through the infinite world

Chapter 228 Gemini Psychic Medium

Chapter 228 Gemini Psychic Medium
Gemini psychics are those twin sisters who are born with psychic ability, and they can only be sisters. Such twins can sense each other's mind, and their spiritual power is also very strong. They are sacrifices that those demons like very much.

This is what Wang Xiaoming found in a miscellaneous note in the small box that Wang Xiaoming carried with him in this world. It is not just talking nonsense according to the movies in his memory. After all, the world is different, and many things may be completely different. , so Wang Xiaoming will not talk nonsense on this kind of matter.

"You mean, Isabella and Angela are the so-called twin psychics?" Dean asked strangely.

"It should be. Didn't Angela say it before? She was able to see this when she was a child." Wang Xiaoming nodded and said.

"Do you have more detailed information about the Gemini psychic?" Dean asked with a frown. After all, he only knows a concept now, and there is no practical thing at all.

Wang Xiaoming shook his head. The miscellaneous notes in his hand only recorded some conceptual and general things, and the knowledge inside was rich. Unfortunately, there were too few specific records, almost all of which were catalogs and introductions.

"Maybe you can call your father and ask." Wang Xiaoming suggested that at this time, maybe only those hunters with a little background would have detailed information, such as Bobby Singer.

"Why don't we call tomorrow." Dean shook his head. In fact, he didn't want to talk to his father at this time. There are still some knots, especially when his father said to Sam's departure before, 'Let him go! ' And even more so.

Wang Xiaoming doesn't care, after all, Angela is still on their side, as long as Angela's safety is protected, nothing will happen for the time being. As for whether Lucifer's seventh son, Mammon, will come through the same means as in the movie Earth, Wang Xiaoming has no clue now, after all these things should never have happened in this world.

After that, the two fell asleep without chatting too much. God knows what will happen tomorrow, and it may even happen tonight, so they quickly rested while it was still early.Sure enough, just after three o'clock, Wang Xiaoming woke up instantly, because he smelled a strong smell of sulfur—the devil is coming!

Wang Xiaoming quietly got out of bed and saw that Dean was fast asleep on the other side of the bed, knowing that the other party was about to wake up, Wang Xiaoming quietly pasted an exorcism talisman paper on his bedside, then left the room and went outside .

The smell of sulfur in the corridor was very strong. When Wang Xiaoming turned around, he saw a person walking in this direction. He was looking for the front desk of a hotel, a middle-aged Obasan. Dark eyes.

At this time, if ordinary people see such a scene, they will definitely be shocked and killed by this demon. Of course, they may be tortured severely first, but Wang Xiaoming is not an ordinary person after all. He is not good at such things, but he is not completely incompetent.

"Human beings who get in the way!" The proprietress said in a piercing voice, then with a flick of her eyes, she used her mental power to nail Wang Xiaoming to the wall.

It's a pity that Wang Xiaoming, who was carrying all kinds of talisman papers on his body, would never be knocked away by such a small trick. He directly took out his energy gun and fired.

"It doesn't seem to be very good?" Wang Xiaoming turned the energy gun in his hand casually, and he can fight against such demons without even transforming, for example, like this!

[(Latin) Priinceps gloriosissime clestis militi...] A series of Latin words came out of Wang Xiaoming's mouth. Just now, the demon who was knocked into the air and wanted to kill Wang Xiaoming was read out by Wang Xiaoming before he walked in front of Wang Xiaoming. The exorcism spell blasted out of the proprietress's body, and disappeared on the floor of the corridor with a scream.

After the demon was expelled, the middle-aged proprietress passed out as soon as she rolled her eyes. Wang Xiaoming walked over and took a breath, and found that she was fine, so she didn't continue to take care of her. It was lucky enough not to be killed by him directly. Don't expect Wang Xiaoming It will wake her up, anyway, the corridor of the hotel is not very cold, it won't hurt to lie down all night.

With a click, just as Wang Xiaoming was about to knock on the door, Angela's room had already opened, and Angela, who was wearing white pajamas, walked out with a look of horror.She lay on the bed and didn't sleep much at all. After all, how could it be so easy to fall asleep after encountering so many things, so when the devil approached, she was actually awake.

"It scared me just now. What happened?" Angela looked at Wang Xiaoming and asked. When she was in the room before, she heard Wang Xiaoming's voice and didn't shout for help. Therefore, after the silence here , dare to open the door.

"Didn't I say, don't open the door without us knocking?" Wang Xiaoming said casually, and then answered Angela's question: "It's a demon, I sent it away."

"Demons? Well, I've seen ghosts before. What's down there, angels?" Angela said a little self-destructively.

Wang Xiaoming said in his heart: "If it's the original plot, your wish can come true, and you're still an archangel."

However, these words cannot be said directly, after all, it will scare the girl to death. Of course, it is also because Wang Xiaoming has no idea whether there will be an angel this time, or even whether the psychic who is eyeing the pair of twins is or not. That mammon.

"Get ready, it's time for us to leave." Wang Xiaoming didn't look at the proprietress lying outside. This place has been exposed, and if he continues to stay, more demons will come. Although he is not afraid of demons, it is meaningless The battle is still unnecessary.

"What happened?" Dean had already come out at this time, saw Wang Xiaoming at the door of Angela and the proprietress lying in the corridor, frowned and said, "The smell of sulfur is a devil?"

"Yes, luckily it's only one, so I didn't wake you up." Wang Xiaoming knew what Dean was going to say.

"It's amazing, I haven't met a demon yet. How did you do it?" Dean said with bright eyes.

"It's not a special method, the exorcism spell was sent by your father last time, remember?" Wang Xiaoming said with a smile.

"Damn Latin." Dean muttered, and turned back to pack his things, because he already knew that Wang Xiaoming's method was not suitable for him, because he hadn't memorized such a long exorcism spell.

"You're still young." Wang Xiaoming shrugged. Dean was really tender at this time, and some things were written directly on his face.

 I think I should write it in separate volumes. Although it is one world, it is two stories after all, but forget it, it’s so troublesome to say

  Oh, by the way, yesterday's interview, hehe, I may not be able to pass the interview in my life. In the past few years, I have not scored 74.4 points, and I have not missed a point.

(End of this chapter)

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