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第883章 5V5不行,5V10总行了吧?

第883章 5V5不行,5V10总行了吧?

Players in different regions have different competitive levels for different types of online games.

Moba-type multiplayer online tactical competitive games, headed by South Korea, China, and Europe, have a group of well-developed and skilled star players.

FPS category, the No.1 shooting game with aiming ability as the main body, is more famous in North America, Europe, and CIS regions.

It is worth mentioning that.
The countries in the Commonwealth of Independent States have always been in a state of neither strong nor weak. You can say that he is better than some small countries. He can also beat teams in Southeast Asia, but you can say that he is good. The characters in several giant areas in the village are also characters who have been beaten all year round.

The top seeded team in the CIS region.

In the more competitive Chinese competition area, it is more difficult to squeeze into the top five
This is not to say that the teams in the CIS region do not work hard, but that the teams in this region have a huge gap in strength. To give an example, Kazakhstan is also a country in the CIS region, and Russia is also a country in the CIS region.

But the Russian team beat the Kazakh team.

Just like a father hitting a son.

And the status quo is like this. Among the teams in the CIS region, the Russian and Ukrainian teams are in the absolute advantage.

What room for improvement can there be in this kind of unilateral massacre?

You don't even need tactics, my per capita rank on the ladder is higher than yours, and my skills can crush you.

The results of it?Playing training matches with some of the more powerful teams in the competition area, the problem was exposed. The rough tactical operations in the CIS area and the poor coordination left nothing to be said. Only personal skills can be talked about.

However, when it comes to professional players, how big is the skill gap between ordinary professional players?No matter how old you are, it's impossible to be killed instantly by you, right?Only the kind of top players can perform incredible operations to save the world.

It's not that the Lion King doesn't want to make an appointment with a strong team for a training match.

It's because they can't make an appointment.

The strong team thinks that the Lion King is rotten fish and rotten shrimp, and it is useless to play the training game, so why should I waste more than an hour playing the training game with a garbage team like you?Raising tigers?

If you can't find strong teams from other regions to play training games, you can't make progress by playing casually in your own competition area, and you can only make appointments with mid- and lower-level teams in other competition areas for training games.

But the results of this kind of training are also inefficient.

What is the Zhengrong team?A team that has been abolished by the former head coach, the way Yan Hong takes over and remodels it is not to adapt them to the new tactics quickly, but to use their personal ability to play the game first, and slowly find out a team that is suitable for the current Zhengrong team. suitable system.

To put it simply, the current Zhengrong team is also a veritable stinky fish and rotten shrimp. Relying on the team's star players to force their hands, they look decent on the outside. In the interior, they are slowly rebuilding.

"Tell me their contacts, I have a good idea to try." Jiang Xun thought for a while, at first he thought about it, and felt that there was no training value.

They practiced with players from the Lion King team.

It has a taste of technical poverty alleviation.

Because you can't learn anything by beating them yourself, but the Lion King can learn something by beating them.

It also didn't say that the Lion King and Zhengrong teams can't practice with them.

Jiang Xun remembered that a long time ago, he played a Moba-like online game that was also a competitive operation. In that online game, three camps were divided into battles.

One team and one side.

There are three sides in total.

The center is the central battlefield, and the other three places send troops and heroes to the central battlefield to fight.

The poor training quality of the Eternal Team is nothing more than the fact that in the single 5V5 battle, neither the new Zhengrong team led by Yan Hong nor the Lion King team can pose a threat to the Eternal Team.

The number of crushing rounds is greater than that of stalemate rounds.

Then why not make a map capable of 5V10?
There will be crushing in 5 on 5, but it is impossible to crush in 5 on 10, right?

With this idea in mind, Jiang Xun started working immediately after chatting with Yan Hong, as long as he found the official map material.

Choose a map with a large enough range and a wide enough combat area, and then make some additional settings.

Jiang Xun, who has a way of thinking, is still quite agile in doing things. Suffering is suffering, and it is not something that can be done in a short time. He works until 10 o'clock in the evening.

Jiang Xun got off work early and took a rest.

Monsters will die if they are killed, and people will die if they are tired and do not rest.

Cleaned up the messy table.

Jiang Xun walked out of the room. He was a little hungry, but he didn't want to eat supper. He remembered that he put a box of low-fat oatmeal biscuits in the living room.

Eating supper is a hobby of obese young people nowadays. This hobby is undoubtedly a kind of chronic suicide. He still prefers some healthy food.

In the living room, Su Jinqing was holding her cute puppet cat in a daze, with a few random messy hairs on her head. She was stroking the puppet cat's belly affectionately, wondering what was on her mind.

"Good evening." Jiang Xun greeted.

"Ah—good evening." Su Jinqing was obviously taken aback by Jiang Xun who suddenly came out of the room, and hugged the puppet cat with both hands.

Jiang Xun walked to the living room, squatted under the TV in the living room, and found a box of low-fat biscuits.

"Aren't you going to bed yet?" Jiang Xun tore off the package of biscuits, stuffed them into his mouth, and stood up to talk to Su Jinqing who was sitting on the sofa.

"It's not time for me to sleep yet." Su Jinqing pursed her pink lips and said with a bit of dissatisfaction.

Every time Jiang Xun leaves the room, the questions he asks are quite weird.

Contemporary young people don't go to bed until after 2 o'clock in the morning, okay?
Jiang Xun looked at Su Jinqing, who was a little angry, and didn't understand why the other party was angry. He looked at the unpacked bag in his hand, pondered for a few seconds, took out a biscuit, and handed it over.

Su Jinqing showed a bright smile of 'full of vitality' on her face, her white teeth looked very bright under the light, but her answer was extremely cruel, she replied flatly: "I don't eat."

"Low-fat biscuits, eating them at night can not only satisfy your hunger, but also won't make you fat." Jiang Xun had a calm expression of "you don't have to eat it".

It was obviously a stinky face with a paralyzed face.

In Su Jinqing's eyes, it felt extremely bad.

"Kaba Kaba." Jiang Xun looked at the leftovers, left a lot of biscuits, took a clip to seal the packaging bag, and finally asked a meaningful question, "What's on your mind ?”

"Well, a little." Su Jinqing sighed.

"Some things are stuffy in your heart, and it will always be uncomfortable. Finding someone to talk to at the right time is much better than staying here in a daze." Jiang Xun sat down and said: "You can talk to me, of course, if it is What kind of privacy issue, I didn't say this sentence."

"It's not a very private issue." Su Jinqing scratched her hair, which made the messy hair even more messy.

"Is it about the comics?" Jiang Xun thought for a while.

Su Jinqing lives a three-point and one-line life every day, and she works in the same company. If there is something that Su Jinqing can't solve, he can help. It's even more exaggerated if she encounters trouble after get off work.

Su Jinqing is a typical home girl.

When she got home and didn't go out, she was either staying at home and playing games, or drawing her cartoons.

What pain can games cause?
No matter how difficult the game is, that's it. There are ways to crack it, and the essence of the game is to bring pleasure. I can't think of any troubles.

After such an analysis, if you look at it with the method of elimination, it can only be a matter of comics.

(End of this chapter)

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