that time."

"What about Chelsea? They have the money, the quality, and an owner who wants to get results, what do you think?"

Ai Huan was shocked again, he really hadn't thought about it, he was preparing to fight Chelsea now, and now he could not help being a little dazed by such a statement, is this possibility really possible?
Thinking of these things, he couldn't help but look up into the distance. At this time, London has gradually entered the night, and in Ai Huan's eyes, everything that he doesn't care about at all seems to have changed suddenly, but is it really possible?

London, London, can you really be my next home?
(End of this chapter)

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