Baidu otaku as Chongzhen

Chapter 671 Homework

Chapter 671 Homework ([-])

Liaodong governor's yamen.

Hong Chengchou had already bathed, set up an incense burner on the couch, lit an incense stick on the censer, and lay cross-legged on the couch, ready to calm down, meditate, and introspect.

This is Hong Chengchou's homework.

Hong Chengchou sat quietly for a while, then opened his eyes again, reached out and took out something in his hand. This was an "Arrow-proof Clothes". It was the same as the armor, but this one was not issued, but was given to him by Yuan Chonghuan.

Seeing this arrow-proof clothing, what appeared in Hong Chengchou's mind was thousands of troops. The scene of him wearing this arrow-proof clothing and rushing to kill among the thousands of troops was like what Yuan Chonghuan said in the previous newspaper. On his body, under his ribs, he was shot like a hedgehog...

Thinking of this bloody scene, Hong Chengchou couldn't calm down and had to open his eyes.

Judging from the homework he has done these days, it is relatively easy for him to be the governor of Liaodong. The generals and generals did not have any dislike for Yuan Chonghuan because of his transfer. He was even more envious, Hong Chengchou felt that there was nothing wrong with him commanding the generals in Liaodong. These generals served the emperor, and he borrowed the emperor's light.

He has figured out this level of things.Still, something more, something deeper is still very vague.

When you come to Liaodong, you must fight.But is it really his turn to fight the "battle"?Hong Chengchou sighed a little, I'm afraid not necessarily, given the previous situation, I'm afraid the emperor will send the former enemy commander in charge of fighting.In this battle of thousands of miles, I'm afraid it won't be his turn to command the decisive battle with Donglu, so what can he do?What else do I need to do?The emperor put him in this position, and what did he want him to do?

This incense has been burned out, Hong Chengchou lit another one, closed his eyes, and started to reflect on himself again.

It is not his turn to command this decisive battle in Liaodong. At most, he will lead some troops to cooperate with the former enemy's commander-in-chief, so what can he do? ... For fighting on the battlefield, this is for sure. He has already prepared in his heart. If Yuan Chonghuan can do it, he is confident that he can do it too. Thinking of this, Hong Chengchou opened his eyes again, staring at the arrow-proof clothing in a daze.

After being in a daze for a while, he closed his eyes again, and Hong Chengchou began to think about other things.

Why did the emperor put him in Liaodong?Is it just for "war"?
Obviously not, neither he nor Lu Xiangsheng was born as a soldier. What the emperor valued, and what made them stand out, was actually administrative ability.

continue to ponder...

Continue to smell...

Now the Ming Dynasty basically controls a large area of ​​Jinzhou, within [-] miles of the coastline. Such a large area is under the effective control of the Ming Dynasty. It's huge. It's not comparable to the small and long Jinning line of defense in the past. If Ming regains the lost ground as the war progresses next year, I'm afraid that the land in Liaodong will increase several times in an instant...

Thinking of this, Hong Chengchou opened his eyes again, took the map of Liaodong, and observed it carefully.

Looking at it, Hong Chengchou's face became more and more joyful, as if he had solved some puzzles and confirmed the doubts in his heart.

Once the Ming Dynasty regained the ground and drove the Donglu into the desert, the land in Liaodong would increase several times in an instant. The emperor sent him to Liaodong. In controlling these newly recovered territories, think about how big Liaodong will be in the future?Hong Chengchou's heart couldn't help being very excited.

In the past, Hong Chengchou would definitely think that the land in Liaodong was a barren land, it was tasteless to eat, it was a pity to discard it, those places did not support people, and the Ming Dynasty occupied those lands and received a lot of maintenance fees every year, but now It's completely different. With sweet potatoes, you can find any place and plant them casually, and you won't starve to death. That is to say, the land outside the pass can already be regarded as cooked land, which is quite valuable...

Hong Chengchou smiled, as if he had seen through the emperor's intention to let him come to Liaodong.Hong Chengchou calculated that this place in Liaodong would be in a state of military management that combines both the army and the people for a long time, and the military management might last for a long time. No wonder the emperor insisted on letting him lead the army. Unable to adapt to the situation outside the customs.

Hong Chengchou, who felt that he had figured out the emperor's intentions, became excited in his heart. This homework was not in vain. After understanding all aspects, Hong Chengchou felt that the conclusion he had drawn was quite credible.After figuring out the "actual intention" of the emperor, Hong Chengchou felt that he could make some preparations in advance and prepare some means in advance. When the battle with Donglu in the future becomes clear, his preparations will show value.

Hong Chengchou firmly believed that the emperor asked him to come to Liaodong to develop and occupy a large area of ​​Liaodong. The emperor actually valued his ability to manage civil affairs.

Thinking of this, Hong Chengchou was even more delighted, so many days of hard work were finally not in vain, the habit of insisting on self-examination these years was really good, and Hong Chengchou felt grateful for his persistence.

After figuring out the most critical link, Hong Chengchou felt that everything else was just minor details.The future seems bright.

Hong Chengchou was extremely happy, glanced at the incense that was about to burn out, and knew that it took him quite a long time to introspect this time.When he was happy, Hong Chengchou thought of another person, Lu Xiangsheng.



Like Lu Xiangsheng and Hong Chengchou, as the newly appointed governor, he also summoned people from all walks of life, generals and generals, and prepared to learn about this place as quickly as possible and enter the role as soon as possible.

Lu Xiangsheng did not reveal his true face, acting like an ordinary civil servant.Lu Xiangsheng is waiting for an opportunity, waiting for an opportunity to prove himself.

The Imperial Association Army has monopolized the business in the horse market. The tribes on the grassland have more and more opinions on the Imperial Association Army. There are often frictions, and small-scale battles have occurred many times.

The Mongolian right-wing tribes are also very hostile to the Ming Dynasty, and they are quite hostile to the Imperial Association Army. It is just because the strength of the Ming Dynasty has recovered and it is stronger, so they have to bear it. However, the restraint of this forbearance , seems to be getting weaker and weaker, and the friction is inevitably escalating gradually.

November is the time when the grasslands are preparing for the winter, and it can be regarded as the most fertile season in the year on the grasslands.


Forbidden City.


Yang Reform came to collect homework.Homework was assigned a few days ago.

Yuan Chonghuan, Qin Liangyu, and Man Gui all stood there, quietly waiting for the emperor to see their "homework".

Yang Reform carefully looked at the homework of these people, as well as their strategies and plans for overseas operations in the future.After reading it, I showed it to Sun Chengzong again.

On the platform, it was very quiet.

Yang Reform looked very carefully.

"I have read the strategies of the Qing family, and they are all good..." After reading it, Yang Reform commented.

Several people looked at the emperor and listened carefully to the emperor's comments.

"... Several of the Qing family mentioned that it is good to use battleships and cannons to blockade, and then occupy a certain place as a stronghold to build a fortress..." Yang Reform continued to comment.

Several people looked at each other.

"...But I feel that the strategy of the Qing family seems more like the strategy of conquering the Japanese country! Hehehe..., isn't it?" Yang Reform said with a smile.Sure enough, Yuan Chonghuan did not exceed Yang Reform's expectations. He attached great importance to scouting warfare and put it first. He mentioned battleships and cannons, as well as fortresses. These three elements were all in place.Qin Liangyu's strategy is similar, also is to block the battleship cannon, and then open up a stronghold, land to harass.They didn't mention the matter of soldiers suppressing the border, but they all understood that fighting across the sea is not easy.

Several people looked at each other again.It is not news to fight the Japanese country, but it is actually already being fought now, and their strategy will inevitably be used by the Japanese country.

"...My topic can involve Nanyang, Xiyang, and even more places, hehehe... If you follow the method of your family, it is no problem to fight the Japanese country, but it is necessary to occupy and control it in this way. Too many places won't work..." Yang Reform said with a smile.

"Please enlighten me, Your Majesty." Several people said hastily.

"Hehehe, as I said just now, none of the Qing family mentioned any matter of using hundreds of thousands of troops to overwhelm the country. I am very pleased with this point. Being able to discharge this shows that all the Qing family are working hard. It's over..." Yang Reform began to speak.In fact, to be honest, the strategies of these people are good, at least above the rules. Using this strategy to fight the Japanese country, as long as the commander is not an idiot, or the court is holding back, there is basically no problem.However, there is also a problem, that is, although there are not tens of thousands of troops dispatched at every turn, there are still quite a few troops. Yang Reform's idea is to conquer a country with a few cannons, and this is what Yang Reform wants .

"...However, this is only applicable to dealing with the Japanese kingdom. Actually, in the face of Nanyang, Xiyang, and even more distant places, the number of officers and troops that our court can support may be very small, and it is absolutely impossible as mentioned by the Qing family. With so many people, the imperial court is unlikely to invest too much troops in these places. That is to say, in these places, you may command only a few ships and a few cannons. The strategy is actually a strategy to attack the Wa country, which is a bit off topic..." Yang Reform said with a smile.

Several people peeped at each other.

"...Your Majesty means that there are only a few boats and cannons?..." Yuan Chonghuan asked cautiously.

"Yes, if you go to lead the army to fight, what the imperial court can actually give is a few battleships and cannons. No matter how many there are, it will not be able to support it. Therefore, the strategy of the gentlemen's family has to use the troops of this battle. The number of people, ships, cannons, etc. remove a zero, which may be more reasonable..." Yang Reform said.

"...Remove a zero?" Several people were shocked!This is a bit outrageous.

"That's right, if you remove a zero, your strategy is reasonable..." Yang Reform said with a smile.

"Dare to be your majesty, why is this, I beg your majesty to enlighten me..." Yuan Chonghuan took the lead and asked, the emperor's statement was indeed quite strange, how could such a small force attack a country, how to conquer Japan?

"Didn't I just say that? The reason is that I can't support it. I want to control many lands on the sea, and it is absolutely impossible to support so many elite soldiers. Then there is only one possibility based on these two conditions." It can only be a few boats and a few cannons to conquer a country and control a vast area, this is not my nonsense, but it must come like this..." Yang Reform explained.

Several people were dumbfounded when they heard this, originally they thought that it would be an advanced enough strategy not to use a large army to attack the Wa country, but where did they know that the emperor would directly reduce it to zero, which really made several people not come to their senses for a while.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Your Majesty is right, I understand..." Qin Liangyu was the first to understand. To put it simply, the conditions for the "deduction" were adjusted to an extremely harsh level.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, I understand..." Yuan Chonghuan thought for a while, and seemed to understand.

"Report to Your Majesty, minister..." Man Gui wanted to follow everyone, but looking at the emperor, he dared not speak again.

"Talk to Yuan Qing's family, what do you understand..." Yang Reform asked.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the strategy of the ministers is to set ourselves up to fight in an advantageous state. In actual combat, it is impossible to support such an advantage because of the long distance. In fact, we can only fight at a disadvantage, or To fight at an extremely disadvantaged situation, not only to fight at a disadvantage, but also to win..." Yuan Chonghuan said, Yuan Chonghuan is not the original Yuan Chonghuan, and he can be regarded as a master when it comes to deduction.

"Well, yes, what the Qing family said makes sense. You can't just fight when you have an advantage. You have to learn to fight when you are disadvantaged, even when you are extremely disadvantaged, and you have to win... Of course, The disadvantage actually refers to the disadvantage in quantity, in reality, in terms of quality, it must be much better than the enemy, otherwise, there is no need to fight..." Yang Reform said.

"Report to Your Majesty, yes." Yuan Chonghuan agreed.

"Your Majesty, what does Your Majesty mean to be like barbarians?" Qin Liangyu also said.

"That's right, that's how it is. The Yi people have indeed done a good job in this regard. With a few battleships, a few cannons, a few people, and a fortress, with proper methods, they can control a considerable area..., also Only in this way can the barbarians extend their power to my Ming Dynasty, and extend their power to tens of thousands of miles away... In this regard, I will learn from the barbarians..." Yang Reform said.

"I understand..." Several people agreed.

"Okay, let's stop talking about this matter here. It's a small adjustment. Your family still has to focus on the Northern War..." Yang Reform said again, bringing this matter up a little bit. After a while, it was over.

"The minister waits for the order!" Several people agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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