through the infinite world

Chapter 322 Doubt and Trust

Chapter 322 Doubt and Trust
In fact, some things that happened recently did not actually happen in the "original book", but Wang Xiaoming doesn't care, after all, he has changed the plot of the movie world several times, or if he doesn't want to change it, he might as well watch a movie at home, at least Movies are more vividly acted, and the special effects are not bad, so you don't need to look at what other people have 'written' and then imagine it.

Therefore, Wang Xiaoming really doesn't know who is trying to cause trouble for The Flash this time, but he has checked the dead guy's computer before and found nothing about Barry Allen or the Flash. This shows that the people behind the scenes have no intention of giving it to him at all!
So, he blamed Extreme Speed ​​this time, who let that guy sneak attack Wang Xiaoming, Wang Xiaoming's revenge is not like Barry, he has to wait three years to get revenge with two arrows!
"Barry and I went to the scene, Sisko, you also went to help." Joe West had actually been notified by the police station when the news came out.

"Remember what I said to you, Barry!" Wang Xiaoming felt that this was an opportunity, and raised an eyebrow to the frowning Barry with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Barry was not a fool, and quickly grasped the key.

Wang Xiaoming didn't speak, but nodded slightly.He also observed the expressions of the people around him by the way, and found that Joe West understood, and Iris and Jay were a little confused. Obviously, when Wang Xiaoming left just now, Barry and Joe West had talked.

Wang Xiaoming was very surprised that Iris didn't know about it, but thinking of Jay who was beside Iris, he guessed that it might be because of Jay that Barry didn't talk about these things with Iris. After all, Barry was in Wang Xiaoming's house. Under the influence, Jay Garrick is still suspicious.

"Let's go there too, maybe we can be of help." After Joe West and Barry left, Iris said something to Jay Glick angrily, and then left without ignoring the others.

"I'm a little suspicious of Jay's motives now." Looking at the situation, Ronnie said with a frown.

"Ah? You mean Jay approached Iris on purpose?" Catherine asked, looking at her husband.

"We all know that before he came to the laboratory, he had observed us in detail for several six months. I don't believe he didn't discover the special relationship between Barry and Iris these days. When Barry didn't believe him, When I asked him to join the lab, he appeared next to Iris who could influence Barry the most, so I had to think in this direction." Ronnie sighed and continued, "I just hope my thinking is wrong. "

"I think you guys have a bit of a prejudice against Jay." Catherine frowned and said, "Haven't we already confirmed his double body in this world?"

"The man named Hunter Zolomon? Yes, we already know Hunter Zolomon in this world, but we don't know the other world!" Ronnie shook his head and said, "Plus the king said that day I have to doubt him."

"You mean? Speed ​​and Jay are the same person?" Catherine opened her eyes wide, feeling that this kind of idea is simply whimsical.

"Bold assumptions, careful verification. Isn't this what every scientist would do?" Wang Xiaoming said lightly from the side.

"You also think he is extremely fast? That's impossible, right? We've checked his body. According to his data analysis, I personally think his speed is not as fast as Barry's." Catherine said looking at the two people.

"So we need to verify it carefully!" Ronnie shrugged and said, "It's also because this is just a hypothesis, so I didn't tell others, but I didn't expect that Wang and I had the same idea. When did you doubt it? "

"When he attacked me last time, some of his words were exposed. In his view, our intelligence was completely undefended. Then I remembered Jay, or maybe this name is also a fake name." Wang Xiaoming shrugged shrugged and said.

Hearing Wang Xiaoming say the same thing, especially her husband was also suspicious, and Catherine was also a little shaken. Although she didn't immediately doubt Jay Garrick, she still had some shadows in her heart. As for what would happen in the end, Wang Xiaoming didn't know Know.

On the other side, there is a six-story residential building on a certain street in District C of Zhongcheng District. At this moment, the police have set up a cordon around the building. More than a dozen policemen come in and out. I want to rush in and have a look.

"It seems that these people like to see a superhero fall from the altar to the world." Patty said to him, standing next to Barry.

"Ah, what?" Barry was thinking about the cause of death of the dead body in front of him, and didn't hear what his girlfriend said.

"You're a little absent-minded today." Patty asked with concern, "Did you encounter any problems?"

"I'm fine, don't worry. I'm just thinking about the cause of this person's death." Barry chuckled lightly, feeling that these things need not be said to make Patty worry, and he was also a little uncertain whether he should admit himself to Patty identity of.

"Hey, how's the situation on your side?" Joe West came over with a CD in an evidence bag in his hand.

"I just took a look. There was no wound on his body. A fragment of a lung lobe was found in his mouth. The cause of death cannot be confirmed. It seems that it can only be known through an autopsy. I also checked the scene carefully and found nothing suspicious. traces." Barry said and winked at Joe.

"I understand. I found this from my backpack, but I haven't seen it yet. Patty will leave this to you." After Joe finished speaking, he handed the evidence bag in his hand to Patty.

"I'll take care of it, sir. Besides, I don't want to believe that Flash did it. He doesn't need to do this at all. Even if his identity is exposed, he's still a hero. No one will kill someone because of this." Patty stated her guess very firmly.

"What we need is evidence. You can take a look at this disc first, maybe there is something." Joe said to Patty.

Patty nodded and left.Watching Patty's back go away, Joe approached Barry and asked the question again.

"What is the cause of this guy's death?" He looked at the dead guy in disgust and asked.

"His heart is bursting, Joe, this technique is currently only used by speedsters." Barry Allen frowned, and said: "I think what Wang said is right, this is a speed game at all! "

"Is Xiao Ming Wang really trustworthy? And the method he said, are you sure?" Joe West asked in a low voice.

"I believe him! Joe. He will not be our enemy!" Barry Allen said firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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