Kamen Rider in Super Seminary

Chapter 156 Oppression?Revolt!

Chapter 156 Oppression?Revolt!
"Cecilia, why didn't you tell me earlier? So there are so many places here that we are not allowed to enter?"

Wu Ming looked at the hustle and bustle of people coming and going all around, and asked suspiciously.

"Because the officer didn't ask me?"

Cecilia tilted her head, her big innocent eyes flickered, and asked back.

"Me? Yes, I don't seem to have really asked you."

Wu Ming was speechless, and gave Cecilia a thumbs up with a sunny smile.

"However, your jurisprudence department here is really miserable. Except for patrolling, you just stand around every day, and you are not even allowed to enter the shops in the area under your jurisdiction!"

Wu Ming had never seen such an aggrieved and aggrieved jurist.

The street he is currently on is one of the two most prosperous commercial streets in the Tianqi area.

People walk into their favorite shops talking and laughing, and discuss the price of goods with friends, partners and relatives around them. If the price of the goods they want is just right, they will be extremely happy.

If you find that your financial budget is not enough to pay for the products in front of you, you can only shake your head and leave regretfully, and go shopping in other stores, and go around often to see if there will be any discounts and promotions. Price cuts to dump goods.

The angelic civilization, which has leapfrogged to the age of god-making, has not made much progress in civilian technology, and dark energy has only been applied to technological products owned by ordinary people in terms of optics, such as projectors and virtual images. some type of.

It is precisely because of this that even if most ordinary angels have a genetic system, they still live a life that is not much different from the residents of the pre-nuclear era without participating in training and fighting.

Shopping, gaming and traveling are still their main ways of pastime. It does not mean that every person in the Angel civilization will concentrate on scientific research, just like the entire Angel civilization has experienced the war that swept across half of the Angel galaxy. But not everyone keeps hatred in their hearts.

In Liberty City, the people here came here at the beginning to live the life they wanted and get rid of the feeling of being out of place in the Three Kingdoms.Although the three major royal cities still sent their own legions to establish a jurisprudence department in charge of all security and military affairs here, they rarely interfered with the lives of ordinary angels here.

At this point in the development of science and technology, ordinary people who cannot adapt to the angel gene system, ordinary people who have neither assets nor research ability, do not care much about them in the eyes of people at the level of Tianqi King and Zhu Kingdom.Not to mention deliberate oppression and exploitation.

It is difficult for ordinary people to create interests that satisfy their own desires, and there are naturally very few interests that can be exploited.

However, some ordinary people do not have such self-awareness. They lack knowledge and short-sightedness. They are either bewitched by others, or read confusing rumors from online books, and start to use their short-sighted cognition to make judgments.

Being cynical, complaining about this and that all day long, blaming Wangcheng, blaming the managers, rejecting those who are better than themselves, and looking at those who have good intentions to help them with resentment.

Among ordinary angels like Liberty City, such a person appeared.Liberty City was originally created by these people in order to live a more stable, comfortable and more suitable life for themselves, but in the eyes of these people, it has become a proof of being excluded and discriminated against.

They don't have the ability to earn more money so that they can live a better life, or even move to the floating island.

They also don't have enough knowledge to modify the genetic system. They are just ordinary people who run a small business, laugh and laugh at all kinds of news on the news all day long, and then brag with their friends.Or simply don't pay much attention to Wang Cheng's major events, indulge in games and pastime, do nothing all day long, and would rather hang out on the Internet than study.

The advanced agricultural technology of the angel civilization has made the basic needs of food and water no longer difficult, and you can enjoy a warm, delicious and nutritious lunch anytime, anywhere without even paying any price.

After the development of other planets in the Angel galaxy, the population of the Angel civilization was not large, and the housing became cheaper. There will be no such situation as in the main world, where it is hard to live for one house.

If you are homeless, Apocalypse King City will help you according to your needs, and provide you with a two-story building in the major cities or the main city of King City, which is definitely enough for you to live in.

It can be said that even if you want to spend your life doing nothing and mediocrely, Apocalypse King City will allow it.

Of course, the premise of all this is that it is not a super soldier.

It's just that Wangcheng only provides basic survival needs. Food, clothing, housing and transportation are completely provided by Wangcheng. Clothing and transportation, including the boredom after eating and drinking, are all resolved by yourself.

If you just want to live in one room all your life and think about nothing but eating and drinking, then naturally you don't have to do anything.

People who enjoy these benefits can do what they want and fulfill their dreams as long as they don't break the law.

And for some people in Liberty City, after eating and drinking enough, they will naturally start to think and fantasize when they are bored, and feel resentful that they cannot adapt to the genetic system, and that they can only live in this remote place. Angry about living in the city, envious and jealous of those figures piercing the sky on the Internet.

They resented their own situation, inexplicable, unreasonable, and illogical resentment, resentment multiplied, and these resentments gradually transformed to Wangcheng, Jurisdiction, and Gene System.

The so-called liberals are made up of these people.

There are still a lot of people living in the Apocalypse area of ​​the City of Liberty. The Corrupted Corridor started here, and within a few years, it became a huge organization spanning the three major royal cities, and it is even more deeply rooted in the birthplace of the City of Liberty.

The Liberals were probably born out of the minions of the Corrupted Corridor to confuse the people. Anyway, when the Liberals started their first parade, it had already become a trend, and a large group of people gathered to demonstrate with signs!Come and claim more power for yourself!

"Power? What power do they have to fight for?"

Wu Ming has lived in Tianqi King City for more than ten years. It can be said that he is very happy and casual, without any oppression or cruel oppression.

The government of Liberty City is made up of local people. The resources allocated to Liberty City by the Royal City are no less than those of the subordinate cities. The policies they formulate are only for the development of economy and technology, and at most they are for the genetic system. The research opens the door to convenience.

"Huh? Don't know?"

Cecilia carefully read the flyer in her hand, then shook her head in distress, "It's not written on it, it only says the time of their next demonstration."

"I don't even know what power I want to fight for. It seems that some people really want to make Liberty City lively."

Wu Ming also picked up a paper leaflet from the table, which clearly marked every large-scale parade organized by the liberals, as well as the slogans and results achieved since the emergence of the liberals.

But the results can almost be skipped.

"Huh? Cecilia, you seem to hate these people?"

Cecilia held the flyer tightly in her white hands, her mouth puffed out, looking unhappy.

"They will block the road every time, and they often block the door of the Jurisdiction Division, and the Chief Director will also ask everyone to stay in the Jurisdiction Division and not go out..."

After Cecilia's unhappy narration, Wu Ming finally knew what this so-called organization fighting for power and freedom had done. Demonstrations, blocking traffic, causing all kinds of riots, and then the most important actions , and made trouble at the gate of the Jurisdiction.

As the official institution assigned here by the main city of the Apocalypse King City, the Jurisdiction is a symbol of oppression and power in the eyes of liberals. The existence of the Jurisdiction is a kind of discrimination and oppression against them.

Therefore, the jurisprudence department has always been the primary target of the liberals. Once a large-scale demonstration is held, the jurisprudence department will be blocked immediately and surrounded by crowds from various strongholds in the apocalypse area. three floors.

And how did Komolin, as the chief director, deal with it?One word, endure!

These people who came to demonstrate were not very important. Most of them were just owners of small shops, or employees working in small shops, and some were even idle and unemployed.Of course, general liberal employees will only work in liberal stores.

These people are of no great value to Tianqi King City. As a pure population, the economic and scientific research value they create is almost the same as what they consume, and some even consume more resources.

For the angel civilization, these people can only be said to be tasteless, tasteless to eat, and it is a pity to discard them.

Originally, in the era when kings existed and held most of the power, if there were unreasonable people who dared to do such things, they should be suppressed directly. Anyway, there were only a few people, a few of the very few, and they would not cause too much disturbance at all.

A small number of people cannot represent public opinion. The ordinary angels in the main city of Apocalypse King City and the subordinate cities are very satisfied with the king's governance and jurisdiction. These rebellious people are bewitched by others and question the king's decision. They really deserve to die!

However, this is something that can only be done under the premise that King Tianqi has already cleared up the universe and ruled the world.At that time, the world will be as big as the land of the king, and the shore of the land will be the king's ministers. They will not be able to run away or fight, so naturally they can only suppress their thoughts that they shouldn't have.

The current situation of Angel civilization is not like this. The three major kingdoms stand together, restraining each other and balancing each other. No matter which side can dominate, even the slightly stronger Angel kingdom cannot defeat the other two.

And the existence of the Three Great King Cities also means that King Apocalypse cannot control everything. These people have the opportunity to choose, and naturally they have thoughts that they shouldn't have in their hearts, and the heart of disobedience arises spontaneously.Of course, these people only refer to the residents of Liberty City.

The intersection point of the forces of the three major imperial cities, the people in Liberty City are somewhat special. Strictly speaking, this city is composed of the three major imperial cities, and the people in it do not belong to any of the three major imperial cities.

"Is this the dividing line?"

Wu Ming and Cecilia stood in front of a dividing line, looking at the people coming and going.

"Well, this is the boundary with the space-based area."

The Tianji area is naturally under the jurisdiction of the Tianji King City. The blue-gray stone bricks belonging to the Tianqi area stopped abruptly here, and became a variety of colors, and even several colors were intertwined on the ground to form a wonderful pattern. .

"Then, the dividing line with Angel King City is on the other side."

"On the other side..." Cecilia said coquettishly, stretching out her white and slender fingers and pointing in the opposite direction.

"What would happen if I crossed over?"

Wu Ming walked to the end of the blue gray, raised his feet and said eagerly.According to the country of the main world, he should be regarded as crossing the national border without authorization, and it seems that he can be killed directly if he is discovered by the other party.

"We can't go there, they can."

"But what if I just mingled with the crowd and squeezed through together?"

"It will be discovered, the system in our body can be detected!"

Cecilia blinked mischievously with pearl-like eyes, and said.

Naturally, we are referring to the people from the Apocalypse King City including Wu Ming, and they are the people from the City of Liberty.

The City of Liberty was jointly built by the three major royal cities. At the beginning of the construction, the three major royal cities had already planned the areas under their jurisdiction.

And the dividing line is also very obvious. There are blue-gray stone bricks at the foot of Tianqi Wangcheng, and Tianji Wangcheng is made of colorful bricks. The bricks of various colors are paved with beautiful patterns, and even some bricks are left by some people's inspiration. Sculpture.

Angel City, as the city with the largest number of people and the strongest comprehensive strength among the three major cities, is uniformly paved with a layer of gold-plated bricks on the surface, carved with dragons and wind, and looks luxurious at a glance.

When the people from the City of Liberty left the Three Kingdoms together as if they had made an agreement, they no longer belonged to the Three Kingdoms.

It’s just that they are not a weak force when they unite together, so any one of the three major royal cities is unwilling to give up, and they don’t want them to be recruited by other royal cities, so they made a bad move and specially built the City of Liberty.

So, strictly speaking, the angels in this city don't have to regard themselves as people from the Three Kingdoms, and they did.

The special status of the residents of Liberty City gave them a strange privilege. They could challenge the authority of the King of Apocalypse without worrying about it, because as long as they wanted, they could escape from the domain of the King of Apocalypse and live in the other two cities.

As long as you step into Angel or Tianji, you will no longer be under the jurisdiction of the Apocalypse King. Once you intervene again as the Jurisdiction Division of the Apocalypse Force, it will evolve from an internal incident in the royal city to a diplomatic incident between the two major royal cities.

If it's just these people, there is no problem for the King of Apocalypse, but they are part of the city of liberty, and their parade is parading in their own city, and the slogan of the parade is not like the signboard at the entrance of the store. Similarly, it is a bit difficult to name names, places, and places against the Judiciary and the Tianqi King City.

It has been mentioned many times that there are quite a few elites in the City of Liberty. Some of them have considerable assets in their hands, and some have the knowledge enough to enter the Apocalypse Academy of Sciences. The three major cities all want to recruit this force.

If these elites are disgusted with the Apocalypse King City because of these useless liberals, it will definitely be a big loss for the Apocalypse King City.

Therefore, from the appearance of the liberals to Wu Ming's coming to Liberty City, even though the discrimination against the jurisprudence department became more and more serious during this period, the jurisprudence department and the King of Apocalypse also turned a blind eye to the liberals.

As long as they don't make too much noise, the Jurisdiction Division will not intervene, even if they are making a fuss in front of the Jurisdiction Division's gate.

(End of this chapter)

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