through the infinite world

Chapter 140 Just a passing Kamen Rider

Chapter 140 Just a passing Kamen Rider
The staff in Loki's hand is the key to closing the gate of time and space. In the previous battles, Loki used this staff to fight, so others had no chance to get this staff. However, after the battle between Rocky and DECADE, Loki held His staff was kicked away by him, so Loki would directly take out the treasure of the frost giant and fight DECADE.

When Xu Xiaoxiao heard that Wang Xiaoming asked Cao Zijian to look for the staff, his eyes lit up, and he didn't care about the Chitauri's attack, so he used his energy to look around for the staff. Soon, Xu Xiaoxiao had found Loki's Staff.

However, Xu Xiaoxiao's actions almost ruined things, because there is another person who can sense the fluctuations in mental power here, and that is Loki, who is proficient in all kinds of illusions and magic. He sensed Xu Xiaoxiao's mental fluctuations.

Loki was taken aback for a moment, and was almost hit by AgitΩ, but because of this, he also noticed Xu Xiaoxiao's target, the magic staff he had on his body before.

"Hmph, want to close the gate of time and space? Don't even think about it!" Loki snorted angrily, turned his hands and the treasure of the Frost Giant appeared in his hand, and then a powerful wave of energy shot out, shooting towards Xu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Meng Waiting over there.

"Damn it!" AgitΩ was taken aback when she saw it, and before she had time to think about it, she ran directly in front of Xu Xiaoxiao, blocking Loki's angry blow for the opponent, and the huge energy directly bombarded AgitΩ, making Xu Xiaoxiao directly from the transformed state Backed out and fell not far away.

"You~~~Why?" Xu Xiaoxiao asked with some doubts.

"Who knows, maybe AgitΩ wants to save you." Wang Xiaoming rubbed his chest, and spit out a mouthful of blood with a puff.

Xu Xiaoxiao looked at Wang Xiaoming who was vomiting blood and was speechless. When she knew that Wang Xiaoming's identity and abnormalities in the reincarnation world might be related to him, she subconsciously rejected him and isolated him. She wanted to use this method to make Wang Xiaoming leave the Shenzhou team by himself. But he didn't expect that Wang Xiaoming would use his body to block Loki's attack at this time.

"Are you an idiot? Now that you are also injured, we have no chance to win." Zhang Meng said 'vicious' words, but tears flowed out unknowingly.

Wang Xiaoming stood up with some difficulty, and said, "Tch, don't compare me with you soft-legged shrimps, I can still fight for 2 years!"

"Oh, what a disgusting friendship. They are already dying, so what are you talking about?" Luo Ji said, looking at Wang Xiaoming with a smile.

"Hmph, how can a guy like you understand." Liu Qianqian seemed to have woken up at this time, and directly refuted Loki's words.

"It's really funny. As a god, how can I need such messy emotions from human beings?" Loki sneered at Liu Qianqian's words.

"It's no wonder that Odin didn't choose you to be the king of Asgard. So it's not just because you're not his son." Wang Xiaoming said with a chuckle.

"You~~ You bastard, who do you think you are? How dare you say such things to me!" After hearing Wang Xiaoming's words, Luo Ji was immediately angry.

Hearing this coveted sentence, Wang Xiaoming's spirit instantly changed. With a smile on his lips, he took out the Kamen Rider DECADE card, and said to the frowning Loki, "I'm just a passing knight. That's all, of course, we won't meet again, you don't need to remember!"

After saying this, Wang Xiaoming yelled, "Transform!" 'And inserted the card into the card slot, and under Loki's dumbfounded eyes, he transformed into Kamen Rider DECADE again.

"You guy, how can you still fight?" Loki felt a little unbelievable, and it seemed that a mysterious force was weakening his own strength.

"Didn't I say that? I can still fight for 2 years! Transformation!" After speaking, DECADE swiped the AgitΩ card again, and transformed into a Kamen Rider AgitΩ with the attribute of killing gods.

"Damn it, I'm just a mortal, don't be too arrogant!" Loki snorted, transformed into a frost giant again, and fought AgitΩ again, but this time the battle surprised Loki, because he found that The strength of his opponent is completely different from before.

"What the hell is going on?" he asked angrily.

"Who knows, you can only blame yourself, who told you to invade the earth." AgitΩ hit Loki hard in the face with a right uppercut, knocking him into the air.

"Damn it, I'm the god of Asgard, and I'm about to become the king of the entire galaxy. I can't lose! I have them all, kill him!" Loki found that he seemed to have some signs that he couldn't win, Immediately the order was given to the Chitauri.

"Hmph, these minions don't want to get closer to Wang Xiaoming!" Liu Qianqian had almost recovered at this time, she was no longer trying to control those big guys, but controlled the nearby infantry and cavalry, and they killed each other.

On the other side, Cao Zijian has received a communication from Xu Xiaoxiao. It was Xu Xiaoxiao who told him the location of Loki's staff with his spiritual power. Of all the people present, Spider-Man was the one most capable of helping him.

"Spider-Man, I need your help!" he said to Spider-Man.

"What happened? By the way, what about Nick Wang and the others?" The Winter Soldier asked strangely
"Mr. Chief has met Loki and is fighting him." Cao Zijian said immediately.

"Is there a way to close that damn passage!" Iron Man descended from the sky, his voice showing a trace of fatigue, "If this continues, we won't be able to organize this group of guys."

"Wang Xiaoming has found a way, but I need Spider-Man's help." Cao Zijian said immediately.

"Understood, we will drag these guys." Harry Osborn nodded and said.

"Thank you, Spider-Man, let's go!" Cao Zijian said to Spider-Man.

Spider-Man nodded, grabbed Cao Zijian's arm, then stuck the spider's silk to the roof in the distance, and swung directly over.Only Spider-Man can move quickly and agilely on this kind of battlefield. After all, spider perception is not just for fun.

"It's over there, did you see it?" Cao Zijian almost vomited his lunch after being led by Spiderman for a while in the air. It's one thing to strengthen the body. Can he adapt to this kind of situation? How you move is another matter.

"Yes, Loki's staff, do we need that thing?" Spiderman's eyes were pure, and he also saw the staff that Cao Zijian saw.

"Yes, that is the key to closing the gate of time and space!" Cao Zijian said immediately.

"Okay, I'll take it back now!" After Spider-Man finished speaking, the spider silk launcher on his right hand fired a spider thread that stuck to Loki's staff, before a Chitauri got the staff. The staff was in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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