ace free man

Chapter 747 No Chance to Brush Attributes

Chapter 747 No Chance to Brush Attributes
In a soundproof room.

The coach of the mysterious team ordered a four-in-one timeout to the referee who was standing behind and overseeing the game.

Four small suspensions merged into one large suspension.

It took a full 2 ​​minutes to pause to think about countermeasures.

The smooth sailing in the first half made it useless for them to pause. However, in the second half, facing such unprecedented resistance, they couldn't come up with a good countermeasure, and what greeted them was a big comeback that was reversed.

The score came to 2:4!
The next point is still a bare-bones bureau without economy.

It is said that it is 2:4, but in fact it can already be announced that the score has come to 3:4.

As the score got closer and closer, the mentality of the players of the mysterious team changed slightly.

The coach pointed out the four-in-one big timeout, in order to find a way to solve the problems encountered now, and discuss with other players how to deal with the following games.

"In the next round, commit suicide collectively. Don't give them an opportunity to develop their roles." After the coach paused, the first sentence that came up made all the players' hearts sink.

"This is a competition, not a ranking, nor an online game. We have to do the most accurate behavior for victory." How could the coach not know the pimple in the players' hearts.

Arsino said rationally: "The coach is right. All actions are for victory. Suicide in the naked game is suicide. Don't give them a chance to brush attributes is the correct approach."

"As long as the audience with a little vision knows that our suicide is irreversible." Arsino echoed the coach, on the one hand, he did not want to give other players in the team a chance to say no.

With Val's disposition, the last time he committed suicide in 1-on-5, there was no way out. It was impossible to make a comeback in 1-on-5, and to live is to brush attributes for the opponent. Val committed suicide when he knew he had no chance. Can convince myself.

But when it comes to 5v5, even if they don't have the equipment, the mysterious team may not be invincible, so they directly commit suicide at the beginning of the game, and Val is 1 unwilling.

Isn't this just admitting defeat without fighting?

"I think there is still a chance for a fight." Val said, just as Arsino thought, Val would definitely propose a fight, but Arsino had good reasons for preparing.

"What if we lose?" Asked Arsino, who had more reasons to convince Val.

"Have you considered what will happen if you lose the game?" Arsino brought out the consequences of the loss, "We lost, and the opponent five will get a wave of growth attribute bonuses. In the third round of the second half, they are sitting on a good economy. And attributes far beyond ours, can we still have a comeback point?"

"In this round, they didn't have the attributes of growth. In the third round, we can instantly kill the only Shadow Undertaker on the opposite side who has grown well, and we will have a chance to get a 5-point match point!"

"At least we can go to overtime!" Arsino said: "I don't want us to face stronger opponents in the third round of the second half."

"Now is not the time to be impulsive. The championship and face, what is more important?" Arsino said solemnly: "Don't put everyone's efforts on you."

"Well, I didn't think twice." Val took a deep breath.

Everyone's hard work has allowed them to enter the final stage. If he loses the game because of his willfulness, it will be a waste of everyone's hard work. Val has no right to trample on other people's hard work.

"I agree with what Arsino said." Xito and Kaka stood up.

4 votes in favor, Wahl abstained.

"Let's wait, jump directly into the sea at the beginning, skip this round, and come to a score of 3-4. Xito saves his limited skills and gives them to the opponent's Shadow Undertaker, or we don't give him output space , or we will give him a second." Arsino and the coach had the same opinion, and the two formulated the countermeasures for the next game.

Because of the four-in-one pause, there is no pause available for subsequent games.

So during this time period, the coach said everything he wanted to say.

Correct the details that need to be paid attention to in each round and how to deal with them one by one. The time is not endless. The 2-minute timeout seems to be a long time in the game, but in the blink of an eye, the time is exhausted.

"Even if I lose the game, I'm still proud of you." The coach tried his best to relieve the pressure on the players and finished his last sentence on the court.

Time is running out.

The coach is ejected.

The reason why the coach can stand behind the players is that they can discuss countermeasures with the players during the timeout. When there is no timeout, the coach cannot communicate with the players.

So after the timeout expired, the coach lost the opportunity to communicate with the players. According to the contract, the coach must leave the field.

The coach who got off the field did not go through the backstage passage, but went all the way back to the lounge.

Instead, he came to the corridor of the auditorium aisle, raised his arms and shouted cheering slogans as if driving the fans.

"Let's—GO! My-Team!"

The atmosphere on the scene actually got a bit dull after several rounds of losses, but the coach cheered on with the audience like this, which rekindled the passion of the fans, and they continued to cheer for the mysterious team following the coach's beat.

The third round of the second half.

At the beginning of the game, all the mysterious team committed suicide by jumping into the sea.

There is no chance for the Zhengrong team to obtain attribute evolution.

Facing the audience's uproar and confusion, the coach, as always, was there to cheer!

And soon, the audience in the audience figured out the method of the mysterious team over time. After they understood, they did not give up their shouts and continued to cheer for the players of the mysterious team.

In the soundproof room of the Zhengrong team.

Jiang Xun felt a little helpless when he was placed like this by the mysterious team. The team at this stage, the desire to win is to score slaves and divide slaves.

"It's a very sensible approach. If I were them, they would probably choose to commit suicide." Yan Hong said distressedly: "This is difficult, and we are back to the same starting line."

"Yes, the whole team has successfully developed a big core based on my growth attributes." Jiang Xun said.

He is the character with the best attributes in the game.

The development of the others is average. If the opponent didn't commit suicide collectively in the last round, it would be much easier to fight.

Among the others now, there are two players whose character board attributes are not as good as the opponent's, and the other two have kept up with the big echelon and are a little bit stronger. Jiang Xun's growth rate is the best in the game.

"Let's stud." Shen Yiming said: "Win two rounds in a row, don't save any money, use it all up, this is a showdown with him."

"That's what I mean." Jiang Xun replied: "If we can't win this round, it will be 3:5. Our equipment will be sealed in the next round. If we don't have the economy to fight, it is very likely that we will be taken away by 3:6. "

"Everyone bought all the equipment they needed most. If we win this round, the points will be locked by us." Jiang Xun ordered all the equipment he wanted.

 (Professional competition, victory is very important, the championship is not only the prize money but also the honor, people will only remember the champion and not who the runner-up is, but after winning the championship, who cares how your victory process is .)
  (As far as I remember, there were several games where the reputation of the relatively negative team was not good. One was the spring water hook, and the other was the CSGO project FNC team used map bugs to win the championship. In comparison, I think the mysterious team chose to fight for victory. It is completely understandable for the team to commit suicide. Losing the game is at most a post-match joke. It is not worth mentioning that it will be infamous for a long time. It is really dirty and violates the spirit of sports practice.)
(End of this chapter)

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