Esports coaches are demons

Chapter 122 Life Experience Exposure

Chapter 122 Life Experience Exposure
Not long after the Wuzhou incident, Miracle has not made any major moves other than holding a few playoffs recently.

There are Ke Yue's shadows in the hottest topics currently discussed on the Internet.

For example, Wuzhou was arrested, Ko's adopted son, Starfall, Wei...

Today, netizens are attracted by another big news.

There have been rumors that Ke Zheen was arrested a few days ago, until now, this matter has finally been substantively reported.

Ke Zheen was indeed arrested, not only that, he was also brought to court.

Ke Zheen, the person who can shake half the sky in the capital and is on the cover of the financial annual figure magazine at every turn, is now being sued in court, a proper public figure committing crimes!

The attention of this case has far exceeded that of the last case where a miracle happened.

Ten o'clock in the morning, criminal court.

"For the case of Ke Zheen's rape, the court is officially open!"

Among various large and small criminal cases, rape is always the most sensitive category to the public, let alone related to the Ke family.

It can be described as an uproar.

The judge knocked down the gavel.

"What is the relationship between the plaintiff and the defendant?"

"Father and son."

In the courtroom, the white-haired boy replied calmly, his expression indifferent, showing no emotion.

At the same time, she also submitted the paternity test certificate from the No.1 People's Hospital in Beijing.

The column of the report clearly stated that the possibility of the two having a direct blood relationship is 99.9%.

She found Lin Chen to do this report, and this kind of evidence is more convincing after all, since Lin Chen already knew his true gender, so it is not in vain.

"What is the relationship between the victim, Shen Qingge, and you?"

"She's my real mother."

Everyone was shocked.

The son took his father to court, but the victim was still his mother?
In other words, although Ke Yue is legally the adopted son of the Ke family, in fact, he is Ke Zheen's illegitimate son?
This time, the entire Internet was really blown up, and related reports were overwhelming.

Shen Qingge?Some people suddenly remembered the talented girl who became a blockbuster in the piano world more than ten years ago.

It's a pity that she passed by like a shooting star and disappeared without a sound, and only Yan Luoqing was always thinking about her.

Unexpectedly, she turned out to be Ke Yue's mother.

In addition, the media also unearthed a case more than ten years ago.

It turned out that Shen Qingge's case had been investigated more than ten years ago, and the lawyer in charge at that time was Qin Yilan.

However, due to insufficient evidence and the victim's mental disorder, the case was eventually lost.

This matter was severely suppressed by the Ke family, and it didn't cause much splash at all.

When Shen Qingge came back from the capital, Shen Qingge was already delirious.

The mother who single-handedly raised Shen Qingge found out that her daughter had become like this, and was heartbroken. She used her life savings to file a lawsuit, vowing to seek justice for her daughter.

At that time, Shen Qingge was like a child frightened by a horror movie, the slightest movement would cause her to scream in panic and hide in a corner.

Mother didn't dare to leave her at all, because if she was not careful, Shen Qingge would commit suicide with every method she could think of.

Until one day, it was found that she was more than three months pregnant.

After hearing the news, Shen Qingge, who was looking for death and life every day, suddenly put down the blood-stained scissors in his hand, and gently stroked his stomach.

"I have... a child?"

She repeated this sentence with extreme difficulty, as if she couldn't understand the meaning.

She actually laughed.

This crazy woman who made all the nurses and doctors terrified burst into a beautiful smile at that moment, warm like an angel.

She miraculously calmed down.

She seemed to have forgotten what happened in the capital, and her unborn child became the only pillar of her life.

But the peaceful time is always short-lived.

Their family was originally an extremely ordinary small family. The father left early, and the mother tried everything possible to support her daughter to go to college.

Simply, her daughter did not disappoint her, she graduated from the best university in Kyoto with honors, and even learned piano from Yan Luoqing, who is well-known in the music scene.

After graduation, she declined her tutor's suggestion to study abroad and chose to return to the small town where she was born to become a teacher.

I don't ask for any fame or wealth, I just want to be able to stay by my mother's side and live my life peacefully through the years.

But from the moment she met Ke Zheen again, everything was ruined.

Because of her emotional state, her mother was afraid to allow her to testify in court.

Fortunately, Qin Yulan was willing to do her best to help them.

At that time, Qin Yilan had just graduated, and she was still a young lawyer who vowed to fight against all evils in the world.

But what he didn't expect was that some people could not be shaken by his strength.

Regarding the Shen family's complaint, the Ke family adopted the most vicious method.

Terrible rumors spread in the small town, Shen Qingge suddenly changed from a respected teacher to a dirty and unruly woman, and the punks on the street made the most obscene jokes about her.

Deliberately seduce, deserve it, bitch...

All the mouths of gold, accumulating and destroying bones.

Shen Qingge's mother cried and begged Qin Yilan to say no, and give us peace...

They can move, run far away, go to a place where no one knows her.

Qin Yilan stubbornly believes that criminals must be punished as they should.

"There is another way. When Shen Qingge's child is born, a DNA test can be done. This is the ironclad proof of Ke Zheen's crime!"

This fruitless war lasted for a year.

The Shen family exhausted all their savings for the lawsuit.

Under the pressure of gossip and money, my mother collapsed first.

One morning, Shen Qingge, who was basking in the sun in the hospital park, saw his mother suddenly fall from the sky and smashed into pieces in front of her.

The flower in her hand fell into a pool of blood.

She suddenly woke up at that moment, suddenly remembered everything, and suddenly remembered the origin of the fetus in her stomach.

This child suddenly became the source of Shen Qingge's pain from the original spiritual support.

She is completely insane.

The lawsuit was settled, and Qin Yilan was also fired from the firm. No other firm dared to accept him, and he soon became desperate.

Ke Yue knew all these old things from Shen Qingge's diary.

After giving birth to Ke Yue, she occasionally had moments of sobriety.

So she recorded these things with a pen, including the experience of being violated by Ke Zheen, and described them in great detail.

Ke Yue originally thought that Shen Qingge had two personalities. It wasn't until three years ago, when she returned to Jinling and opened the diary, that she realized that the personality who wrote the diary was Shen Qingge's main personality.

As for the other two mothers, one gentle and the other vicious, they were just a play played by Shen Qingge with the young her.

"I think I need to write these things down, and while it can be painful to revisit, it's often the only way to stay sane."

She knew exactly what she wanted.

She wants revenge.

And this child is undoubtedly the best blade to take revenge on Ke Zheen.

"First of all, I want to teach her to hate this world." So wrote the opening paragraph of the diary.

(End of this chapter)

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