Reborn 1980's Petite Wife

Chapter 131 Grasp the Future

Chapter 131 Grasp the Future
"Sister—the rules of our tailor shop cannot—"

"What are the rules? The rules are dead, but people are alive. Okay, don't stick around here, take your clothes back, and clean the windows and sweep the floor when you go home..."


"Let's go quickly! This early in the morning, do you think I will be scolded by the leader?"

Jiang Shuzhi was kicked out by his sister, he gritted his teeth and squeezed the cloth pocket in his hand, thinking to himself: Anyway, there is still time after the next year, if he can't make sense with his sister, he will turn his face at worst.

In short, the rules of the tailor must not be broken!

After saying goodbye to Jiang Shuzhi, Ai Shan was curious why Xu Jiaren didn't give the red envelope in front of Jiang Meili, but gave it to Jiang Shuzhi alone.

However, the two of them went to the first floor of the department store and bought a lot of candies, so Ai Shan didn't bother to ask about it.

The two of them bought several bags of fruit candy, and even bought two large boxes of rare chocolate.

When paying, Aishan's generous hand made the salesperson look sideways for a long time.

"Girl, this piece of chocolate costs 3 yuan! It's more than enough to pay for my food for a month." Aishan was very hostile to this thing called chocolate.

Xu Jiaren picked up a piece of chocolate, tore off the wrapping paper and handed it over: "Brother Aishan, open your mouth."

"I will not eat!!"

Ai Shan opened his eyes wide, thinking that Xu Jiaren was reckless.

Such a precious thing, how could she just take a piece so casually? !

Give him back! ?What a waste!
"This is the boss's order, you must eat it! Open your mouth!" Xu Jiaren's face was stern, and her tone could not be refused.

Ai Shan was very helpless, took the chocolate and put it on his mouth, and licked it carefully.

With that careful look, it doesn't look like eating chocolate, but rather like tasting some kind of delicacies.

But, what kind of taste can you eat like this?

I'm afraid I didn't finish the chocolate in the end, and it might melt all over my hands!

Xu Jiaren pushed hard with both hands, and Aishan put all the chocolate in his hand into his mouth without any accident.

"Beauty! What are you doing!?" Aishan was shocked.

"Don't talk! Brother Aishan, is the chocolate delicious?" Xu Jiaren asked with narrowed eyes.

Some bitter taste melts on the tip of the tongue, and then turns into a mellow and sweet taste.

It was the first time that Aishan ate such a strange thing.

Obviously a bit bitter, but bitter and sweet...

"Girl, this food is delicious. But it's too expensive..."

Hearing what Ai Shan said, Xu Jiaren took another piece of cheap fruit candy from the bag and handed it over: "Eat this again."

He even ate something as expensive as chocolate, but Ai Shan had nothing to say about eating fruit candy.

However, he regretted putting it in his mouth.

The sweet and greasy taste of fruit candy gradually covered the aroma of chocolate remaining in the mouth.

He thought he should wait until the chocolate was completely tasteless before eating fruit candy.

"How is it? Is the fruit candy delicious?" Xu Jiaren asked with her head tilted.

Ai Shan shook his head, held the candy wrapper and said, "It's really strange, obviously I used to think this candy is very delicious...why doesn't it taste good?"

"If you had a choice, would you eat chocolate or fruit candy?"

"Then there's no need to ask? Of course I chose chocolate. can I have money to eat such expensive things?"

No wonder the ancestors always said that it is easy to go from thrift to extravagance, but difficult to go from extravagance to frugality.

It is really difficult to get used to ordinary things after enjoying good things.

"Brother Aishan, after the new year, the summer dresses in the store have changed to 40 pieces." Xu Jiaren said suddenly.

Ai Shan was startled, didn't he talk about candy, why did he talk about shop business again?

"Are you going to lower the price?" Aishan asked.

"I'm talking about summer skirts. The price of all winter woolen clothes is raised to 70 yuan a set. If you make a single pair of trousers, it is also 40 pairs. As for suits, no matter what material, all prices are raised to 60 yuan. Members It costs 20 yuan per person."

After Xu Jiaren finished speaking in one breath, she saw Ai Shan reaching out to touch her forehead.

"Not burning?! Are you crazy!?"

Now the price of 50 yuan per piece of clothing in a tailor shop has already been considered expensive by many customers.

If you add more money, I am afraid that no one will really come to make clothes.

"Brother Aishan, if you have ten yuan, do you want to buy a large bag of fruit candy, or three pieces of chocolate?"

"Chocolate, of course..."

After speaking halfway, Ai Shan asked thoughtfully: "You mean..."

"As long as the quality of our clothes is good and the style is novel enough, do we still have to worry about customers?"


Although Ai Shan felt that Xu Jiaren was right, he was still a little worried.

The two walked in silence for a while, and Ai Shan couldn't help asking: "Jiaren, why are you so eager to raise the price? In fact, we sell clothes at 50 yuan per item now, and we can develop stably for several years."

several years? !Xu Jiaren looked at the side of the road, pointed to a row of low-rise bungalows and said, "Brother Aishan, starting from this year, Qingbei City will embark on a road of rapid development, and I want to buy all these places... It will take a lot of money." a lot of money!"

"What?! Buy these?" Ai Shan stared at the houses on the side of the road, and said, "They are all inhabited. You want to buy their houses?"

There are at least a hundred households living in this area, so buy them all?
How much does that cost? !
"All! Buy as much as you can!" Xu Jiaren said seriously.

In the next few decades, the fastest growing industry will be the real estate industry. If she, a reborn person, does not seize this opportunity, she will be really stupid.

Fortunately, she was reborn in 88, and in the remote Qingbei City, otherwise, she might not even have time to prepare funds.

Ai Shan looked at the serious little girl in front of him, and knew that she was not joking.

He didn't know why Xu Jiaren bought these dilapidated houses.

However, he is willing to help her fulfill this dream.

"Okay! Then let's fight after the Chinese New Year!" Aishan quickly agreed.

"Hey, brother Aishan, why did you agree so quickly? You don't even ask me what's the use of buying these?" Xu Jiaren asked curiously.

Originally, he thought about explaining to Ai Shan, but he agreed without even asking why.

"It doesn't matter what you're useful for. Anyway, I'll do my best to help you."

Ai Shan was a little embarrassed and said with a simple smile: "But I can also make clothes, so I can't help you like Young Master Heng."

"Brother Aishan..."

"Beauty, just call me brother, and I will try my best to help you! It's just that I'm afraid I can't help much."

"Don't say that!" You will become a big boss in the fashion industry in the future!


Xu Jiaren looked at the low buildings on the side of the road, her eyes sparkled with hope.

If she worked hard and grasped the information about real estate, she would surely change her family situation easily, right?

Ah Yi in the space listened to Xu Jiaren's heartfelt voice, showing a bit of worry.

How could fate be changed so easily?

(End of this chapter)

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