greenery is king

Chapter 997 Interview

Chapter 997 Interview

The Chinese team boarded the special plane prepared by Zhu Xie immediately on the second morning after the game, and embarked on a journey back home.This is also something that cannot be helped. Not only will the next game be held in five days, but more importantly, Lebanon really feels unsafe.

The reporter from CCTV also returned to the country with this special plane. This is also a relatively experienced old reporter, so he was already prepared to interview the boys of the national team during this trip.

Since the Chinese team beat the opponent [-]-[-] in this game, all the team members on the plane were beaming, and almost everyone had a smile on their faces, so the cabin was not dull, and the team members gathered together in twos and threes. Together, some are playing cards, some are watching movies and listening to music, and some are concentrating on their mobile phones, but as long as they see this old reporter coming over, they will be very happy to be interviewed.

However, Li Yilin's goal is not them, but Ai Huan who is sitting in the last row, but it's a bit ugly to walk over like this, so he also wasted some time for other players, anyway, what these people say is also fans I care, so it's not useless.

The players are very satisfied with this game, who can be dissatisfied with this result?But when it comes to the next game against South Korea, these people are more conservative. Apart from saying that they will do their best, almost no one dares to say what they will do. This is more in line with them China has been afraid of losing for so many years, and there are really few players who dare to speak big words, for fear of being liquidated in the future.

After walking around, he finally came to Ai Huan's side. At this time, Ai Huan was still lying on the seat in the last row, with a baseball cap covering most of his face. It seemed that he was sleeping.

Xu Luyang, who was sitting on his left, was also closing his eyes, but he seemed to be listening to music with headphones on his ears.Sitting on his right is Zhang Lindong, who is also listening to his mobile phone with his eyes slightly closed. Dongfang Zhuo is lying in front of Ai Huan. He is still covered with a thin blanket. From his breathing, it can be heard that he has already slept soundly. sunk.

The other players were obviously unwilling to come and disturb them, so they kept a considerable distance from here. Li Yilin was also a little hesitant, wondering if he should come and disturb them, but in the end he came over, after all, as long as he thought of He would be excited if he could get the first-hand interview materials, so he didn't care much about it.

However, he was still a little nervous after all. After all, Ai Huan had always kept a distance from reporters. Even in Schalke, he had a mediocre relationship with local reporters, so he was also worried that he would be made ashamed when he passed by. Although I thought so inside, my legs still walked over.

It may also be because of this that Li Yilin looked a little clumsy, and as soon as he walked over, he bumped into Dongfang Zhuo who was fast asleep.He hastily apologized, and Dongfang Zhuo opened his eyes immediately, stared at Li Yilin for a long time and seemed to realize that it was a reporter, then turned around and went back to sleep.

And even this little action made Xu Luyang and Zhang Lindong raise their heads. When they saw him coming, they immediately understood what he meant and were ready to stand up to make room for him.

Li Yilin also wanted to interview them, so he immediately whispered, "Don't move, I'm here to interview you, as long as you're not sleeping, I'll chat with you."

"Even if we don't sleep, Dongfang still sleeps." Before anyone could speak, Ai Huan's voice rang out, and there was no emotion in it, it seemed cold.

"Don't worry about me, I'm a light sleeper and I'm already awake." Dongfang Zhuo sat up suddenly, held a bottle of water and took a few sips with his head up, and then turned around and continued, "You should accept the interview too. For the national team, don’t make it look like a foreign country. At least domestic reporters won’t ask you boring questions, it’s not easy, so please support it.”

Li Yilin almost hugged Dongfang Zhuo and kissed him. This guy looked like he was a thousand miles away from others. I didn't expect him to be so considerate. I really didn't expect it.

Ai Huan finally moved, he reached out and took off the hat, then sat up straight, cleared his throat and said, "It's really troublesome, but you are right, well, if you have any questions, just ask Bar."

Li Yilin suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, hurriedly put the recording pen on the table, and then reached for his mobile phone, but Ai Huan immediately stopped him, "You don't want to take a video, just record it, and it doesn't look good when you take a picture."

"Okay then, let's start now. The first question I want to ask you all, what changes do you think we made in this game to achieve such a big victory. Who is the best player in your mind? And what is the gap between our opponent Lebanon and us?"

Originally, I thought they would answer the questions one by one after I asked them, but I didn't know that the other three people had no intention of answering the questions at all, but at the same time they focused their eyes on Ai Huan's face.

Ai Fan looked at them strangely, "Why didn't you answer? Didn't he interview us?"

"What's the interview?" Dongfang Zhuo suddenly laughed, "We have answered these questions several times after the competition, but you don't give others a chance at all. Isn't it just to know what you think if you bring it up now? ?”

"Oh." Ai Huan looked at Li Yilin again, then shrugged his shoulders, "I'm sorry, I really haven't answered any questions." It's not his fault, he left after the first half, and the second half He didn't appear on the side of the court at all. It is said that he got on the bus before the game was over, so no reporter had the opportunity to ask any questions about the game.

"First of all, what I want to say is that you should not ask me your question, you should ask the head coach. It is his responsibility to arrange the formation. Whether it changes or not, it is up to him. As for Lebanon, I still have the final say. That sentence, I never talk about corpses, it’s over when it’s over, what’s the use of saying that? Who is the best player, that’s for you to see, whoever is the best in your heart is the best, mine Brother Dongfang is the best in my heart."

"Don't do that." Dongfang Zhuo laughed and cursed immediately.

Ai Huan was still smiling, "Really, I am very sincere."

Li Yilin is a little bit overwhelmed, but this kind of problem is indeed just an appetizer. He has already done his homework, so small setbacks will not affect his mood.

(End of this chapter)

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