Baidu otaku as Chongzhen

Chapter 641 Matching Program

Chapter 641 Matching Program
The intense dialogue between Sun Chengzong and the emperor is rare. Bi Ziyan watched in a daze. What happened?Make it like a farewell?
"Think twice, Your Majesty..." Sun Chengzong said with tears.

"Okay, Master Sun, this matter is destined to go like this. What I said today is just to explain what will happen in the future. There are many things that can be confused, but if you have been confused, it is not true. Do many people take it as a motto to be confused? But there are some things, although they are painful, but I am still willing to let him experience them soberly." Yang Reform said another sentence that Bi Ziyan couldn't figure out.

After hearing this, Sun Chengzong wept alone.Bi Ziyan was still at a loss.

"After today, there will definitely be many drastic changes in the world. Today, I brought the two Qing families to talk about this matter, just to make things clear. I hope that the two Qing families can experience these things soberly. I designed it for my Ming Dynasty. A set of souls, a set of wills, I hope that I, Da Ming, will go on in accordance with my plan, and I don’t want any accidents..." Yang Reform explained another sentence, which was still ambiguous, making it difficult for people to understand.

Yang Reform looked at Sun Chengzong, Sun Chengzong was weeping, Bi Ziyan was at a loss, and then looked at Wang Chengen next to him, also bursting into tears, Yang Reform sighed, this matter should not have been said so early, it made it so difficult So many people were sad and weeping, but this matter will always come. There is still a difference between saying this kind of thing so early and saying it later when it is done.Although it makes people sad to say it now, Yang Reform still said it first, hoping that by doing so, it can save a glimmer of life for the Ming Dynasty in the future.

Bi Ziyan didn't know how to answer the words. It stands to reason that the emperor had given his orders and had finished speaking, so he should receive an order to thank him, but Sun Chengzong seemed to be unconscious. He didn't answer the emperor's words, so he couldn't get ahead Come to pick up the conversation, the emperor's words were for the two of them, so they could only stand there awkwardly.

"...Forget it, let's stop here, let's not talk about it, let's talk about something else...By the way, you need to keep this matter strictly confidential, and you must not leak any information..." Yang Reform made a point After learning about some things that will definitely happen in the future, I feel much more comfortable. This can be regarded as an ambush for the future. As for the effect, it is hard to say. I only hope that it will be useful. Yang Reform originally wanted to analyze this topic in more detail. After a while, it can be seen that Sun Chengzong is like this, and he really can't go on talking, so he has to stop here.

"Then let's talk about the investment and investment, let's talk about the specific arrangements... Presumably the two Qings also know about Shi Shoufu's plan to grow sweet potatoes..." Yang Reform put aside the heavy burden Topic, start to talk about another thing, in fact, this is not another thing, it is just a continuation of the previous one, the above one is very empty, ethereal, and vague, this one is talking about how to actually do it , is the actual execution method.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Your Majesty is talking about the five-year plan for planting sweet potatoes?" Bi Ziyan saw that Sun Chengzong was still crying, and the emperor asked urgently, so he could only come out to answer. He also knew about this.

"That's right, that's exactly what happened. Earlier, Master Xu mentioned to me that sweet potatoes should be vigorously promoted, and he raised the issue of policy continuity. I'm considering taking several years as a cycle to continue implementing a certain policy to avoid repeating it every year. Revisiting this matter, the continuity of the policy can effectively let officials from all over the world and the people of the world know what the court is going to do and how to do it, and let officials and people everywhere know what they should do, without the court's annual and monthly reminders And urging, I think this method is very good, it can save me the trouble of writing notes on everything. In the future, the land of my Ming Dynasty will become bigger and bigger, and things will become more and more complicated. I feel that it is necessary to establish such a set of execution and operation methods, otherwise, ten people will not be enough..." Yang Reform said, after talking about the illusory things before, now, he finally said how to do it, how to do it? It is time to carry out one's will, how to raise one's will to the level of national will, so as to get rid of the adverse influence of individuals on a regime.

Having said that, Sun Chengzong also wiped away his tears and listened carefully to the emperor.

Bi Ziyan heard this remark very clearly, and also understood the meaning of this remark very well, after all, there are precedents there.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, I think this method is indeed unique in terms of policy continuity, and it is indeed extremely effective in implementing the major policies of the imperial court..." Bi Ziyan was still very touched by this matter Yes, if the court can implement a policy or resolution for five or ten years, then the chances of the court's major policies being implemented correctly are much higher than what the emperor says that the court is making mistakes every year. Rico is much stronger.For example, today’s sweet potato planting, although there is no movement this year, and many places are perfunctory, but this year the emperor also summoned several excellent sweet potato planting officials to Beijing, thinking that they will be reused. Then, with this precedent, next year, The enthusiasm of local officials to grow sweet potatoes is probably much higher, and in the third year, and so on, I am afraid that it will be even higher. This is the strength of the continuity of policy guidelines.

"...However, I feel that we must be cautious in formulating these major policies. Once formulated, I am afraid that they cannot be easily changed. This..." After talking about the advantages, Bi Ziyan began to talk about the disadvantages. It is the policy that the imperial court has to implement for several years. In other words, even the emperor cannot easily change it. This is a great restriction on the imperial power. This is a double-edged sword, which can reduce the labor intensity of the emperor. Naturally, it will also reduce the emperor's rights.After that, Bi Ziyan couldn't continue talking.Suddenly remembered Sun Chengzong's fierce dispute with the emperor, could it be because of this?Bi Ziyan woke up suddenly, but it didn't look like it!Bi Ziyan was even more confused...

"That's right, what the Qing family said is right, that's the reason, and I think so too. I alone have limited ability and time, and it's impossible to deal with unlimited things. The only way is to formulate some things into national policies, and formulate them into a national policy for the next few years. The only way to do it is to solve the problem..." Yang Reform explained.

"... But, Your Majesty, I think that although this matter is good, once it is made, I am afraid that His Majesty cannot change it easily! This matter is really..." Bi Ziyan still explained the matter. What the emperor did was Restricting one's own rights, this kind of thing, Bi Ziyan didn't have much feeling before, but now, Bi Ziyan feels that this is a serious problem, it involves too many problems, it involves property rights, Personnel power, imperial power, etc., the more I think about it, the more important Bi Ziyan feels.

"I know this. Good things and bad things are always two sides of the same coin. Nothing is perfect. As long as it can make my Ming Dynasty rich and strong, and can continue to prosper, there are some things that I don't have to worry about..., my Ming Dynasty The territory is already very vast. From south to north, it takes several months to transmit a government order. For example, every year, the local government has to ask the imperial court for instructions on what to do. This is really a waste. If there is a continuation After a few years of continuous policy, I think the place far away from the capital will not be at a loss, and I know what I should do. If this is the case, isn't it better than the current situation where everything depends on the court and everything depends on me?" Yang Reform explained.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, I think your Majesty is right." Bi Ziyan said.

"... In the future, the territory of my Ming Dynasty will definitely become larger and larger. If no measures are taken, it will take years to pass an order from north to south or from east to west. If there is no established and sustainable policy, how can this be done?" Okay? It’s impossible for local affairs to be announced this year, approved next year, and implemented later, right? Isn’t this funny? So, I’m thinking about it. My Ming now needs a continuous and coherent policy, which needs to be formulated for several years. The mechanism of what to do in the country. Once a certain policy is formulated, within a few years, there is no need to make any changes, and it will be implemented all the time. This will reduce the pressure on the court and allow the local government to rely on it..." Yang Reform Said.Yang reformed this five-year plan before testing the waters for a while and thought it was pretty good. As for why he tested the waters, it has to do with future expansion. It is far away, and communication issues cannot reach the telegraph era immediately. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the continuity of policy guidelines, local governments, or the implementation of colonial policies. If colonies, newly developed places need to report everything to the central Please advise, this is unimaginable, and the colonization is destined to be impossible to go far. This five-year plan is actually in line with the colonization plan.

"Report to Your Majesty, I understand." After the emperor said this, Bi Ziyan understood even more.In the past, Bi Ziyan was afraid that he would persuade the emperor not to mention expansion, territory, and use of force. It is not a good thing to have a large territory. The use of force will only drag down the Ming Dynasty. It is worthy of the Ming Dynasty to occupy it, to convince people with virtue, to abide by the way of a sage, and so on.However, in the past two years, his thinking has changed drastically, especially recently, this thinking has changed even more dramatically. Now he doesn't mention this kind of thing, and the reason is simple. Sun Chengzong told him that let He reads "The Complete Map of the World" more, and he needs to look at problems from the perspective of the world.Looking at the problem from this perspective, it completely broke Bi Ziyan's original concept. The world is so big, and if Da Ming doesn't go out, he can't think of a way. Instead of covering one's head like this, pretending not to see anything, and lying to oneself, it is better to take the initiative to fight for this matter. The barbarians can travel tens of thousands of miles across the ocean to settle here in Daming, and they can be brave and dominate. One step, who knows what's going to happen when it's busy?No matter how the barbarians continue to expand and take up territory, there will inevitably be a country bigger than Ming Dynasty in the future. At that time, it will definitely threaten Daming. For a while, is it just like the emperor said to live a year?
Bi Ziyan believed that those tiny countries of the Yi people could extend their influence tens of thousands of miles away, and Ming Dynasty could do it too. , Daming can do it too.As long as this matter is done, there will always be a solution to those clichés in the past, but now Bi Ziyan is a real expansionist.

"Well, it's good that the Qing family understands. The matter of investment and investment today is also related to the continuity of this policy. Whether it is a five-year plan, a ten-year plan, or a hundred-year outlook, all must Closely combined with this matter, what I mean is that now the imperial court must learn to formulate five-year plans, ten-year plans, have a vision of more than a hundred years, set a goal for themselves, and clarify what they want to do and what they should do , What should be done, so that officials and common people all over the world have a goal to move forward, a common idea, a common principle of conduct, and all of these things involve money, so, in this regard, It is necessary for the household department to go first, try to formulate a plan, and formulate a plan for investment..." Yang Reform explained his philosophy.It’s not that Yang Reform himself wants to decentralize power. He has no choice but to play “Pearl” and “self-mutilation”. In today’s state of technology, geographical restrictions determine that the territory and things that can be directly controlled are limited. It is necessary to break the boundaries of geography In order to break the constraints of expansion, we must solve this problem. Undoubtedly, making a plan is a very good choice, and it is also a method that has to be chosen.Otherwise, according to the tradition of direct rule and jurisdiction of the Ming Dynasty, nothing will be achieved in the expansion of colonization.It is undoubtedly ridiculous that such a thing of a certain year will be played in the first year, approved by the court in the second year, and issued for execution in the third year.

"Report to Your Majesty, I understand." Bi Ziyan seriously agreed.After agreeing to this matter, Bi Ziyan was still thinking about the last thing. What caused Sun Chengzong and the emperor to have such a fierce dispute?And so sad?Could this continue to be harmful to His Majesty?His Majesty knew it would be harmful, but still did this?In other words, it is beneficial to Daming but not beneficial to His Majesty?Bi Ziyan thought about it for a long time, and felt that although this matter somewhat restricted the emperor's rights, it would not lead to such a tragic ending. With His Majesty's authority now, who would dare to come out and cause trouble?
"Master Sun..." Yang Reform couldn't bear to look at Sun Chengzong, and he didn't want to see the old man cry, but he still asked.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, there is nothing wrong with my minister's approval of this matter, but once this matter becomes a practice and a tradition, I am afraid that it will not be easy for Your Majesty to change the established policies..." Sun Chengzong's tears had long since dried up. The emperor asked, and immediately replied, what the emperor said was actually a way to elevate the will of the individual to the will of the country. Although this is very good, it can solve many problems in the imperial court today, but it is not a good idea. Not to mention, the world has become a country, and the difference in this is extremely large. The emperor gave up and paid too much for the Ming Dynasty and the people of the world. Not everyone has such perseverance and perseverance. Those who are determined to do this, not everyone has such a great ability to do it. The family has become a country, the emperor, and the impact on the imperial power itself. Even if things are not clear now, Sun Chengzong can imagine the difficulties and hardships. Bitter, but the emperor decided to do it anyway.

"As long as there is no problem with Master Sun, I have also discussed this matter with Master Xu, and Master Xu also basically agrees with my approach..." Yang Reform said again.Once you understand the core of your own imperial party, you can arrange the peripheral ones. After the peripheral imperial party is settled, and then the people who are attached to the imperial party are settled, the rest will basically be fine.

"Making plans, making plans, actually has a lot to do with the structure of the imperial court today. Since the cycle is several years, in order to ensure the stability and implementation of plans and plans, the term of office of this official may be longer. Big changes must adapt to the cycle of this plan. Now the rule of local officials who are discussed once every three years and moved once is afraid that they will have to be changed. There are some adjustments, and I am also considering how to do this matter, if the two Qings have good suggestions, they can also put them forward." Yang Reform said again.

Both Sun Chengzong and Bi Ziyan fell silent. This matter is not as easy and simple as the emperor said casually. Their opening will determine whether the officials of the Ming Dynasty will be appointed every three years, four years, or In five years, the impact on the officials of the world is quite large. This matter has to be carefully considered.Not to mention the appointment and removal of officials who will be changed because of this matter, it will be a bigger matter, involving the entire officialdom, and it is really impossible to express your position easily.

Silence for a while.

"Forget it, I know that urging too much is not a good thing. Let's discuss this matter later..." Yang Reform saw that Sun Chengzong and Bi Ziyan were both silent, and he also knew that the matter was too big to speak casually. I can only let it go for the time being and give them a period of time to talk.

It was silent again for a while.

"Bi Qing's family went back and started to try to do this. Now, in addition to the traditional household expenses every year, many new expenses can be taken into account and listed into the plan, such as transportation, education, and Zhang Xianyong's. , such as increasing the salaries of officials, such as relief, such as tax revenue, etc..." Yang Reform said.

"The minister leads the order!" Bi Ziyan agreed.

"... Now we have a clue about overseas expansion. When things stabilize, I'm thinking about giving a part of the tax I collect to the Ministry of Households. Otherwise, the Ministry of Households will only rely on these few things. I'm afraid that the traditional tax burden can't do anything, this matter is still an idea of ​​mine, and when it will be implemented depends on the time." Yang Reform thought for a while, and said this matter , Today's tax supervisors are basically managed by eunuchs. New types of taxes and tax revenues are controlled by tax supervisors. It will be far more than the household department, so there is a problem, not to mention the jealousy problem, the eunuch has been "revolutionized" by himself, and there will be no eunuchs in the future, and the tax supervisor will still have to return to normal people in the future, so this matter must be Laying an ambush in advance and distributing part of it to the household department can also plug the mouths of many people and treat red eyes.As for whether the money is in the household department or the tax supervisor, it doesn't really matter to Yang Reform. It's just that the money in the left hand is put in the right hand. His current prestige and power are not comparable to those of the bitter Ming emperors in the past.

"Your Majesty is holy!" Bi Ziyan was overjoyed. He only lost [-] silver coins in the morning, and now he made back an unknown number of [-] silver coins. This is really a bargain.

After explaining these things, he chatted with the two of them for a while before Yang Reform let them go. After finishing these things, Yang Reform was in a very complicated mood, staring at the misty Taiye Lake in a daze.

When he came back to his senses, he saw Wang Chengen crying.

"Why is your companion crying?" Yang Reform asked, looking at Wang Chengen's tear-stained face and red eyes, Yang Reform also knew that he might have been crying just now.

"Your Majesty..., servant girl..." Wang Chengen sobbed and couldn't speak. He was the chief eunuch in the palace, in charge of the chief of ceremonies. Many state affairs were handled by him. Many things the emperor did, he knew He was there, and he knew what was going on when he heard the emperor and Sun Chengzong's fierce argument, so he naturally wanted to cry.

"Hey, my big companion is the person I trust the most... There are some things that I have to do... This is a big era, a great era of change, and sticking to the rules is not enough. When overcoming obstacles and blazing a trail, even if There are thousands of difficulties and dangers, if I will not shrink back, I can't shrink back..." Yang Reform looked at Wang Chengen, whose face was covered in tears and sobbing silently, and sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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