ace free man

Chapter 910 The difficulty of the game is increased by the system

Chapter 910 The difficulty of the game is increased by the system

When Ma Tafeiyan was drawn by the call from the other side.

Several bolts from the heavy ballista suddenly shot out from the earthen house on his side!Flying speed is a very good statistic, and generally fast flying skills are difficult for people to react to.

The crossbow arrows that flew out flew extremely fast.

Ma Tafeiyan realized that she had been hit by an arrow when she saw that her character had a red border indicating that she was hurt.

Luckily it didn't hit the nail on the head.

Just the arms.

"20% of the blood volume is gone." Ma Tafeiyan looked at the negative attribute board that she jumped out, "The interval between swinging the sword with the right hand is +0.5 seconds, and the hand is frozen for 0.1 seconds."

It hurts.

The better the player's operation, the more he will eat the special attributes of the character. These negative attributes that pop up seem to be just a weakening of the attack speed, but they are actually restrictions on the operation.

Yu Guangzhong.

I heard the skill sound effect of [Giant Burst Rocket]!
A crimson flame exploded on the screen, and the remnant flame burned beside the earthen house!The earthen house was pierced through, revealing a gap, and a black phantom inside was controlling the heavy ballista.

It turned out that Jiang Xun didn't break into the earthen house to avoid the rolling stones coming from behind, but actually played a hand jam operation, clinging to a corner wall, and immediately returned to the original position when the rolling stones turned the corner.

[Don't trespass in areas without information] is a technique that Jiang Xun has always believed in.

Of course, Jiang Xun dared to play like this because of his actions. Why did other people rush into the earthen house without information?Is it because they don't understand this truth?


It was because they didn't have the operation of sharpening the sword by Han Mei, and they were completely frightened by the rolling stone behind them at the first time, and they didn't have Jiang Xun's calm and composed reaction.

think about it.

Rao is an experienced person like Ma Ta Feiyan, and he also thinks of breaking into the earthen house to avoid danger. This is the first reaction of human beings when they encounter difficulties.

Drill into the house and find cover.

It's nature!
This kind of serial routine has killed many people.

So cheap!
Who set the level?Many people have the desire to curse others. It is reasonable to be a little lax when loading the new map. Who would have thought that the officials would be so mad.

As soon as the loading is over, there will be a rolling stone trap to stimulate the player's adrenaline.

In the end, he played a series of dirty tricks.

Who would have thought that hiding in the earthen house would bump into new traps and get caught again!Fortunately, the trap has been broken, as long as the game is broken.

It doesn't take much to kill these mobs.

If it wasn't for the sneak attack advantage of the mobs, the players might not have suffered any personnel losses.

"This is the killing map, everyone pay attention." Ma Tafeiyan reminded the rest of the guild: "Don't get too close to people from other guilds."

Ordinary players are still cursing and saying that the traps and routines in this place are deep.

However, guild players secretly pass on known information to each other. This kind of killing map is the best map for lone rangers, and it is also the best map for a dominant guild in a copy.

A master Lone Ranger mixed in with the crowd of ordinary players can suddenly kill one in the back periphery, and suddenly kill one in the corner. Not only can he kill a person, but he can also pick up his equipment.

And a dominant guild can do even more than a lone ranger.

It can kill all other players in this map, eat the rewards of the mission by itself, and wipe out all other people's equipment.

Seeing that there was a name named [Hanmei Lijian] in the ranks, Ma Tafeiyan breathed a sigh of relief, thankfully he had pulled Hanmei Lijian in ahead of time.

If Hanmei Lijian really wandered outside alone and formed a team alone, this would definitely be an iron-like stupid behavior that would cause a big event!
The other guilds were also very wary of Hanmei Lijian. After discussing a few words, they distanced themselves from Hanmei Lijian's Zhengrong guild ahead of time.

They also thought of this possibility, and sharpened their swords against Han Mei.

Fortunately, there are many aisles in this dungeon, and there are countless routes to explore. Some guilds diverged from the route of Hanmei Lijian.

while walking.

Ma Ta Feiyan found that only some ignorant ordinary players left with his Zhengrong guild, those players who hadn't thought about the horror of the killing map.

"It's still a maze map." Ma Tafeiyan was a little cold.

Killing map or maze map, isn't this forcing players to kill each other?Maximize the temptation to lure the darkness deep in the player's mind?

If the map of the maze is used secretly, some people may be murdered to death without knowing who.

For such a small country as the Eternal Empire, the missions of the Eternal Night Invasion series are so vicious?In terms of difficulty and design, it is comparable to some top empires.

But Ma Tafeiyan thought about it.

The predecessor of the Eternal Empire was the Terengus Empire.
It may be that the reincarnation of the dirt has applied the missions of the [Eternal Night Invasion] series of the Traengus Empire to the Eternal Empire. If it is explained in this way, the difficulty can be explained immediately.

"What is that?" a player from Zhengrong Guild shouted.

Right in front, there is another altar, which is similar to the orc altar that I encountered earlier, but this one is even more obsolete. Not only is the altar covered with moss, but there are also some black blood stains that have not been washed and have been rotting for many years.

Randomly swept around.

There were no unexpected discoveries.

But when Jiang Xun lightly touched the center of the altar, he had new information on the panel.

【Evening King Altar】

[Introduction: This is an abandoned altar of the ancient god Mu Wang. Through it, you can communicate with Mu Wang's spirit for a short time. 】

[Activation conditions: Divinity (already met), Twilight King's token of the night gem (not met)].

Jiang Xun passed this screenshot to Ma Tafeiyan.

"Are we triggering the plot?" Ma Tafeiyan once again lamented her foresight. There is only one character in the guild that can satisfy the divinity—Empire Eagle Eye.

If Jiang Xun hadn't been pulled into this team, maybe this mission would be stuck here for the rest of his life and would not be triggered.

"The next task is to find the gem of the dark night, the token of King Mu. If it can remind you, it should be found in this map." Ma Tafeiyan just finished speaking.

A system beep sounds.

【Han Mei Sharpening the Sword triggers the map task—the first meeting with the Mu Wang! 】

[Players on the map will automatically receive side missions - looking for gems of the night. 】

[Task assignee——Hanmei Lijian. 】

[Reward—unknown. 】

Map missions!

The simple name is a task that can only be triggered in a single map, and generally this system prompt can only remind players under the current map.

However, the current situation seems to be that Hanmei Sharpening Sword has received the main task, and the others have received a side task, assisting Hanmei Sharpening Sword.

As far as mission rewards are concerned, side missions are definitely not as rich as main missions.

"The reminder of this map mission, do you want to kill someone?" Jiang Xun said helplessly with a slight twitch of his mouth.

In this map, there are people who are hostile to Jiang Xun.

It is estimated that the mission props were found, and the mission props were destroyed or hidden directly.

The difficulty of the game has been increased by the system.

(End of this chapter)

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