Nine secrets to cover the sky

Chapter 277 Gao Yang’s Terrifying Strength

Chapter 277 Gao Yang’s Terrifying Strength (2)
In the past few days when the sixteen exhibition areas of the Second Battlefield started another round of head-to-head confrontation, and Fang Jie and others began to search for the eight races, the Central Plains battlefield in another realm is also undergoing the biggest change since the war started.

A few months ago, the army of the barbaric [-] kingdoms invaded the Hero Dynasty and the Tongtian Empire. After the two countries suffered a big defeat, they could not hold on.Unexpectedly, the barbaric [-]-nation army responded positively. While besieging the Hero Dynasty and the Tongtian Empire, they began to plunder the resources in the occupied areas on a large scale, and even enslaved the people of the Central Plains under their control. Now, not only has the army of the barbaric [-] nations not been dragged down, but it has become stronger because of sufficient food and grass resources.

Finally, on the day of the Beginning of Autumn, the barbaric [-]-country army stationed on the border between the Tongtian Empire and the Heroic Dynasty launched a large-scale siege battle against the Tongtian Empire and the Heroic Dynasty at the peak of their previous actions.In the past, relying on excellent defensive formations and strong walls, these border cities made the barbaric army of one hundred thousand countries helpless.Today, relying on the resources plundered from the occupied areas of the Central Plains and the forced service of thousands of people in the Central Plains, the army of the barbaric [-] countries is no longer what it used to be.

The so-called impenetrable cities were useless under their iron cavalry. In just three days, they captured hundreds of cities, beheaded millions of soldiers from the Tongtian Empire and the Heroic Dynasty, and swallowed the Tongtian Empire and heroes with the momentum of the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves. One-third of the dynasty's territory.

In this regard, the Tongtian Empire and the Heroic Dynasty had nothing to do, as if they were scared out of their guts, they dared not go out to fight, and only cared about continuously strengthening the city defense.However, the army of the Barbaric Hundred Thousand Kingdoms became more and more courageous as they fought, and continued to advance the front line, coming in menacingly like a tide.

The news that the situation on the Central Plains battlefield will undergo the biggest change in history was first passed on to the five bases in the occupied areas that have always stood firm.On the fifth day after the Beginning of Autumn, Li Yuanji, the owner of the Dragon Elephant Valley, Hong Wu, the prime minister of the imperial city of Jin, E Niangniang, the owner of Longevity Mountain, and Hua Yingxiong, the owner of Jiuding City, gathered in Jiuding City to discuss advances and retreats.The five of them all understood the truth of death and cold teeth, and knew clearly that once the Tongtian Empire and the Heroic Dynasty fell, nearly ten million soldiers from the barbaric [-] kingdoms would immediately march south and attack the four bases with all their strength. No matter how strong it is, it will only end up being pulled out.Therefore, the five finally decided to support Tongtian Empire and Hero Dynasty!
On the eighth day after the Beginning of Autumn, each of the four bases dispatched a large number of Heavenly Human Realm masters and sophisticated equipment.Even on Longevity Mountain, which has always been unwilling to take the initiative to attack, E Niangniang played in her personal capacity.This group of warriors from the five bases sneaked into the Tongtian Empire and the Heroic Dynasty from all directions, just in time for another round of decisive battles across the border, which once encouraged the soldiers of the two countries and the people who were worried all day long, looking forward to victory .

But who knows, during this critical border decisive battle, the Dynasty of Heroes and the Tongtian Empire did not discuss with the warriors from the four bases, and quietly issued a series of extremely negative deployments in an attempt to preserve their own strength , put most of the pressure on the battlefield to those warriors.As a result, the group of warriors headed by E Niangniang did win, temporarily preventing the soldiers from the Barbarian Hundred Thousand Kingdoms from advancing forward, but also because of their isolation and helplessness, 90.00% of the soldiers died in battle, almost the entire army was annihilated!

The angry E Niangniang sneaked into the capital of the Heroic Dynasty overnight, killed the Shuanghuang of the Heroic Dynasty and a group of counselors, and then returned to the four bases with the surviving warriors.The four bases were disheartened after hearing the news, and were unable to send any more troops to support them.

This border decisive battle, which could have been defeated in a row on the Central Plains battlefield, although it achieved a temporary victory, it brought unprecedented serious consequences due to the wrong decision-making of the Tongtian Empire and the Hero Dynasty.

The four bases sent warriors to support the Tongtian Empire and the Heroic Dynasty, and the barbarian army of [-] nations felt like a blow to the head. They immediately realized that the strength of the four bases could already keep pace with the lingering Tongtian Empire and the Heroic Dynasty. If they were allowed to develop further, they would become A bigger confidant.

As a result, the barbaric [-]-country army was divided into seven groups. Two armies continued to attack the Tongtian Empire and the Heroic Dynasty, while the other five armies went south to four base areas to assist the original army. They were determined to completely remove these five thorns in the flesh.

Because of the reduction in the number of people, the barbaric [-]-country army that attacked the Tongtian Empire and the Heroic Dynasty slowed down their siege, and approached the capitals of the two countries at a rate of laying down ten cities every day.However, the soldiers from the barbaric [-] countries outside the four bases nearly doubled their strength due to the support from the south, and immediately launched another attack, bringing unprecedented destruction to the four bases.

Just overnight, Jiuding City fell.The city lord Hua Yingxiong died in battle.There were more than 200 million people in the city, but less than 30 people escaped in the end.

A few hours later, relying on the location of the Great Swamp, the Dragon Elephant Valley, which had been struggling for a whole night, finally came to an end.But because they had made preparations early, a total of 300 people, including Li Yuanji, the owner of the Dragon Elephant Valley, managed to escape and went to nowhere.

At this time, the time has come before dawn.

The cannonballs falling from the sky like a meteor shower drew beautiful parabolas and fell continuously, causing the earth to tremble endlessly.The imperial city of the Jin Kingdom stood on a piece of scorched earth that had been flattened long ago. The two-layer moat cover was full of cracks, the light was weak, and it was crumbling.Accompanied by the sound of killing, soldiers from hundreds of thousands of kingdoms who could not be seen outside the city came from all directions, stepped on a half-meter-thick layer of corpses, and began to attack the city again.

Amidst the "rumbling" explosions one after another, and the sound of millions of people running and shouting, as far as the eye can see, eighteen holy-grade mid-level ballistas surrounded the imperial city, continuously spitting out shells with amazing destructive power, directly blasting The hood over the imperial city kept denting.Nearly a hundred warriors in the Heavenly Human Realm, either attacking at close range or at a long distance, showed their magical powers to make the cover full of cracks.Even those soldiers simply threw away their weapons, and divided into groups of a hundred people, carrying a special totem giant log, hitting the cover again and again, bringing the destructive power no less than a full blow of an aura-level warrior.But the imperial city has long been unable to parry, the gate is closed tightly, and no one comes out to fight.

At this moment, there was a dead silence on the tower.

Surrounded by the crowd, the great prime minister stared blankly at the shield that was dented by various attacks, and slowly turned around to look into the city. There were several roads crowded near the gate The soldiers of the Seven Kingdoms on the street, and a large number of masters of heaven and humans floating quietly under the cover finally showed a complex expression.

Outside the city, there are 300 million soldiers from the barbaric 100 kingdoms, and hundreds of masters in the realm of heaven and man.On the other hand, there are less than [-] million soldiers from the Seven Kingdoms in the imperial city, and no more than thirty celestial masters.At this time, if you open the city gate and order to fight, the soldiers of the Seven Kingdoms and the heavenly warriors will directly face the enemy three times as large as their own.As the defense of the city, he really couldn't bear to push nearly a million children of the Seven Kingdoms into the fire pit, and then watched them die.

But what if you don't fight?Can the current imperial city wait for a turning point?Do not!There has been no news from the second battlefield, and Fang Jie, who has already entered the second battlefield, is also impossible to fall from the sky like last time.Even if the Second Battlefield was victorious at the same time, Fang Jie could come back early, but facing more than 300 million soldiers and nearly a hundred masters, there was absolutely no possibility of turning the tide.And now the two layers of protective shields of the imperial city are already crumbling. In less than 10 minutes, 300 million soldiers from wilderness and 300 kingdoms outside the city, and a large number of masters of heaven and man will pour into the imperial city. Not only the nearly one million soldiers of the Seven Kingdoms will inevitably be annihilated, but few of the more than [-] million people in this city will be able to survive.

"Prime Minister, give an order!" Kunlun, who had already pulled up his team, said with piercing eyes, wearing more damaged armor.

The son of the Seven Kingdoms, who had also experienced a great battle and looked embarrassed, immediately called for a fight: "Give me an order!"

"Boom" came suddenly, short and fleeting, but with a deafening force, it overwhelmed the shouts of millions of people.

Everyone on the tower raised their heads in unison, only to see that the red square mask brought back by Fang Jie had finally broken a deep crack after ten masters of the second realm of celestial beings had besieged a place for half an hour. , everyone couldn't help feeling a chill in their hearts, knowing clearly that the fall of the imperial city is almost here!

Seeing that the soldiers and fighters from the 300 kingdoms who were besieging the city had finally made progress, their morale was immediately boosted.Immediately, the rest of the celestial masters rushed to the crack, and nearly a hundred celestial masters attacked this place together. The [-] million soldiers under the city also adjusted their positions to attack the place near the crack under the command of the counselor.

Shouts and explosions kept coming, and the Prime Minister's ears were buzzing, and suddenly all sounds were lost, and the whole world was unprecedentedly quiet.

He could clearly hear his breathing and heartbeat.A pair of eyes that knew everything became extremely sharp at this time. He inspected the entire battlefield and the interior of the imperial city. He clearly saw the excitement and anticipation on the faces of the soldiers of the barbaric Hundred Thousand Kingdoms. I saw fear, unwillingness, anger, and panic.

"Prime Minister!"

Following Kunlun's anxious yell, the sound of shouts and explosions came again, the prime minister's expression sank for a moment, he shook his right hand vigorously, and then slowly released it.

"Give me an order!" Almost everyone on the tower asked for a fight with enthusiasm.

The prime minister knew very well that not only the people on the tower, but even the soldiers from the Seven Kingdoms who crowded the streets beside the tower tonight, most of them still strongly demanded that they would die today, knowing that they would die today. They wanted to die with dignity on the battlefield, instead of waiting until the imperial city they desperately guarded fell, and died tragically and massacred by the swarming enemies outside the city.

He knew that the situation was irreversible, and it was time to issue an order.

The Prime Minister took a deep breath and slowly raised his head.The generals, represented by the Prince of the Seven Kingdoms and Kunlun, immediately puffed up their chests, waiting for the order to fight to the death.

However, just as the prime minister was about to speak, a weak-sounding voice suddenly came from the quiet city tower: "Please slow down, prime minister."

The Prime Minister and a group of people turned their heads and saw that on the steps leading to the tower in the city, a group of soldiers separated automatically, and two people were walking up.

Taking a closer look, one of them is "Sandfather" Gongsun Zhi, while the other is a woman who has not been out of the Fang Mansion gate for several months, and has never been involved in the war since Fang Jie left.

(End of this chapter)

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