ace free man

Chapter 320 Alliance

Chapter 320 Alliance
West Coast - Aizen.

The peripheral area has been gradually occupied by various guilds.

On this map, there are map coordinate names. Some map coordinate names are West Coast-Aizen No. [-] block, and some map coordinate names are West Coast-Aizen Seaport.

The guilds in different countries are their own masters. Of course, they fight on their own. It is impossible to gather together to occupy a relevant map coordinate and use it as their own base. After a period of time to understand the resurrection mechanism of the game, it is almost Understood.

They ordered the players in their guild to temporarily remove the memorial tombstone, and changed the setting to the resurrection of the nearest city, so that when fighting against the boss, the dead can also rush to the battlefield immediately, instead of rushing all the way from the original empire.

It has not yet entered the stage of robbing the BOSS.

The guilds wouldn't tear their skins apart and quarrel at the beginning.

On the contrary, there are more and more alliances.

Bai Ze Guild, Tian Fu Guild, and Zheng Rong Guild, as the three sharp knives of the Chinese guild, have won over the rest of the Chinese guilds, forming an alliance with all of them, forming a powerful force that occupies a large area outside Aizen.

The map coordinates of the seaport, No. [-] Road block, No. [-] Road block, No. [-] Road block, city guard, church, etc. are all occupied by them.

There are also alliances among other countries.

There are relatively few guilds in individual countries. For example, the online game guilds in Italy and Belgium. The number of people they assembled to participate in the war is not a fraction of the number of Chinese guilds, but it doesn't matter.

They can't form alliances with guilds of the same nationality as themselves, but they can temporarily form alliances with online game guilds of the same empire in their game.

All of a sudden, a very terrifying battle circle was formed.

The guild alliance headed by China occupies the majority, and nearly half of the number comes from Chinese players. The next one is the guild alliance formed by various European countries. They themselves have the name European e-sports alliance. The speed is no slower than the Chinese guilds.

Guilds in Southeast Asia also follow suit.

National guilds in Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, etc. temporarily set up a small alliance.

The Korean guild established itself and did not participate in the alliance in Southeast Asia.

The Russian guild is also independent, without any willingness to join anyone.

The situation in North America is strange. It obviously has the advantage in numbers, and there are many guilds of the same nationality, but there is no willingness to cooperate. At least the Korean guilds have established themselves, and several Korean guilds have formed alliances.

On the North American side, there are about thirteen North American clubs, with a combined total of 2000 people. As a result, among the thirteen clubs, only a few well-connected clubs have temporarily formed alliances, and most of them are self-employed.

When guilds from so many countries come together.

The strength of the Japanese guild is extremely weak, and the number alone is a complete disadvantage. The only thing they can do is a god-level legendary account character, but the players of the Chinese guild also have one.

Looking back suddenly.

The main force seems to have faintly become the Chinese guild.

And the communal microphones of those more miscellaneous guilds are noisy and uncomfortable.

"The Japanese are attacking."

June Crimson said.

"Yeah." Banma Xiangsi also kept an eye on the movements of the Japanese players, "Let's follow Pingjin."

There are also several heavyweight bosses in the outer circle.

There are not a few followers of Yong Ye.

There are not a few followers of power.

A BOSS of an expansion pack, a BOSS that caused turmoil in the world, after exposing the identity of the followers of Yong Ye, also gained a large number of followers. They traveled far and wide, and came here to accept the gift of Yong Ye blessing.

The last time I faced the data sheet.

The Knights of the Round Table didn't even meet the boss, so they were dealt with by [Ranning]'s subordinates.

When the Knights of the Round Table launched an attack, the other guilds also started from the territory they occupied and pushed towards the inner range, and each guild did not want their power to be weakened too badly, and they all kept their power carefully. scope.

On the side of the Chinese guilds, within the scope of their own visibility, there is no shadow of non-aligned guilds.

It's relatively peaceful right now.

Nothing much has happened yet.

This is not to say that there is no fighting between the guilds and they are very harmonious. It's just that there is a check and balance between each other's strength, and no one dares to act rashly. Kill as badly as you want, and don't give the slightest way to survive.

It is precisely because of the fear of making things worse, the positions chosen by other national guilds are far away from the Chinese guild alliance.

After all, the Chinese Alliance accounted for 50% of the attacking army. As long as there is a problem with the other alliances, the Chinese Alliance will attack and cause serious damage, which is enough to take down one family.

With the existence of this fear.

An unspoken rule temporarily emerged among other alliances, that is, once something goes wrong, the guilds in China will be targeted first.

Without weakening the strength of the Chinese guild, if any other alliance is eaten by the Chinese alliance, the proportion of the Chinese alliance will expand again. In this way, it will be difficult for other alliances to resist and come back.

With the advantage of numbers.

The flat push of ordinary monsters is very simple.

On the side of the Chinese Alliance, the heads of various companies gathered temporarily in one place for discussion.

In fact, the China League is not united as one. Everyone formed an alliance just to better come to the stage of facing the boss of the [Ranning] expansion. Grouping can minimize losses as much as possible and push without injury. With the step of BOSS [burning], the disintegration of the alliance is only a matter of time.

Everyone wants to eat the boss of the expansion pack alone to obtain this honor.

In Jiang Xun's perspective.

A dense crowd appeared below, constantly charging towards the interior of Aizen.

In the lower right corner of the map is a large group of people, in the upper right corner several groups attack in batches, in the upper left corner several groups attack from different angles, and in the lower left corner there are also groups of people attacking the inside position from different angles.

The Japanese guild is directly above.

They all face inward from the outside, and most of the places are occupied by people.

Only the large group of people in the lower right corner of the map is surrounded by small groups of troops that have not gathered together.

Jiang Xun used the telescope again.

All legions are very united at this time, and the efficiency of flat push is extremely high. The Chinese legion is almost entering the inner circle and encountering the boss monster. The Japanese guild is also fighting very fast. There is a leading assassin character in front of him. Crit pierces through a row of monsters.

"This assassin's basic attack has splash damage, so it's so easy to clear monsters." Jiang Xun thought in his heart.

However, the basic attack has splash damage, and the skills of fighting mobs are not bad. Facing the boss, this effect is quite weak, so I can only clear the mobs.

(End of this chapter)

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