ace free man

Chapter 663 The Qualities of Abyssal Warriors 7 Slashes

Chapter 663 The Qualities of Abyssal Warriors 7 Slashes

Bridge of Misery.

Sorrow is conveyed in the cold and sad background music.

A sigh suddenly sounded in the ear, these are the background sound effects of this map, a copy of the hidden mission of the ancient battlefield, telling the last stand of two groups of soldiers representing different positions.

of course.

This may also be Team Tianfu's last stand. If they lose, they will go to the loser's bracket. If they fail to keep the first match of the loser's bracket, they will fall, so they must try their best to win this battle and find a way to breathe for themselves Chance.

In the last picture, Jiang Xun went around alone and played Tianfu's formation in a mess. After Tianfu team was raised by him alone, he was suppressed to death by the commander of a specific hero army, so he specifically aimed at the point of going around to restrict The opponent's cut-in made it more difficult to go around this bridge of suffering.

The map with excellent formation advantage of Tianfu team.

"The whole army is in battle!"

At the respective starting points of the two bridges, there are two armies of different styles advancing forward. This is the characteristic of the Bridge of Misery. The plot revisits the battle on the ancient battlefield, and the only bunkers on this map are these Soldier.

Players look for opportunities to kill by hiding in these constant piles of soldiers.

Similarly, these soldiers are equivalent to the hatred of normal wild monsters. When their hatred is attracted, they will launch their own attacks, but the damage is not high, and it is enough for harassment.

Jiang Xun is a pawn again this time.

The Commander of the Legion, this abyssal warrior, is all ruthless from the front, but the way of opening the Commander is a bit weird. Jiang Xun has his own ideas and opinions, and beats the Commander of the Legion into a back row with a protruding face. In the end, Jiang Xun also proved that his thoughts and opinions were correct, and he played a legion commander who is biased towards the assassin position. At the end of the game, the legion commander with an attack power of 800 points is so strong that he can fight twice. The level of a skin mage.

This time, Abyss Warrior wants to be an assassin
The difficulty is much higher.

This hero doesn't have as much room to play as the legion commander.

The mandatory control of duel is something that abyssal warriors do not have, and abyssal warriors do have control, but his control has certain conditions.

In a frontal battle, hitting the opponent's head will cause a dizzy effect.

In addition, the abyss warrior has short legs, and his basic movement speed is not as fast as that of the legion commander. If you let him circle around and become an assassin, what should he do if he can't run or catch up with others?Use it head-on, if the opponent doesn't attack you, it will be difficult to threaten the back row of the Zhengrong team.

When this character is taken out, Jiang Xun can only play in the hard top of the front row of meat shields. Fortunately, the character panel of the meat shield of Abyss Warrior has high attributes, strength attributes, and attack power are the highest among characters in the same position.

Jiang Xun's operating space comes from above.

Players on both sides start from their starting points simultaneously.

It was all an aura of being indifferent to life and death, and doing nothing if you don't accept it. When rushing out of the resurrection point, one was faster than the other, but when the two sides met, they all stopped in the formation of their own soldiers with a tacit understanding.

The first move on this map is not easy to grab.

Whoever gets the upper hand first will be easily surrounded by these soldiers.

In terms of damage and combat effectiveness, these soldiers are not qualified, but slotting is a big problem for this kind of professional competition. Every team has its own ideas about the formation and positioning of its five players.

If these soldiers appear in a part of the formation that must occupy people and move, it will block the circulation of the entire formation and position, causing problems in their own positions and being broken by the opponent. break through.

Tang Ce of the Tianfu team joined the team, and his main training was formation and tactics, which was much better than the one-word long snake formation and the city management chaotic formation when Jing En led the team.

Generally, teams that prefer team formations will play defensive counterattacks when playing this map, waiting for the opponent's first move to start a team, and then deal with it.

Yan Hong also knows the consequences of being stuck in formation and positioning by these soldiers.

Did not take the initiative to attack.

Waiting for the soldiers on both sides to rush into the battle and start fighting, it was the turn of the players on both sides to start.

When the soldiers staggered each other, they fought.

Shen Yiming directly started to rush to fight the Tianfu team formation, and with Cui Le's guardian spirit, the two of them swam over from the pile of fighting soldiers, taking advantage of poor vision.

Desolate Swordsman has an active skill, Instant Shadow Slash, when he uses this skill to perform a slash, he will be in an invisible state for 0.3 seconds, and a semi-invisible state for 3 seconds.

This 0.3-second invisibility state cannot be caught. The gem of true vision and the props that break the invisibility are invalid.

The 3-second semi-invisible state probably means that the desolate swordsman has a transparent body, which is faintly visible. It is said that he is invisible, but it is not completely invisible. There are still traces to follow, but when the attention is attracted by other people At the same time, the 3-second semi-invisible state is no different from the real invisibility.

It is worth mentioning that when the small light ball of the guardian spirit follows the invisible unit, it will also fall into the invisible state.

this one.

Jiang Xun couldn't get around, couldn't make a face, so Shen Yiming went to face. Yan Hong asked Shen Yiming to take the role of Desolate Swordsman, not because he was happy to hack and slash casually, but because he had requirements.

This map is surrounded by bunkers where soldiers fight. Stealth assassins like Desolate Swordsman have excellent room to play.

When Shen Yiming rushed over like this.

Jiang Xun, who is positive, must also work hard.

He carried his big knife head-on and killed the past.

This also immediately exposed the shortcomings of the abyss warrior. He is a clumsy hero with no displacement skills and a super slow moving speed. If the opponent doesn't fight Jiang Xun and retreats all the way, Jiang Xun can't even touch the shadow of a person.

However, compared to the last round, the Tianfu team did not allocate resources to the abyss warriors.

Team Zhengrong still provided some help.

Yan Hong's old hunter shouted in a wretched old man's strange tone: "The smell of the prey!"

【Hunter Intuition】

[Halo effect: All friendly units increase their movement speed by 50 points when moving towards enemy units. 】

[Active effect: Designate a friendly unit, so that his movement speed will receive a huge bonus within 10 seconds, and the bonus will rapidly decline in the subsequent time. 】

The old hunter took it out to give the whole team of the Zhengrong team a blessing of movement speed, which is very suitable for hitting the face.

The regular routine of the Tianfu team is the see-saw system of fighting chariots and iron barrels.

This lineup is afraid of being rushed down in the face.

It just so happens that the old hunter is a character that makes the punching system perfect.

With the blessing of the hunter's intuition.

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Xun rushed to the face of the Tianfu team's lineup, and Shen Yiming, who was pushing forward with the stealth card, launched a two-way face-on attack with Jiang Xun from the flank at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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