through the infinite world

Chapter 486 Unknown World

Chapter 486 Unknown World

The sunlight fell directly on the big bed in the room through the brightly polished glass windows. After the person on the bed moved his eyeballs and opened them, all the hustle and bustle returned to reality, breaking the tranquility of the room.

"Where am I...?" The person on the bed stood up and looked around in a daze. Then a flash of light flashed through his memory, and he finally remembered what happened. .

This person who just woke up from the bed is of course our protagonist Wang Xiaoming. In that strange space, after being kicked away by someone, he didn’t know how long he had been flying. After being washed away, he followed suit.

"This is really..." Wang Xiaoming smiled wryly. The last world was the one he lost the most. He never knew that there was such a severe punishment for failure.

The transcendent form of Kamen Rider Kato was sealed, and the space-time train could not be used. Kamen Rider Ryuki didn't get any benefits at all, and he couldn't return to his own world again. The mysterious person who appeared last, everything Everything made Wang Xiaoming feel dizzy.

"It failed. Sure enough, being a savior is not an easy thing at all." Wang Xiaoming lay down again, staring at the roof in a daze, with all kinds of thoughts flying in his mind, so that even now What kind of world it is, he doesn't even bother to understand it.

I don't know how long this situation lasted. Anyway, when Wang Xiaoming's stomach reminded him that it needed to eat, he was dragged back to reality from dazed and other messy emotions. He sighed, barely propped up his body, had to get up.

Looking at the room that had already been covered with a layer of dust, Wang Xiaoming scratched his head, turned his head and looked at the electronic watch hanging on the wall, the numbers on it clearly reminded Wang Xiaoming that his unconscious state seemed to last for nearly a week. time.

"No wonder you're so weak." Wang Xiaoming carefully supported the edge of the bed and got out of bed, then searched the whole room but couldn't find anything to eat.

He patted his head with a wry smile, he was so dazed that he forgot that he had space props.Wang Xiaoming took out some liquid food from the space, and after eating a little to give himself the strength to move around, he went to the bathroom to wash up.

"It's the first time I found out that taking a bath is so laborious." After washing, Wang Xiaoming walked to the bedside and sat down, looking at the dark night outside.

He was in a daze for a while, and immediately came back to his senses, shaking his head with some palpitations. He found that he seemed to be a bit decadent, and he would be in a daze for a long time when he was in a daze. He frowned and thought, this seems a bit unusual look.

"Even if I'm frustrated because of the failure of the mission, and angry and unwilling to be attacked by others, I can't be so decadent." Thinking so, he immediately took out a talisman, activated it with the spirit-enlightening glove, and pasted it on the own body.

A buzzing sound appeared in Wang Xiaoming's ears as if something was being fried, and random black energy visible to the naked eye flew out of Wang Xiaoming's body and disappeared into the air.At this moment, Wang Xiaoming's body felt "free".

"It's the second time, and I've been put out again." Wang Xiaoming sighed as he felt his physical condition.

But perhaps because of the absence of that external factor, he calmed down a lot.He took out a few high-level talisman seals from the space, cleaned up his room thoroughly, and then gained another burst of harvest, and nearly a dozen negative energies were scattered.Wang Xiaoming breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time he had some doubts. There must be too much negative energy.

It's just that he couldn't understand why for a while, but he could know that this world seemed to be a world with supernatural power.Wang Xiaoming closed his eyes, calmed down, then thought about it carefully, and immediately remembered the feedback from this world.

His identity in this world is that of a high school teacher, a teacher of a super awesome subject. Of course, it is not an ordinary mathematics, physics and chemistry, but the kind that everyone pays attention to, who will teach students any knowledge. Teacher - physical education teacher!

This world not only gave an identity, but also a house, but this house is not very good, the worst thing is that it is a haunted house, and it almost made him die on the bed like that.

But other than that, there is no information, Wang Xiaoming has no idea what kind of world this world is, but according to the previous practice, Wang Xiaoming feels that everything has to be investigated from the school.

"I just don't know if I have been absent from work for a week, will I be fired?" Wang Xiaoming scratched his head, thinking.

Thinking so, Wang Xiaoming found the computer with his own identity in the room, and skillfully logged in the email in his memory, but found that no one was looking for him at all. Randomly, he was stunned for a moment, and then carefully looked at the time under the computer. , suddenly a little speechless about his previous situation-it's summer vacation time! ! !

"I really am!" Wang Xiaoming didn't know how many times he sighed and patted his head this night.In short, this night, apart from being thrown together by negative energy at the beginning, the rest was caused by my lack of aura.

"It seems that I have to think about these things for the time being, take a good rest, and recover my mood!" Wang Xiaoming thought so, took out a peace charm and pasted it on his forehead, and quickly fell asleep.

Waking up the next day, Wang Xiaoming went out to eat breakfast, then hired a part-time worker to tidy up and clean the room, and wandered in this strange city by himself.Well, Wang Xiaoming is in the neon city of Tokyo at the moment, and all his memories of neon come from various special films, animations, and some neon TV dramas.

When I was wandering in the post bar or other places before, I also read some people’s introduction to Tokyo, especially Akihabara, which is a holy place for otaku. He felt that saving the world and other things was put in his heart for the time being, and he would think about these things when his mood recovered.

Oh, by the way, there is also food. Although it is definitely not comparable to China's 5000-year food culture, it also has its own characteristics. Wang Xiaoming decided to read the strategy on the phone first, and then eat from beginning to end.

Therefore, Wang Xiaoming held the local certificate of Neon, but looked like a foreigner (he was a foreigner), and directly participated in a tour group, and consumed the depression in his heart while traveling.

"It's really an ordinary and ordinary day." Wang Xiaoming walked in a park near his house with food in his hand, and sighed softly.

"Ah!!! Help!!!" A deafening scream broke Wang Xiaoming's "ordinary and ordinary day" in a very disrespectful manner. He had to stop and turned his head to look into the depths of the park. .

(End of this chapter)

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