Chapter 260 Leaves a Shadow

Wei Sichen walked out of the independent courtyard, and there was a gunshot behind him.

"Master, how do you deal with Guan Qinran?" Nalanfei asked.

Bai Heng is proficient in psychology, meticulous in thinking, and meticulous in observation. It is really difficult to deceive him.

Before they made the news that Guan Qinran committed suicide by slashing his wrists, which caused Bai Heng to investigate and showed his feet, and then used a substitute to lure Bai Heng here step by step.

And the real Guan Qinran, of course, did not die, it was just that the medicine two years ago damaged her brain nerves, and after seeing Ye Lin get into a car accident because of her, her spirit was severely stimulated, and she was already dead. Becoming demented, in fact, is not much different from a dead person.

"Guan Qinran was already dead when the news of the wrist cutting came out." Wei Sichen said, "Ajiu should wish her a better life so that she can be settled."

Nalanfei: "Yes."

Cangyal asked indifferently: "Master, who is the woman Bai Heng is talking about?"

Wei Sichen looked forward deeply: "Not sure."

Under the mask, the falcon's clear eyes like cold springs blinked.

Does that mean that the master already has a target of suspicion?

Wei Sichen stood for a long time and asked, "Qin Tingchuan has already left?"

Na Lanfei said: "Yes, Secretary-General Qin left Licheng last night, and he should be returning to the alliance area."

Qin Tingchuan hurried back to the alliance area, he must have taken a private plane, and must have arrived at Jifeng Island by this time.

Jifeng Island is a transit point for the outside world to go to the Alliance Zone.

Once within the range of Jifeng Island, all communication signals with the outside world are blocked and isolated.

At this time, it was no longer possible to contact Qin Tingchuan through electronic communication.

"Nalan, I want you to go back to the alliance area as soon as possible and bring some words to Qin Tingchuan. Remember, don't let anyone know about this." Wei Sichen said.

In fact, it would be best for him to go back and meet Qin Tingchuan in person.

But on that night two years ago, he managed to find Ajiu one year after the explosion, saw her, but left her behind, and hurried back to the alliance area by himself.

A moment of negligence made him almost lose her again.

Maybe it was because of the shadow left at that time, he didn't dare to leave Ajiu anymore.

That hurts...

In the afternoon, under Gu Yunian's urging, Ye Lin was busy and finally finished the lunch that Gu Yunian bought.

Gu Yunian has his own studies and work, and Ye Lin was about to make him not have to spend time with him here, when his cell phone rang suddenly.

It was Hua Jing calling.

Hua Jing's voice sounded a little happy: "Honey, I have good news for you!"

Gu Yunian was close, and although he didn't let out his voice, he still heard the extremely long and greasy voice, and he shuddered immediately.

Why is this Huajing even more demonic than before?

It's unbearable!
Ye Lin was flipping through the financial statements of the Diye Group for the past two years, and replied, "Say."

The black material on Hua Jing's website has not been suppressed yet, and there are abuses against him everywhere.

Ye Lin had already made plans for him. When Song Cheng took over the shares of Dynasty Pictures, he would give his 5% to Hua Jing, making him a shareholder of Dynasty Pictures.

At that time, even for the reputation of Dynasty Films, Yi Chongwei, who harmed Hua Jing, will have to suffer for himself. He will have to remove the black materials as he put them up. Not only that, but Hua Jing must also be removed Jing's image that has fallen to the bottom in the past few years has been restored.

But it's a pity that the shares are in hand, and Dynasty Pictures is about to die.

We can only use Diye Media to deal with Hua Jing's affairs after the general situation of Diye Group stabilizes.

But Hua Jing herself didn't seem to worry about these things at all, and said happily: "After unremitting efforts, I finally contacted your right-hand man, am I your good wife?"

(End of this chapter)

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