Esports coaches are demons

Chapter 197 Pinocchio's Lie

Chapter 197 Pinocchio's Lie
At a quarter past two in the morning, Yan Yongchuan hid in the green belt and yawned.

Suddenly, a rustling sound caught his attention.

He immediately lifted his spirits, and took advantage of the moment when the black shadow couldn't help showing up, he attacked suddenly.

The fugitive who was successfully captured struggled unwillingly in Yan Yongchuan's arms, and still couldn't forget the little fish that was used as a bait.

"Okay, Yuan Bao, I'll send you back to the owner later, there will definitely be something delicious." He lifted the orange cat, which was about to explode, into the cat cage that had been prepared, and put it in the co-pilot's seat , ready to go back to the employer to pay a job. could he run so well? After squatting for several days, he was finally caught.

The neighborhood in front of me seems a little familiar.

Hmm... Qingshuixuan, he remembered, Ke Yue lives here.

Wait, that person is... Lin Chen?
Yan Yongchuan was stunned when he caught a glimpse of the blood-stained boy in his arms.


Ji An drove the car like a chase in a Marvel movie, and he didn't feel bad at all that a drift would cost tens of thousands of maintenance fees.

Fortunately, in the city in the early morning, the traffic lights and traffic police stopped working.

Faster, faster.

At least faster than Ke Yue's life passing by.

Lin Chen hugged the person in his arms tightly, trying to slow down the rate at which the boy's body temperature dropped.

He had never felt that the speed of the elevator descending was so long.

Until he put Ke Yue on the hospital bed, until Ke Yue was pushed into the operating room by doctors and nurses, until the door of the operating room was closed in front of him and the lights were turned on.

At that moment, Lin Chen finally collapsed.

His world seemed to be closed.

After hours of being tormented by fear, he will face his final judgment.

Roughly judging, it has been almost half an hour since Ke Yue cut her wrist. Lin Chen didn't care about gender anymore, and directly arranged for rescue.

The life of his beloved was dying, but Lin Chen could only wait anxiously.

This sense of powerlessness almost drove him crazy.

He forced himself to wake up.

He didn't dare to plan for the worst.

Ji An started to contact some people who needed to know, and he made a phone call.

Perhaps the person on the other end was still asleep, and the call could not be connected.

Hit again.


carry on.


Finally, the owner of the number swiped sleepily to answer.

"Ke Yunming, get up now and book the fastest ticket to the capital."

"Uncle Ji? What's wrong?" Ke Yunming was still a little confused, but in the next second, he woke up.

"Listen up!" Ji An, who had always been pleasant, uttered a rare voice.

"Your brother has an accident! He's being rescued at the Beijing Hospital, you'd better come here tonight!"

Maybe, I can see her one last time again...

Ji An didn't dare to say this sentence.

None of them dared to prepare for the worst.

The second person I contacted was An Yunlin.

When she hurried to the door of the emergency room, the lights in the emergency room were still on.

Lin Chen's once beautiful pair of bright autumn eyes are now like a pool of stagnant water, bloodshot, full of despair and depression.

"Why..." he murmured.

Why does it become like this...

Obviously, they just had a phone call a few days ago, and obviously Ke Yue came to the national competition to be an acting coach.

Obviously those days and nights in Chang'an, those memories are so beautiful and vivid.

He even had the ring ordered.

He thought about his future life.

However, Ke Yue committed suicide.

An Yunlin stood quietly, as if she already knew the ending.

"Why did he commit suicide..."

Lin Chen's voice was very hoarse, and the hoarseness seemed to decay all of a sudden.

"Tell me, An Yunlin, you are his psychiatrist...Tell me why he committed suicide..."

"You must know something, right..."

a long time.

"You can't save her." An Yunlin also cried.

"...She, has depression..."

Very severe depression.

The kind that is so serious that it cannot be cured.

"Smiling Depression."

Wolves are extremely cunning animals, and they are supposed to be conspirators by nature.

They are always good at weaving gorgeous traps one after another, and they have enough patience to wait for the prey to be fascinated by the seemingly harmless, gradually let go of their defenses, and then fall into the trap.

Ke Yue is such a liar by nature.

After wearing the mask for a long time, you will gradually forget who you are.

"...Did you know? Ke Yue didn't even know she had depression..."

She deceived others, she deceived the world, and she deceived herself.

Shen Yue used to have a serious empathy disorder, she never laughed.

It was impossible for her to understand why humans laughed, why they laughed, and what laughter could express.

However, three years ago, she learned to smile.

Ke Yue deceived everyone with her false smile, so much so that An Yunlin only faintly discovered the clues of depression in a hypnotherapy accident a long time later.

She concealed it almost seamlessly.

It was so seamless that when she was discovered, Ke Yue's depression was already very serious.

"Conventional drugs and hypnotherapy are almost useless...I can only follow her emotions as much as possible..."

"Fortunately, her desire to survive is unexpectedly strong... But that was all, before..."

In the past, Ke Yue at least had hatred, but now, she has nothing.

She tried her best to behave like a normal person.

It is normal that An Yunlin sometimes thinks that she has recovered.


An Yunlin showed a sad expression, "Do you know the concept of smiling depression..."

"Every time she smiles, she is asking for help."

Don't (don't) treat me as an ordinary person.

The fault is that the juvenile's deception is too clever.

Lin Chen couldn't say anything anymore, he buried his head in sobs.

Why didn't he notice this...

Even if he could detect the slightest sign, things would not turn out like this.

He was bewitched by Chang'an's Sui Yuejing so much that he lost his guard.

He thought he was very close to Ke Yue.


Ke Yue, you are so cruel... How can I go through the cycle of four seasons alone without you in spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Is there really nothing in this world worthy of your nostalgia?
Even if I... can't do it?


The second person to come was Yan Yongchuan.

He searched all the way to the door of the emergency room by himself, seeing this posture, he vaguely guessed something.


"...He committed suicide." An Yunlin answered his doubts.

So Yan Yongchuan remained silent.

He remembered the day of Ching Ming Festival.


The lights in the emergency room had been on for almost 40 minutes.

But at least 40 minutes was enough for Lin Chen to calm down.

He gradually accepted all this calmly, but for the first time, his eyes were no longer bright.

Yet peace is always temporary.

You are still at peace because your despair is not deep enough.

A nurse opened the door and came out.

He stepped forward to ask how the situation was going.

The nurse sighed and took off the mask.

Lin Chen originally thought that he was ready to face any consequences.

However, the nurse gave an answer that he absolutely could not have imagined.

The nurse said, "Call the police."

"According to blood tests, the patient is addicted to drugs."

"Rough estimate, rev-f."


Well, my dear, here comes your despair.

(End of this chapter)

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