Kamen Rider in Super Seminary

Chapter 160 Parade!procession!

Chapter 160 Parade!procession!

Wu Ming supported the counter, panting heavily, his face flushed red.

"Fred, are these people, are these people crazy? Why are you chasing me?"

He picked up the tea that had been prepared on the counter, and drank it down in one gulp, ignoring the hot tea.

"Fred! Fred! Fred . . . what's the matter with you?"

Wu Ming lowered his head and called Fred's name loudly, but he still couldn't hear Fred's answer for a long time. When he looked up, Fred's livid face met his eyes.

"What exactly happened here?"

Wu Ming's mind was full of twists and turns, and many thoughts flashed in his mind, but on the surface he had an extremely puzzled expression.

"Cecilia, what happened to Fred? His face is so ugly!"

"The demonstration happened again, and everyone had to huddle here again. We were blocked at the door but didn't dare to do anything. Grandpa Fred must be angry because of this incident!"

Cecilia is also a little uncertain. There have been many similar parades in the past, and the gate of the Jurisdiction has not been blocked once or twice.

"Angry? The entrance of the dignified jurisprudence department was blocked by people. A group of people held signs to demonstrate. A pair of silent, angry, and ignorant eyes stared at me. They couldn't eat well or sleep well. It really affected the appearance of the city. You should be angry, but you shouldn't be angry like this, right?"

Wu Ming didn't dare to speak loudly, for fear that someone who wasn't paying attention would offend the old man who was blowing his beard and staring.

It can be said to be full of anger, rage, rage, and rage. The old face that was once tanned by the sun and changed due to staying indoors for a long time showed a yellow color. Now this face is frowning , wrinkled together, and some cloudy eyes want to breathe fire, as if they want to burn all the parades that are about to rush to the gate of Jurisdiction to ashes.

"Cecilia doesn't understand either. Grandpa Fred has been angry several times, but he wasn't angry like this when he drove them away!"

Cecilia tilted her head in doubt, and walked to Fred's side, gently patting Fred's back with her white and tender hands, helping Fred relieve his shortness of breath.

"This demonstration? It seems to be really unusual, different from previous demonstrations, a big plan!"

No one around Wu Ming cared about him. Fred was out of breath and stared at the gate with an angry face. Crick didn't continue to indulge in the game, and stared at the direction Wu Ming was running with a serious face. Cecilia Carefully pounding the back of his grandpa Fred, his pretty face was full of worry.

Only Wu Ming was leaning against the counter, his flushed face returned to normal in the blink of an eye, his breath was calm, and he didn't seem to be exhausted.

"Judging by Fred's expression, it must have been spread on the Angel Network."

For Liberty City, if it was just an ordinary parade, it would naturally not be considered an earth-shattering event.The same is true for the Apocalypse area. Cecilia remembers that there were seven or eight parades. For an old man like Fred, if there were before, there should be more times, which is not a big deal at all.

"This is? Expulsion of the Jurisdiction?"

Wu Ming entered the angel network, logged in to the URL recorded on the leaflet, and entered the liberal website.

The number one headline is this parade, "Parade in the Apocalypse Region - Expulsion of the Jurisdiction!"

The former is not a major event, but the latter is different. For the Tianqi area, it is an earth-shattering event.

"Aren't these people tired of living?"

Wu Ming flipped through the content on the webpage, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Angel Regional Parade, Space Base Regional Parade!!"

In addition to the parade in the Apocalypse area on the homepage of the website, there was also a parade in the area of ​​​​Angels and Space Base.

The title of expelling the Jurisdiction only appeared after the parade in the Apocalypse area, and it was a great shame for the people in the Apocalypse area and the Jurisdiction.

According to past experience, according to the past several demonstrations, the liberal parade only took place in the Apocalypse area, and this phenomenon did not occur in the two major areas of Angel and Tianji.

The Angel area adheres to the consistent policy of the Angel King City towards the people under its rule, and the quarterly high-pressure policy. The six gates established by the Angel Wang Hua in the Liberty City shroud the entire Angel area under the rule of iron and blood.

Who dares to defy the rule of the angel king in the angel area, hold demonstrations, and demand more power from the overbearing and arbitrary king, then the angel king dares to send troops to kill all these demonstrators, and bloodbath the angel area .

This kind of thing happened in the city of the Angel King. The butchers of the previous Angel Kings have proved to the people under his rule that disobedience to the rule of the Angel King can only lead to death.With the development of science and technology, the solidification of classes, and the continuous increase in the strength of the king's army, the death rate of resistance is getting higher and higher, and the success rate is getting lower and lower. It is impossible for this kind of thing to happen in the Angel King City.

In the eyes of the people in the other two major royal cities, Tianji King City is a paradise of freedom, a paradise, a fairyland beyond heaven, and it has almost become the legendary Datong society, the most beautiful place of angel civilization.

The people there are respectful and courteous to each other, the monarchs and ministers perform their own duties, live a happy and healthy life, provide for the old and support the young, it is almost the most beautiful paradise.

Tianji King City and Angel King City are almost two societies, presenting two extremes.The systems of the two royal cities have also continued to the areas under the respective management of the Liberty City, so it is almost impossible for the demonstrations to take place in these two royal cities.

However, Tianqi King City can neither achieve the Taoyuan Paradise like Tianji King City, nor can it return to the highly centralized rule like Angel King City. Apocalypse King City.

This is the case with the demonstrations, the appearance of the liberals, and the departure of the people under the rule because of the genetic system. This has been the case since a long time ago.

The successive Kings of Apocalypse have thought about changing this situation, but for some unknown reason, these kings who are full of ambitions and powerful at the same time have never been able to do this.The kings of the past were like this, and the current King Caesar can't do it either.

After a long time, it will naturally become a default.

After the emergence of the Angel Gene System, the ancient feudal and backward system of the Angel King City and the highly developed technology formed a strange society. The Tianji King City has truly formed the ideal of the founding king when he established this king city. The Land of Peach Blossoms.

The extreme division of the two royal cities became more and more serious, and the contradictions and conflicts became more and more serious.

If it weren't for that war, the friction between Angel and Tianji's two major royal cities was slightly eased, and the internal conflict was transferred to the foreign war. The two major royal cities had already ignited the flames of war.

The situation of Apocalypse King City is even more embarrassing. Both sides have a little prejudice against Apocalypse King City, and both sides are not pleasing.

The three major royal cities are full of technology trees and are constantly advancing, but they are different in terms of social and political systems.

The liberal demonstrations first appeared in Tianqi King City, and this incident was once treated as a joke and spread throughout the other two king cities.

Today, there have been demonstrations in the areas managed by the three major royal cities.Fred, as the people of this country, as an old man who dedicated his first half of his life to this country, who regards this country as his own life, should be secretly happy.

Even if you don't get better, but seeing others get worse, you will get better accordingly.This phenomenon occurred in the other two major royal cities, which means that they also have problems, and the Tianqi King City should also gloat and laugh.

However, when Fred saw the news, he was furious. Looking at him, he probably wanted to kill those demonstrators.

Why is this?It is because behind the headline on the official website of the Liberals, only the parade in the Apocalypse area carried the sentence, Expel the Jurisdiction!

What kind of place is the Jurisdiction? It is the official institution of the Tianqi King here, and it is the face of the Tianqi King City.

In the previous few demonstrations, they used slogans to assert their power, but they were all vague and insinuating, and the name of the Jurisdiction was never mentioned positively.

This time was different. The name of the Jurisdiction Division was blatantly put on the table, and the expulsion of the Jurisdiction Division was already forcing the Jurisdiction Division to turn against the liberals.

Moreover, in this parade, there are three major regions, but only Tianqi region wants to expel the management agency sent here by Wangcheng.

Fred was furious, Creek was solemn, Cecilia was worried, and Wu Ming was silent.

"Jurisdict, get out of Liberty City!"

"Jurisdict, get out of the City of Liberty!!"


If this is one after another of shouting, if this is like a mountain and sea, the roaring roar, then there is nothing to be afraid of.

Even if the voices of tens of thousands of people gathered together, the rolling sound waves came like a tide, and shook the Jurisdiction like thunder, the Jurisdiction was not afraid.Reasoning never depends on the loudness of the voice or the number of people, but whose fist is the biggest.

Don't look at the tens of thousands of people in each parade, and the crowds are so black that you can't see the edge, but it's just a mess of scattered sand and a mob.

When people have cohesion and faith, when rebellion is no longer rebellion, but a real appeal for the people, a large number of people is a kind of strength.If there is no unified leadership and no convincing theoretical support, the more people there are, the weaker they will be.

At this time, too many people will hold back, and the crowd will become a mob.

No matter how many such people there are, as long as the Apocalypse guards are there, a shock will disperse like birds and beasts.

But, now, at this moment, there is nothing but silence, silence and silence before the gate of Jurisdiction!An eerie silence, an indifferent silence, a piercing silence.

Less than a quarter of an hour after Wu Ming returned to the Jurisdiction Division, the crowds of people gathered in front of the Jurisdiction Division.

One step faster than them was the guard of Apocalypse, the guard of the Apocalypse area of ​​Liberty City. The first time the parade happened, it had already rushed to the Juris Division, and dozens of members of the guard stood firmly in front of the Juris Division.

The entire Apocalypse area, including the city gate guards, the patrol team in the city, and the guards of the Jurisdiction, add up to thousands of people.

If it were normal times, dozens of guards would be enough to stop those demonstrators in front of the Jurisdiction. Anyway, these people didn't have the guts to rush into the Jurisdiction. They just stood in front of the door and shouted loudly. None of the guts.

But this time the situation was different, far different than usual.

"Fred, the situation is wrong this time, have you notified the headquarters of the Apocalypse King City?"

Wu Ming sat Fred, who was panting, clutching his chest, on the chair, stroking his chest, and helped him relieve his breath.

"As soon as the demonstration took place, it was reported to the Tianqi King City headquarters."

After Fred rested on the chair for a while, his breath became clearer.

"Hey, I'm still old. If it was a few years ago, I could still stand against them for a day and a night."

At this moment, Fred no longer had the anger and arrogance he had just now. He looked as if he wanted to rush out of Jurisdiction with a knife in hand, rush into the crowd of parades, and slash from the street to the end of the street. , from one end of Jurisdiction to the other.

Now Fred's face is pale, his eyes are slightly frightened, his blood is surging, and his face is abnormally red.

It's no wonder Fred, the parade people outside are really frightening and frightening!
Cecilia just glanced at it, and her small face was as white as paper in fright. She hid behind Wu Ming and held on to his clothes, not daring to show her head.

"Where are the guards in the city? We alone can't stop these people from charging."

Wu Ming turned his head to look at Falisi's half-closed door. Through the gap, he could see the frost-cold eyes outside the door.

"Do you still need to say? The guards have arrived a long time ago, and they are just outside! But the number is still too small, these people..."

Fred didn't continue talking, these people were different from the previous mob, and the cold eyes didn't seem like they were alive.

"It's not good, the guards are stopped on the road!"

When several people were worried, Crick walked in and said hastily.

"What, how is it possible!" Fred jumped up from the chair in surprise, but immediately screamed, "Oh, my waist!"

"How did this happen? Stopped on the road? Who can stop them?"

The strength of the patrol team in the city is not low, at least they are middle-level fighters, and a large part of them are high-level fighters, and they master the standard weapons from the royal city. The weapons and equipment are not only top-notch, but also among the three major legions. The weapons used by the elite are equipped.

In addition, they have received systematic training and mastered systematic killing methods.It is easy to deal with ordinary people.

"It's the marchers, there are too many marchers!"

When Crick spoke, he still had some lingering fears, "If I hadn't run fast, I might have been stopped by those people and couldn't run away!"

"Didn't all the people in the parade gather in front of our door? This group of ghosts!"

Fred was also a little uneasy. He wanted to speak loudly, but he couldn't catch his breath for a while, so he could only say intermittently, "How can there be...how can there be so many people blocking them?"

"Fred, you...you sit down first."

Crick was a little worried about Fred's heart's ability to bear it, so he stepped forward and pressed Fred on the chair after trying to get up several times.

Feeling a little worried, he reminded him again.

"Cecilia, take out the mind-changing pills that are in the second drawer under the table."

"Oh well."

Cecilia nodded slightly and said.

Although the little girl was quite strong, she hadn't participated in many battles after all, so she was still a little scared in the face of such a cold and bone-chilling person.

His eyes were evasive, he didn't want to and didn't dare to face those people outside.

"Okay, everything is ready."

Crick swallowed and rubbed his hands together, as if making a major decision, "Fred, don't worry. Listen to me!"

"The whole city, the whole Liberty City, is... parading!"

(End of this chapter)

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