Esports coaches are demons

Chapter 126 Gambling Investigation

Chapter 126 Gambling Investigation

The two stood still.

The red wine bottle on the coffee table had fallen down at some point, and the liquid kept flowing out, sliding down the edge of the coffee table like blood, and spreading on the carpet again.

For the current extremely unfavorable situation, Ke Yunlan adopted a method that most girls would use when encountering hostage.

She lowered her head and bit the boy's right wrist fiercely.

Of course Ke Yue wouldn't let her bite her.

Her eyes darkened, and she let go of her hand.

Ke Yunlan took the opportunity to pick up the wine glass on the table and threw it at the boy.

The boy took a step back and blocked it with his elbow.

Glass shattered.

She looked at the back of Ke Yunlan who was fleeing in a hurry, and smiled slightly.

Then the boy took off his glasses slowly, took out a handkerchief and carefully wiped off the water splashed on the lenses.

After briefly dealing with the red wine stains on her clothes, she also left from Ke's villa.


Ke Yunlan got into the car, started it, and stepped on the accelerator before even putting on the seat belt.

The car radio automatically played the evening news.

"Ke's stock fell again, and today some stockholders even gathered in front of the gate of the Ke Group to make trouble."

"Ke Zheen is still stuck in the case and cannot get out of the case. There is also a problem with Ke's funds. There are suspicions of illegal fundraising. Currently, the police have intervened in the investigation."

"If you want to know more about current financial affairs, please continue to follow us..."

Ke Yunlan turned off the radio irritably.

The police have actually found Ke Shi?It appears that laboratories are also at risk of exposure.

Cars are speeding on the road at night, and the neon lights of shopping malls around the street are flickering.

The traffic lights were still working, no matter how impatient she was, she had to slow down and blend into the traffic.

She couldn't risk being caught on a traffic camera.

Finally, after driving for a certain distance on the viaduct, the surrounding high-rise buildings gradually disappeared and entered the inaccessible suburbs.

There are also fewer vehicles on the road, and the asphalt road has become a narrow two-way two-lane, occasionally meeting a car.

About 7 minutes later, she stopped the car in front of a building.

This is a hope primary school, the product of Ko's early charity work.

However, only a few people know what is under this school.

Open the door and get out of the car.

After walking a few steps, she suddenly thought of something.

She turned back immediately, turned off the flashlight, and walked around the car in the dark.

Nothing unusual.

Still worried, she bent down, and the dust on the ground stained her clothes.

Finally, at the rear of the car, on the chassis, Ke Yunlan found a small light spot that kept flickering, like a firefly.

Where are the fireflies this season?

Her pupils shrank.


She immediately reached out, snapped off the light spot, threw it on the ground and crushed it.

This is a tracker.

be cheated.

What Ke Yue said was simply a cover, the purpose was to make her panic and lose her balance.

According to the information Cheng Zijian and Jiang Shuyan knew, the police could find nothing at all.

The financial channel's report can only prove that there is a problem with Koch's capital chain.

But I thought I was clever enough to destroy the evidence ahead of time, which was actually leading the wolf into the house.

According to the flickering frequency of the tracker just now, it should take another 5 minutes for the police to catch up here.

She wanted to cry sadly, brother, why do you insist on fighting against me...

Taking a deep breath, recalling what her father taught her, Ke Yunlan forced herself to calm down.

There was cold sweat on his forehead.


"This is probably where the signal finally disappeared." The technician stared at the computer screen and gave the final result.

Eight ordinary vehicles surrounded the school.

In fact, the people in these cars are all policemen, and there are even heavily armed anti-drug policemen.

Some people got out of the car.

The surroundings are very quiet, and there are occasional crows in the woods.

Several people approached the iron gate of the school.

Suddenly, someone heard something.

"Get out of the way!" he yelled.

The sound of the turbine turning was getting closer, the iron door was smashed open, and a car rushed out amidst the dust.

There were police shots.

Too bad the car is bulletproof.

The road at the door was completely blocked, Ke Yunlan drove the car, regardless of madness, rushed into the nearby woods, and drove out bumping all the way.

Looking in the rearview mirror, she suddenly laughed.

At this moment, the tension in her heart is directly proportional to the level of excitement, and two shallow dimples appeared at the corners of her mouth.

She pressed a button.


With a series of deafening noises, the school exploded.

The entire ground seemed to sink a few centimeters.

Fortunately, the Ke family's donation was still sufficient, and the elementary school did not fall apart like those bean curd projects.

However, the scope of this explosion is indeed too large.

Thick smoke billowed, almost blocking the moonlight.

Several police officers developed symptoms of tinnitus.

Ke Yunlan firmly controlled the steering wheel, and quickly rushed out of the woods and onto the asphalt road, the taillights disappeared in the smoke of the explosion.


It was already late at night, but the lights in the Ke Building were still on, and nearly half of the executives stayed in the office building.

Because before they got off work, Yan Yongchuan led a team of people to control the place.

He knew very well that his actions could even be regarded as illegal detention.

But in order to check rev-f, he can use any means.

For example, forging the seal and signature of the superior leader.

Regardless of whether what Ke Yue said was true or not, he had to take a gamble.

If you make a wrong bet, you may face suspension from your job.

The police quickly checked the information, and the technicians took the computer and hacked into Koch's financial system.

Although doing so may reveal trade secrets or something.

"Team Yan, we found something!"

Yan Yongchuan immediately looked over.

The police officer explained to him, "There is indeed a problem with the Ke family's capital chain."

The police officer circled a few points on the map with a pen, "If some of the funds flow here, we will not be able to find them."

He looked at the map and instantly noticed the abnormalities in these places.

They are all multi-ethnic areas with a low economic level, many stowaways and chaotic law and order.

The point is, it's all close to the border.

These places are most suitable for transnational smuggling.

Ke Yue was indeed right.

"No matter how drugs are traded, it is inseparable from a chain of interest chains. Any problems in this link will form a butterfly effect and cause serious consequences."

"So, I fiddled with the Ke family's capital inflows. It doesn't look like anything on the surface, but as time goes by, these loopholes will gradually expand."

"Originally the Ke family's hundreds of accounts for money laundering were in balance with each other, but with this loophole, the balance will gradually tilt."

"When the tide goes out, the reef will appear."

"When the time comes, you can follow the capital chain and check it out."


He was right.

"Contact your superior immediately and ask for assistance from outside the province and a cross-border pursuit!" Yan Yongchuan said in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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