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Chapter 785 Establishment of the Chinese League

Chapter 785 Establishment of the Chinese League
Jiang Xun didn't know what happened in his old company. He was still looking through the news of the game category, and saw the news that various regions were preparing to establish leagues.

【Faith】Project - Intel Extreme Masters Cup is the end of Dzogchen.

The number of players watching online on the official TV surpassed tens of millions of players that day, and the high popularity almost established the success of the [Faith] competitive event.

This gives the official company full confidence in creating leagues in major regions in the future.

within a month.

Several countries have established their own league regions successively, and signed a league contract with the [Faith] game official, which mentioned various revenue sharing in detail.

Of course, the first to be established was the North American Division, which is home to [Faith] Game Company.

Probably after announcing the establishment of the North American division, they will start regular regular season matches a week later. Players can go directly to offline venues to buy tickets to watch the games.

At this point, we have to mention the club power that is closely related to the official game.

There are many established professional clubs in North America. The establishment of the North American Division in such a short period of time and the ability to conduct regular regular games within a week have a major relationship with their strong and established e-sports system.

Many top clubs have home e-sports stadiums in their own cities.

To put it bluntly, as long as they agree to the establishment of a competition area, they can compete in their home e-sports stadium. The clubs are not the only ones who want to compete.

Because besides [Faith], there are too many e-sports events.

They all have to play games in these e-sports stadiums.

For these big clubs, it is just one more event to be put in this e-sports stadium.

As soon as the North American competition area was established, eight well-known North American teams immediately responded and joined this competition area. The first to bear the brunt was the Atmospheric team sponsored by the US Air Force, followed by the five-star Seahorse team. Their team logo was a seahorse logo. There are five five-pointed stars on the head, representing the heavyweight champions won in five different e-sports events.

[Faith] The creation of local leagues has many benefits for these clubs, such as tickets, one more event, so that a group of fans can buy tickets to watch the game.

Ticket revenue has always been considerable.

If it is just one event, it may not be easy to say, but there are more than a dozen events, and the fee standard for each event is the same, so the ticket revenue is a huge amount.

Not to mention [Faith], a rising star in online games, the traffic is huge.

A few days after the establishment of the North American division.

The European competition area was also announced. It also has eight well-known clubs. There is a mysterious team that crashed in the Intel Extreme Cup before. The rest of the team Jiang Xun is not very familiar with. , Finland, and Poland are the only countries where e-sports has developed rapidly in Europe.

The team logos of these foreign competition areas like to use animals as badges.

Among the eight European teams, three teams used animals as their badges, some used raccoons as their team logos, some used lightning minks as their team logos, and some used pandas as their team logos.

Using these animals as team logos will not have any momentum in the game, okay?

Jiang Xun couldn't help but complain.

The two brothers from North America and Europe, it’s okay, although they like to fight, but the speed in this respect is very synchronized. It’s almost like you established the competition area, and I can keep up right away.

The Asian side is completely slow.

Both the European and North American divisions played two or three games in the regular season.

South Korea has slowly established its own Korean competition area and confirmed several participating teams, but what about China?The Chinese division is still wrangling.

The club has to wrestle with the [Faith] official, and the clubs also have to wrestle with each other.

Talking to the officials is for the purpose of maximizing the benefits. The officials have the qualifications to give you a place in this competition area. Without the official authorization, you cannot participate in the competition.

[Faith] The official has full respect for the Chinese market. As far as the number of Chinese players is there, you can’t do without respect, but the businessmen of the Chinese club also know the Chinese market.

The establishment of the North American Division and the European Division was so fast, and the one-buy price was immediately negotiated, and the standard [-]-[-] division of tickets and figures can be divided.

Chinese club tickets are divided into [-]/[-], and other shares are also divided into [-]/[-]. This is to cut flesh from [faith] officials, and even grab meat to eat.

How could they want to.

Clubs are just the lifeblood of online games. Online games can survive without clubs, and clubs without online games are worthless. Faced with such unreasonable demands, [Faith] officials chose to deal with them coldly.

Therefore, the Chinese competition area was not announced for a long time compared to other competition areas.

This unpleasant matter was not resolved until the beginning of November, and the clever clubs were convinced, and they did not have the ability to waste it with the game official.

But in terms of places in the competition area, Chinese clubs are fighting openly and secretly again.

The shares among the bosses of many clubs are that you have me, and I have you. Therefore, in terms of the division of these interests, the club decided the winner within a few days after preparing to establish the competition area.

Team Zhengrong, Team Baize, and Team Tianfu.

The three veteran professional teams in China will definitely win three seats.

The rest were won by Team Jiwei, Team Xiake, Team Mingxin, Team Liuxin, and Team 1033. There are many good teams in China, but in terms of financial resources and connections, there is indeed no one as good as Team Star. It's just that there is a problem with financial resources, the bidding for places is not successful, and the competition cannot be played in China's first-tier competition area.

I can only go to the second division of the secondary league and wait for the annual relegation competition to see if there is any talk of a carp jumping over the dragon's gate.

However, the boss of Team Star is also a ruthless person. After failing to bid for places, he listed all the starting players for a big sale, leaving only a group of youth training players for himself, as a backhand for his comeback.

Their biggest player, Liu Yuzhen, the master of the stars, has gone to the Baize team, and his strength has long been inferior to before, but even if Liu Yuzhen is gone, the other starting players can still play first-tier games, and have the strength to play in the first division. .

You force them to play in the Second Division. On the one hand, the wages must be high to keep them. On the other hand, you have to worry about whether they will be poached by other teams. This is a hidden danger for the team. It is better to sell them in advance. Earn some transfer fees, and train a group of people to make it up.

This allowed the Liuxin team, which has financial resources and contacts but no strength, to pick up a big gift package from the Star team.

Liuxin Technology is rich and the patron, but people are not so easy to find. Some people sign the deed of sale on them for several years, and they may not be able to leave for a lifetime. If you want to buy it, you have to pay liquidated damages.

If you have money, you can't be stupid. If you have a lot of money, you can be stupid.

With sky-high liquidated damages to buy a high price and low price, you can come here, don't you play yourself as a fool?
Time flies, at the end of November, the China Division was officially announced, and on the eve of the regular season, during the last transfer period of the China Division, everyone unanimously set their sights on a legend on the person.

Samuume sharpens the sword!


Hanmei Lijian is still a free agent in the transfer market.

He has not yet announced which team he will join.

Everyone is quietly waiting for the news of Han Mei Sharpening the Sword.

Including ordinary players, they are also waiting.

Everyone knows that Hanmei Lijian's joining, no matter which one he goes to, is a nuclear bomb-level lethality, and it will blow up public opinion both inside and outside the arena!

(End of this chapter)

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