ace free man

Chapter 1063 Become a corporate culture

Chapter 1063 Become a corporate culture
E3ter covered his face with his hands, rubbing slowly up and down.

He is a big hit in the [Faith] community in North America. One is his identity as a designer, and the other is as a designer. He often ends up in the community with other players to "lane" and talk about the principles of character balance and some ideas about designing heroes. Mental journey.

With his lovable personality, E3ter has countless fans in North America.

A designer, with a live broadcast room, can have more than [-] fans watching online, which shows his popularity index in North America.

You must know that the popularity of the platform in North America is based on real data. If more than [-] people watched online, it must be more than [-] people watched online.

"I'm sorry." E3ter looked at the Atmospheric team's total score of 2:0.

On the second map, the Atmospheric team had already tried their best, but it was a pity that they missed a move. In the round that won the naked game, it was fine to send three capture heads, and they even fought a BOSS for the opponent.

Let the other party have the capital to turn the tables.

However, for E3ter, there is still a big problem, that is, the comeback of the Eternal Team in the second round was won by the defensive side blocking the house.

He was thinking, is this style of play really suitable for this game environment?
If other teams follow Eternal Life's style of play, and the defender presses forward to the door of other people's houses to block them from starting a team, then what is the significance of the terrain of a map?
Team Eternal Life made the best judgment of their team.

However, from the designer's point of view, their behavior does not meet their expectations. What do they want the map for?
It depends on the combat conducted by the two sides in different terrain conditions.

That's what maps are for.

The Eternal Life team's defensive style, going forward to the birth point of the opponent, grabbing the opponent on the opposite side to form a group, is to ignore the terrain characteristics of the map.

This makes the map terrain very meaningless.

And every thing designed by the designer must not lose its due meaning. To put it seriously, the Eternal Life team's style of play has somewhat disrupted the balance of the game.

It is true that the Eternal Life team also paid a certain amount of risk. Being pressed into this position, if the operation is not good enough, and the economy is not leading, it is courting death.

But what if you can beat it?
The economy is leading, and the defensive side is in an unsolvable situation if it is pressed like this!
The attacking party will become a cornered beast, unable to get out, and the defending party will be blocked in this area.

"In our design, we didn't expect the defender to be able to 'attack' in this way." E3ter was helpless, this was definitely a design mistake.

But it cannot be changed now.

During the course of a large-scale series, the game version cannot be updated. Even if the outside world updates frequently, the game version will not be updated.

"In the next update of the competitive mode, we will definitely create a protective circle for the offensive team, so as not to encounter such a situation where the battle ends before the terrain is unfolded." E3ter said heavily.

The Eternal Team played like this.

In the case of economic leadership, you can endlessly suppress the opponent's birth point.

If the opponent has no money, they will be instantly killed by the Eternal Team if they go out. If the opponent has money, they will also be given the upper hand by the defender, unless they play a large map.

On a large map, the defender does not have such a fast time to reach the opponent's birth point.

Speaking of it, it is very strange for the defender to play like this, but the defender's play like this does have a very eye-catching effect on a map that he is not familiar with.

The commander of the eternal life team is too smart.

E3ter's remarks soon spread to Chinese forums.

At this time, all the strange voices of Yin and Yang came out.

"If I can't beat it, I'll change it, as expected of you."

"The old corporate culture is gone, isn't it normal to weaken Hanshen?"

"Emotionally, I support Hanmei Lijian, but if this style of play really exists all the time, then the map has lost its meaning of being selected! Wouldn't it be over if you just blocked the door of your house and fought with you without thinking? If you play like this, the enjoyment of the game will be gone.”

The verbal confrontation between designers and players is no longer a day or two.

After all, sometimes it is a character that I am good at and likes when I cut a knife.

This feeling is very uncomfortable, even if you know that sometimes the balance is right and some characters are too powerful, but it is still unpleasant when it should be unhappy.


The Eternal Life team has scored a 2:0 score.

It is very difficult for the Atmospheric team to come back, unless the next three maps can make the second chase the third, but is the melee map behind the Eternal Team vegetarian?

This has become an unsolvable situation.

Brother Legend lost the first game, knocked out GG, and turned back to the situation with the second map in his arms. Seeing that he was still beaten violently on the second map, he knew that the Atmospheric team had gone far, and the general trend was over.

Team Eternal Life is not only capable, but also very well prepared for the competition.

The set-up and coordination of the characters, the skill chain between the five characters, and the main routine of the four guarantees and one system, the main attack direction process is extremely smooth.

I don't know if the defensive command on the second map was made on the spot.

The iron-blooded defense of the Immortal team was a major rhythm point that directly led to the complete collapse of the Atmospheric team.

third map.

Brother Legend can only try his best to BP, and leave a word of consolation for the other players to have a happy game. In fact, at this stage, as the coach of a professional team, he shouldn't say such negative words.

However, continuing to exert pressure has no effect on the players.

It's better to let everyone have fun.

Maybe if you release your nature and express yourself, there will be miraculous effects.

This is releasing nature.

The soundproof room on the Eternal Team's side is even more exciting.

"It's the third map, it's 2:0, can the Hanshen make waves?" Duan Mu has a character that he really wants to play, but unfortunately, his performance in the version is very poor.

sewer role.

If Duan Mu hadn't won the match points of the two big rounds first, Duan Mu would not have dared to reveal his thoughts like this.

"Yes." Jiang Xun opened his mouth and said.

Winning the game is very important, but Jiang Xun thinks that happy games are also very important.

At this moment, they are leading by a big score anyway.

It doesn't matter if you relax a game.

Anyway, the opponent can't win again.

If you want to win, there are still so many match points, just hammer them down.

Jiang Xun has this kind of confidence.

Therefore, at the beginning of the third map, Duan Mu showed off a happy hero with hook skills, which aroused the enthusiasm of the audience.

The hook hero is rarely played.

The mechanism of this game, the hook is difficult to hit people, the delay is long, and the judgment is difficult. It is convenient for the teammate to control the person first.

Picking a hook hero is now a very entertaining behavior in the professional arena.

Jiang Xun also became happy here.

【Peerless Sword Master】.

These two heroes come out, and the entertainment spirit is full.

(End of this chapter)

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