Chapter 115 It's Different
In order to facilitate the wedding ceremony, Shi Yuheng helped to register a room at the Pearl Hotel before the wedding.

Li Hui was wearing Xiuhe, which was exquisitely embroidered, and she looked even more charming and charming against the backdrop of two red candles. It was completely impossible to tell that she was a woman in her 30s who had given birth.

"Mom, don't cry! This powder is not waterproof."

Xu Jiaren used all the cosmetics she could collect to help her mother put on makeup, but Li Hui would shed tears after just a few strokes.

"Damn...I'm so happy."

Li Hui wiped her tears and said, "I never thought that one day I would be able to wear such beautiful clothes and wait for the person I like to marry me..."

Half a year ago, she never dared to think that she would put on her wedding dress again.

She thought her life would fall into a swamp of darkness after she divorced Xu Xiong.

I didn't expect her to be Nirvana again.

"Mom, let's accept happiness happily today. Don't think about that! Don't cry, I won't be able to make up for you anymore." Xu Jiaren said anxiously.

In the 80s, there were no waterproof cosmetics, and the gouache would break into pieces as soon as it cried. If Li Hui kept crying, the powder on her face could be used as a pressed powder.

"Okay! I won't cry!"

Li Hui wiped away her tears and looked at her daughter who carefully painted her eyebrows.

Under the bright lights of the hotel, my daughter's facial features looked like delicate dolls, especially those big eyes, which were black and bright, which were very energetic.

In my memory, my daughter is always blank.

And because the skin is black and yellow, it will always be as inconspicuous as bean sprouts.

When did my daughter become so bright?
"Girl, how can you draw your eyebrows?"

Li Hui observed the changes in the shape of her eyebrows from the mirror. With a few strokes of her daughter's strokes, her eyebrows took shape.

The most amazing thing is that the eyebrows are as distinct as the real ones.

This time, my daughter's friend helped her make a wedding dress. I heard from my mother-in-law that the young tailor didn't take any money. People said that my friend's mother got married, so he should give a gift.

However, it's fine to give one piece of clothing, that person gave five sets of clothes at a time.

Li Hui inquired a few days ago that the tailor shop cost 50 yuan to make a set of clothes, so the four sets of clothes cost 200 yuan?
When did my daughter make a friend who would give 200 yuan as soon as she made a move?

There is also a room in the Pearl Hotel. If you want to live here, you need not only money, but also a letter of introduction to live here.

Shi Yuheng actually helped her register a room.

Leaving money aside, Li Hui felt that it was really difficult to open a letter of introduction.

But they didn't say anything more than words, and just finished it.

When did your daughter and Shi Yuheng get along so well?

"Learn it. In fact, drawing eyebrows is similar to painting." Xu Jiaren had already thought of an excuse.

Li Hui didn't believe it.

But today is a special day, and she doesn't want to ask too many questions.

She thought about it, if she can pass the exam and be transferred to the city, she must take care of her daughter.

At least it can't be like it is now, with so many friends that she doesn't know at all.


The two friends Li Hui invited arrived at the hotel in the morning.

Xu Jiaren, a man and a woman, had never seen each other in her previous life.

"Sister Huihui!? Oh my God! Why are you so beautiful!" The boy covered his mouth and exclaimed as soon as he entered the door. Lanhua finger raised up and caressed Xiuhe, his eyes glowing with envy.

When Xu Jiaren looked at this person, she always felt that the orchid finger seemed too conspicuous, and the rainbow radar automatically issued an alarm.

"My mother also has a boyfriend?" Xu Jiaren found it inconceivable.

In the previous life, when Xu Jiaren graduated from the third year of junior high school, she was particularly obsessed with a male idol group from a certain country, and because of this, she and her mother quarreled for the first time.

The leader of the idol group had long red hair, and was directly called "human. Demon" by his mother.

Later, Li Hui tore up all the posters in Xu Jiaren's bedroom, and said that she was not allowed to like things that were not male or female?
But now...

"He Li, 26 years old, sells hardware and local products at the Hongtu Supply and Marketing Cooperative in the eastern suburbs... Behavior tends to be female, so it has been rumored as a pervert many times..."

Ah Yi finished reading the information from the system, and the dog's paw wiped his sweat: "Your mother is also considered avant-garde, dare to be a girlfriend if you are perverted?"

Xu Jiaren definitely didn't think so, mother's friends were few and far between, if a person was so unbearable, Li Hui would definitely not call this person on the big day of remarriage.

"Li Hui, congratulations! I'm really happy for you." The woman who came together took out a red envelope from her pocket, and it was quite a lot of money even if it was a dime note.

Li Hui hurriedly waved her hand away: "Huanhuan, I'm very happy that you can come, the gift money is fine. I wanted you to be a bridesmaid, but there is no suitable best man in Shaoyuan, so let's forget about it."

"Bridesmaid? Li Hui, are you stupid? You don't know what's going on with me?"

Wen Huanhuan was moved when he heard Li Hui's words, he put the red envelope into Li Hui's hand, and said, "I didn't want to come...but He Li said that you are not afraid that I will marry you this time, so I just came……"

As for the bridesmaid, she, a widow who was widowed, would not be a bridesmaid.

"Huanhuan, you are my best friend. Without you, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to live now. So... don't say such things!" Li Hui said seriously, holding Wen Huanhuan's hand.

Back then, Li Hui, He Li, and Wen Huanhuan were all recruits who were assigned to the Huabei snowfield. Once on a mission, the three of them were surrounded by wolves, and the three were trapped in a snow cave for four days. Siye, if Wen Huanhuan hadn't divided his rations and dragged the younger Li Hui forward, Li Hui would have froze to death in the ice and snow.

The grace of saving life will never be repaid in a lifetime.

"Okay, okay, you women are like this, you are not allowed to mention those frustrating things on this day of great joy."

He Li interrupted the conversation between Li Hui and Li Hui, and asked, "Sister Hui Hui, you look really good today. This willow-leaf brow and cherry mouth is even more beautiful than Shih Tzu! And your wedding dress, isn't it too good-looking?"

"Returning Xi Shi, you are as if you have seen someone else's Xi Shi." Li Hui rolled her eyes.

"I'm just making an analogy... Xi Shi is one of the four beauties. Tell me, I've already praised you with Xi Shi, do you think you are beautiful?"

"Here, my eyebrows were drawn by my daughter. She also made the clothes." Li Hui pointed to her daughter who was sitting quietly on the sofa.

When He Li and Wen Huanhuan entered the room, they just looked at Li Hui, without noticing that there was a little girl sitting in the corner.

Moreover, the child has not said a word since they came in.

"Are you sister Huihui's daughter?" He Li asked.

"Hmm." Xu Jiaren nodded.

"I remember that it wasn't like this when I saw this little girl last time."

Wen Huanhuan looked at the little girl sitting in the corner, and felt that she looked completely different from what he remembered.

"Children grow up fast, how long has it been since you saw him?" Li Hui said with a smile.

Although she said so, Li Hui became more determined to understand her daughter's thoughts after marriage.

Even Wen Huanhuan felt that her daughter was different, but she, a mother, realized that...

"Maybe..." Wen Huanhuan hesitated for a while, and didn't continue to think deeply, but asked in a low voice: "Does Xu Shaoyuan's family have any objections to your remarriage? And... what does Xu Xiong say?"

 Happy New Year. The little fairies in 2019 are all beautiful, and all single dogs have someone to sprinkle dog food with!The rest of the blessings are reserved for the Spring Festival. After all, the vocabulary is limited, so there is nothing to say after finishing talking. .Ha ha ha ha. . . . .Refill!
(End of this chapter)

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