through the infinite world

Chapter 236 News of Mammon

Chapter 236 News of Mammon

Wang Xiaoming stood aside. He didn't know the difference between this kind of psychic and the corresponding Taoism in Huaxia. After all, he was not a professional exorcist, and his knowledge was limited, but this did not prevent him from standing Watching the play aside.

Pamela pulled Angela to the table and asked her to sit, then she took a tablecloth with pentagrams and some candles, lit five candles, then grabbed Angela's hands with both hands, and closed the Eyes to sense.

Wang Xiaoming didn't hear any incantations or any mysterious actions. It seemed that this was a special ability of Pamela's own. Gradually, I heard Pamela say these incantations again. Well, in fact, it's more like a spell than a spell. It's a kind of psychological hint, because every sentence she yells is in English, and it's still very simple.

[Pull away the fog, let me see everything~! ! !Isabella, show up! 】

After hearing this, Wang Xiaoming knew that Pamela seemed to be looking for Angela's sister Isabella, which meant that she was spying on the situation in hell at the moment. No wonder she said to keep others quiet. of danger.

About 10 minutes later, Pamela let go of Angela's arm with a scream, and there was a trace of being held by something on her wrist, which was blood red and blood red, very scary.

"Hey, Pamela, are you okay?" John and the others immediately ran over to pull Pamela up, looking at the scar on her arm.

"It's okay, compared to this, I think we seem to be in a big trouble." Pamela was sweating constantly because of the pain, she gritted her teeth and raised her head to John.

Dean ran over to find the medical kit from a cabinet in the hotel, took out a white bandage and some medicine, and immediately bandaged Pamela.After Pamela glanced at Dean, she said what she 'saw'.

"Your sister is already in hell, but she is no longer your sister." Pamela turned to Angela and said.

"What does this mean?" Angela asked strangely.

"The flow of time in hell and the world is different. Although it seems to us that your sister committed suicide within three or four days, it has been several years in hell." Pamela explained lightly, pointing With her wrapped arms, she said, "This is her masterpiece."

"In other words, your sister Isabella has become a demon." Dean said with a sigh.

"How? She is a devout believer, how could she become a demon?" Angela couldn't believe it, or she didn't believe it at all.

"She committed suicide. Oh, by the way, it's good that she is a devout believer, but she doesn't believe in the one with God." Pamela shrugged, then snorted softly, obviously this habit made her suffer I suffered a little.

"Is she a member of the Demon Sect?" Wang Xiaoming asked as if he had seen a ghost. The Devil Sect is also the so-called Satanism, and they are similar.

"That's not the problem." Pamela looked at the crowd and said, "The psychic I just had leaked my location, so we have to get out of here!"

Everyone nodded, words can be said on the road, but being blocked by demons here is not good.The three of Dean took a car, and Pamela and John left the hotel in a car. There was no destination to choose. Dean followed his father and walked quickly. They tried to choose some roads with few people. Leaving town soon.

After walking for about four hours on the road, they came to a small town close to Chicago. In order not to hurt innocent people, they chose a less lively area.

In the hotel room, five people were sitting on the bed and the sofa. Pamela continued to talk about things she hadn't said clearly before, and then Wang Xiaoming and the others knew the truth of the matter.It turned out that Angela's sister Isabella joined Satanism when she was in the hospital, and then in order to revenge those who did not believe in herself, she summoned a demon and committed suicide after she succeeded.

"Are you sure it's the devil who wants to travel here?" John asked directly.

"There are no other demons around her, but I saw some strange symbols, as long as we can find out what this symbol represents." Pamela said and drew a strange symbol on the white paper that Dean took out.

A circle, and two spears formed a cross to the left of the circle. Wang Xiaoming looked at it and felt relieved. Although the development of the matter deviated from the so-called "plot", at least some details remained unchanged.

"This is the symbol of mammon!" Wang Xiaoming said, looking at the others.

"Mammon? Are you sure it's that Mammon?" John said with a change of expression.

"Well, it's the devil's son. If that guy wants to come to Earth on a business trip, it's really difficult. With only his own and Isabella's strength, it's impossible to pass through the passage between Earth and hell." Wang Xiaoming nodded and said.

"Damn it, you're really right, we're in trouble." John frowned, stood up and said, "I'm going out to make a call, you guys wait here for me for a while."

Everyone has no opinion, Angela and Dean don't know how serious the matter is, and ever since Isabella joined Satanism and even degenerated into a demon because of herself and the reason (Angela thinks so), Angela has been is crying.

Wang Xiaoming, um, don't count the strokes. As for Pamela, there is nothing she can do. She has already got involved in this matter, and it is impossible to get out halfway.

"My sister, is she really not coming back?" Angela raised her head and looked at everyone with her red eyes like a ripe peach.

"She fell voluntarily, and there is no way to save her soul." Pamela walked over to sit next to Angela, shaking her head and said.

"It's all my fault. If I hadn't lied that I didn't see those things, but admitted that I could really see them, maybe she wouldn't have joined Satanism." Angela cried.

Dean hugged Angela and comforted her softly. He really had no way to persuade Angela about this kind of thing. He could only let Angela get out of this psychological barrier by herself. As for Pamela, she frowned, as if wondering if there was any way to help Angela.

At this moment, John walked in from the outside. His face looked a little scary, as if he was in a state of mind and panic because of the news he had heard.This emotion should not have appeared on John Winchester's face, but it did appear at this moment.

"What happened?" Dean asked immediately when he saw his father.

"I think we're in big trouble." John looked at everyone and said in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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