greenery is king

Chapter 959 The Children of Gelsenkirchen

Chapter 959 The Children of Gelsenkirchen ([-])

Dortmund is naturally unwilling to be caught without a fight. Although they have no hope for the championship, they are still unwilling to be crushed by Schalke time and time again.

Klopp gritted his teeth and looked at the players from both sides who had just walked out of the field. He wished he could kill all the Schalke players. Although this was just football, it had other meanings to Klopp.

As a head coach, who doesn't want to leave a name in history and become a champion coach, and Dortmund has actually done very well in the past two years. They have defeated their old rival Bayern time and time again, and there have been signs of ZTE, but who knows what happened? Ai Huan came out in two years. This guy almost single-handedly changed the situation of the league to what it is now. He sent all the other teams into hell with one goal after another. For Klopp, it is the end.

Dortmund used to be brilliant in the past, and at its peak, it was invincible across Europe, but now these can only be regarded as the bravery of the past, and it will always look sour and bitter when it is mentioned again, and all this is because of this damn Ai Fan , he has already stolen all the limelight.

In the middle of the week, Klopp led this team to sweep Bayern and put Bayern firmly under it, but what's the point?After all, it is still Schalke who are in control now, and even if they win this game, it does not mean much. After all, there are still several games to come. As long as Schalke scores a point, no one can stop them from becoming the champion. up.

"I will fight with you! Even if I know that this game is impossible to pull you down, I will never allow you to step on Dortmund's shoulders to the championship." Klopp's eyes can't help but move when he thinks of this He turned to Magath, who was standing on the other side with a smile on his face, but it was obvious that the old guy didn't look at him at all, he just looked at his team members with a smile.

Before the game, the players from both sides paid a silent tribute to the former Schalke legend Manfred Ozesek, who just passed away the day before yesterday. He was not only the minister of Schalke, but also the backbone of the German national team. The fans in the audience didn't make a sound, and Schalke seemed unusually quiet.

After 1 minute, the loud and clear singing sounded again in the audience. The singing of Schalke's battle and victory echoed on the field for a long time.

However, from the very beginning, it can be seen that today Dortmund came with a desperate posture. They were extremely brave on the court, which also caught Schalke a little bit by surprise, so they were suppressed for a while.

In just 40 seconds of the opening, Dortmund succeeded in pressing the frontcourt. Gundogan made a mistake. Dortmund's midfielder S. Bender made a strong shot from the middle of the penalty area, but Zhang Chong bravely blocked it.The subsequent corner kick was not threatening and was easily picked off by Zhang Chong again.

And Schalke, who blocked the opponent's three strikes, also immediately counterattacked. In the 3rd minute, Mata and Ai Huan made a collision in the midfield, and then Mata broke into the opponent's penalty area from the right, but his final shot seemed to be Taizheng was saved from the penalty area by the opponent's goalkeeper, and Schalke got a corner kick.Fuchs took a corner from the right and Demba Ba took the first point, but his header landed on the side netting.

However, Schalke's offensive started here, threatening the opponent's penalty area time and time again. In the 5th minute, Ai Huan suddenly accelerated after getting the ball in midfield, which caused confusion for Dortmund's back line, but in everyone's mind When all the power was concentrated on Ai Huan, Ai Huan suddenly made a low pass and handed the football to Joaquin on the left. Dortmund defender Hummels directly lit the sole of his shoe without thinking, and shoveled the football away. However, Joaquin was also directly brought to the ground by him, and the referee awarded a free kick without hesitation.

When the referee blew his whistle, Aofu Schalke fell into a carnival. The fans shouted in the stands as if they had scored a goal. Even Uncle Dipp laughed and said, "Haha , we are going to lead, these sissies are really so capable, as soon as they see that their situation is not good, they will immediately block with a foul, a pity, this tactic is meaningless at all, our god will show his stunt I showed you."

And Hummels roared angrily in front of the referee. He thought it was a clean tackle. He touched the football first and then brought down the opposing player. However, this did not make the referee change the decision. , He also told Hummels very strongly, as long as you light up the soles of your shoes, it is a foul. If you didn't see such a big move from you, how could the opponent jump away in a hurry and ignore the football?However, Hummels kept talking like crazy, and finally annoyed the referee, who directly showed him a yellow card, which made him shut up.

Ai Huan was not in a hurry, he had already stood in front of the ball, but this time he did not look at the sky, but his eyes stayed on the Schalke battle flag flying at the highest place of Schalke for a long time, thinking .

But when the referee blew the whistle, Ai Huan suddenly moved, his calf slammed open, the football flew high over the wall immediately, then fell rapidly in the air, and reached the opponent's goal in the blink of an eye , although the Dortmund goalkeeper was prepared, he was still half a step slow. When he rushed out, the football had already landed heavily on the ground, and then bounced from between his legs into the goal. When he knelt on the ground subconsciously It's too late.

"Come in, come in! We're ahead! We're going to be champions! GOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL, Ai Huan! Our God!" Amid Uncle Dipper's nearly crazy shouts, Ai Huan didn't point his hands at the sky again, but He immediately rushed to the stands of diehard fans.His speed was extremely fast, and he jumped onto the billboard before anyone else could react, and then spread his arms as if to hug everyone, and the slogans they had prepared for a long time were immediately displayed on the stands of die-hard fans— "Welcome to my world!" Then an even louder sound surged over, making Ai Huan feel as if he was in a boat in a stormy sea, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

"Maybe this will be my last home game, and maybe I will bid farewell to this place forever, but please remember, my heart will always be with you, I am Ai Fan, I am Gelsenkir Xing's child! This will always be my home!" At this moment, Ai Huan's heart also set off infinite waves.

(End of this chapter)

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