ace free man

Chapter 855 Visible Problems

Chapter 855 Visible Problems

The eagle crow circled in the sky and flew into the distance.

In Jiang Xun's information bar, there was a status bar showing that the Otto Brotherhood, the faction he belonged to, was searching for information, and the search time was 5 minutes.

If it is found, accurate information will be broadcast. If it is not found, a second round of search will be conducted, and the infiltration area of ​​the Otto Brotherhood is currently only two countries, the Kasna Empire and the Norkovs Federation.

If the boss you are looking for is between these two empires, their first round of search will be calculated according to the reputation of the target unit. The region is about to drop to a 100% probability.

If the prestige of searching NPC units is very low, the success rate of the first round of information is also very low.

This search function was created for BOSS, because BOSS generally have a high reputation.

5 minutes passed by in a flash.

Above the head, the hawk landed on Jiang Xun's shoulder, and some information-marked objects were tied to its calf.

Good luck.

The first round of searches found the target.

"Ancient Elven Ruins - Amtra Forest." Jiang Xun typed on the guild channel. The search can only find an approximate location. If the search is accurate to the coordinates, it would be too much.

And this ancient elf ruins is a relatively large map.

Said it was a relic.

It is better to say that it is a continent, but this continent is and is in the interior of the Sinan continent. It has both sea areas and tropical rainforests. The Amtra Forest is the name of a part of the forest area.

The ruins of the ancient elves are half dead in the [Faith] game.

The reason why it is a dead place is because there are no NPCs and wild monsters. If there are no NPCs in the game area, basically no players are willing to come, and they cannot accept tasks, nor can they hand in tasks.

A place where nothing can be done, the only function may be for players to run over to look at the scenery, record a screenshot as the wallpaper of the computer desktop, so this place has become a ghostly place where no players come.

The big map is updated with the last version, upgraded to level 60 with a one-key flight mode, which can span the entire Sinan continent in 30 seconds, but after changing the map, you can only run and fly manually in the map.

Loading interface.

Aerial view of Amtra Forest.

Jiang Xun brought the youth training team of the Zhengrong team, now the 15th team of the Immortal Guild, to this forest.

Cicadas and Birds There are many creatures in the forest, but these creatures are not included in the category of wild monsters. They can attack, but they cannot give experience and gold coins, so players are too lazy to fight these monsters.

"The tree spirit Cui Ling is in this forest." Jiang Xun made a simple task preface, "Finding them is your first stage task."

Jiang Xun suddenly realized that he still had the function of posting tasks.

Enter the function of posting tasks.

After thinking about it, I compiled a preface to the mission, wrote down the requirements of the mission, and the reward will be a normal amount of experience points. Jiang Xun uses this function only to let the young players of the Zhengrong team have a clearer mind when performing the mission. By the way, try this function of posting tasks.

Once born and twice cooked.

If you don’t use this function once, it’s not good if you use it in the wrong way next time.

This information bar popped up on the task interface of the young players of the Zhengrong team. Everyone accepted this task. You Lun knew that it was Jiang Xun who was evaluating his commanding level.

"Let me divide the search space." Youlun divided each forest area into a dozen small areas, and each person searched for the area he wanted to search.

"Find the boss, send out the coordinates, don't fight, just hit the effect of discovery." You Lun said.

Jiang Xun has no objection to this command.

It's a little smarter than normal people, because You Lun knows that the unit he's looking for is rooted and can't move, so he doesn't need to team up to find this boss.

Looking for one person by one, the effect of investigation is enough, and it is not necessary to hold back the hatred.

Divide each point into different areas, give players an accurate division of labor, and then execute it. This is also to make this formation a team, without wasting everyone's energy, and there will be no low-level mistakes of repeated searches.


They found the target of this mission - Cui Ling of the Dryad.

It was a huge tree with a haggard old man's face on the trunk of the tree. It was resting with its eyes closed, watching the second round of Youlun's command.

You Lun's second round of command was still step-by-step, arranging each member's own position, and the positions of these people could still form a composite position of crossover and misplaced rotation.

Jiang Xun remembered the last coalition beheading operation to encircle and suppress him, and he also liked to use this kind of multi-person coordination position.

This is the style of play taught professionally, right?

Jiang Xun is going to see how You Lun will fight again.

"Kong Li, you open the boss." You Lun said.

Kong Li, who was at the forefront, made a big stride, and slammed his sword close to his body, hitting the withered face of the tree spirit Cui Ling directly on the tree trunk, and a blood bar damage popped out.

After opening the boss.

"Back." You Lun said.

Kong Zhe was not greedy, and moved away with one step. The awakened tree spirit Cui Ling danced in the air, making a low and unpleasant sound, and saw a vine roaring out from under his feet, continuously extending and entwining around Kong Zhe's feet. .

Vines climbed upwards.

Bind Kong Zhi firmly.

"Wang Anping relieved the trouble." You Lun said.

Wang Anping, who had not moved his flanks for a long time, under this command, the magic shepherd's right hand, the arcane cannon slammed at the connection point between the front of the vine and the trunk.

Broke the vines.

The disconnected vines seemed to be lifeless, and fell loosely to the ground.

"Luo Cheng covers Wang Anping." You Lun accurately predicted the next second the tree spirit Cui Ling's actions, when the rattan fell and slapped Wang Anping's position.

Luo Cheng's warlock successfully got stuck, and a dark green cursed fire collided head-on with the rattan. Fire spells had additional damage bonus to this creature, and the rattan was burned away by a ball of fire.

"Output." You Lun commanded again.

The youth training players of the Zhengrong team are like chess pieces on the chessboard that You Lun firmly grasps. You Lun says a move, and they make a move.

And Youlun's ability to judge is excellent.

Even Jiang Xun wanted to marvel at the amazing consciousness of this young man.

However, in Jiang Xun's eyes, You Lun's command also exposed a serious problem.

This problem is not serious, it is not serious, it is serious enough to endanger the survival of a team.

You Lun's position and thinking are deadly. He firmly nails everyone's position to one place. You must follow You Lun's thinking to fight. Once dismantled, these positions are invalid. bit.

At the same time, these positions give players little room to maneuver.

In other words, You Lun's commanding method is also suppressing the individual performance of these players. The style of play is more teamwork, but the players are all like robots, saying one step at a time, without their own thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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