She is the son-in-law of a wealthy family

Chapter 343 Director Qin’s Spouse’s Family

Chapter 343 Director Qin’s Spouse’s Family
People are in the hands of the security department, how to treat prisoners is their own business.

The warden of the security department and prison got the news of Shangfeng half an hour in advance, jumped up from his office chair in shock, and immediately summoned his staff.

"Boss, if Chief Wei's surname is really Mu, then he's a repeat offender. I've inquired about it. Before, the Arbitration Council didn't give any special treatment to the criminal prison. How can we arrange it here? Same?" the subordinate asked.

Warden Liu slapped him on the back of the head: "The same P! Can our police prison be the same as their criminal prison? We belong to the Security Department, and our boss is Director Qin, so it's different."

The little prison guard is a newcomer. Warden Liu likes this kid very much, so he wants to mention him a little bit, otherwise he is so honest and simple, how can he be called a member of the Security Department?

As he strode down, he hooked the little prison guard's neck: "Don't think that Officer Wei is going to come in now, but just watch, he will go out in a short time, and he will still be the top officer when he goes out." .”

"Why? Such a big case in the Mu family..."

"You don't care about any case, even if it's a huge case, you just need to figure out one thing, can the spouse and family members of the director of the Security Department live in the prison of the Security Department for a long time?"

The little prison guard was stunned and stuttered: "Spouse, spouse?! Family? Whose?"


Which director?

The positions of the chief and deputy director of their security department have been vacant for a long time.

Warden Liu straightened his uniform and hat, with a proud expression on his face: "Director Qin of our Security Department! Go, open the cell that Director Qin used for his own use, and I will settle it myself."

Back then, Qin Jiu was not the director of the Security Department, but he was a frequent visitor to their prison, and would come in for a few days every now and then.

Later, Elder Qin simply assigned Qin Jiufa to be the warden.

At that time, Warden Liu was still a small prison guard. He witnessed the well-known prickly head of the three districts tidy up an exclusive cell for himself, which was called the presidential suite of the prison.

Hmm... That suite is not just a decoration. It was used a lot in the beginning, and its existence value has been fully realized.

Now... No, the family members are using it again.

But when Warden Liu rushed to the "presidential suite", he found that it was packed.

"Damn it, don't push me, I spilled all the water I hit."

"Hey, I'll clean that table! I'm going to clean the table for the director's wife!"

"This toilet is bad and uncomfortable. Change it. I've already ordered it and it will be delivered right away. Madam's toilet is not comfortable to use. Maybe it will affect the next generation of our director."

"Network cable! The previous network cable seems to be broken, change it quickly!"

"The brothers from the Union Army said that Chief Wei likes to read books. Where's the bookshelf?"

"Are you kidding me? How could there be such a thing as a bookshelf in Director Qin's imperial cell? Arrange the confiscated masterworks of the teachers of the Neon Kingdom, and ask for a full set!"

"Fuck, are you crazy? How can you let Madam know about this kind of thing?"



Warden Liu: "..."

You should give me some work!
More than half an hour later, Wei Sichen arrived at the carefully arranged "presidential suite" under the welcome of all the police and prison staff.

He couldn't see anything, but he could smell the faint fragrance of flowers in the air, freshly picked, with the freshness of dew.

(End of this chapter)

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