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Chapter 943 Represent and declare war!

Chapter 943 Represent and declare war!
Over and over again, over and over again.

Jiang Xun's humility seems to have played a negative role, and these gambling websites have intensified their attacks.

He stopped playing the competitive ladder, didn't protest, and didn't express anything on his Weibo or other public social platforms.

The confidence of the gaming company has inflated a bit, and the proud record of Han Mei's sword fighting in the past is nothing to them.

"What are they?" Wang Xin hasn't stayed in the professional circle for too long, so he doesn't have knowledge in this area, and he doesn't understand the two gray industries of black guilds and gaming companies.

"From the black guild." You Lun quietly asked, "Is brother Jiang broadcasting live?"

"The live broadcast is not on." Jiang Xun's eyes were solemn, and he was rarely so serious now.

After You Lun found out the truth, he immediately said: "Some people sponsored by foreign gaming companies."

"Is this for drainage?"

"Brother Jiang will be diverted from the traffic as soon as the broadcast starts. Unless Brother Jiang stops doing live broadcasts, as long as he does live broadcasts, he will always be targeted."

You Lun is quite helpless about this.

Many people have been targeted in this way, and then what?They are simply powerless to fight, even professional players have nothing to do with these people.

Complaints can only be dealt with temporarily.

"Are you here to attack me?" Jiang Xun walked over and asked 'nonsense'.

"Bounty hunter, why don't you have some food to eat." This player is still a Chinese player unexpectedly, and it is easy to communicate, "Han God, it's convenient, I'll just hang up and stand next to you, it's okay What's the matter with you?"

"It's not too much to make a little money, right?"

Jiang Xun didn't say anything else, just walked over, "Either die or leave here."

His tone was very calm, but everyone could hear the displeasure in his mouth. Online games are the pure land in Jiang Xun's heart, and the utopia in his fantasy township.

The war between the guild and him, Jiang Xun can still laugh it off, and it can also be regarded as a way of playing the game.

But the bounty hunter's sniping behavior is not only destroying Jiang Xun's game experience, but also doing some bad behaviors.

He didn't say 'die or go', because he restrained his emotions very much.

From the tone, he could already hear that he was very angry. This bounty hunter also knew how to read his words. When he heard the displeasure in his tone, he immediately turned around and left.

Samuume Sharpening the Sword is well-received, but that doesn't mean that the clay figurines are not angry.

For fifty dollars, it's worth these junk accounts to downgrade and snipe, but the problem is that people kill these junk accounts casually, it's impossible to revive them and go back and forth here to force them to make up for an hour, right?
How many times can someone kill you in one hour?

When Jiang Xun spoke this time, he drove away this one, but the next one would come, so Jiang Xun had to repeat it a second time.

Weibo is rarely used.

Jiang Xun expressed emotion for a long time, of course the meaning of warning in it was the strongest and the most severe so far.

"Warning to the bounty hunters who are about to move recently, I am not a temperless person. Don't come to me again. If there are people with domain names appearing near me, I will not remind you again."

The warning on Jiang Xun's Weibo is quite useful.

No one is looking for Hanmei Lijian so ignorantly anymore.

But this fighting technique will not just subside like this, Han Mei Lijian finally subsided and played a copy.

When he came out again, he was sniped by the bounty hunter again.

The price given by the gaming company this time was $200 an hour, and the price quadrupled.

Four times the income directly drove a group of people crazy. They opened very low-level accounts to search for Hanmei Lijian in various main cities, and then tried their best to stay within the visible perspective of Hanmei Lijian.

This forced Jiang Xun to not appear in the main city.

It is not allowed to kill players in the main city. It is to reduce the attribute of good and evil values, so you can only run to the high-level leveling area.

A group of trumpets have been isolated here.

But there are still people who have age-appropriate black numbers at level 60 without equipment, and travel long distances to the high-level leveling area to find Han Mei Lijian.

More infuriating things came.

The black account merchants on some online shopping platforms are making crazy money, and there are many more people buying illegal accounts on their side than before.

In the past, a 50-level black number cost 60 yuan.

Moreover, very few people would buy this kind of account. It can be said that the account is unsalable. I beg some players who want to play other professions to spend it.

This wave of fighting skills between gaming companies and Han Mei sharpened swords directly made these black-name businessmen crazy.

The 50-level black account for 60 yuan a piece was suddenly sold out, and then the new batch of accounts had to wait until the next issue, and the price of the account increased to 100 yuan a piece.

The black number merchants can be said to be the happiest group in this incident. They are business without capital, counting money until their hands cramp.

Neither the gaming company nor Jiang Xun were very happy.

The gaming company thinks that we sniped you to give you face and take away part of your traffic, but it is also useful to promote your reputation, and more and more people will know you.

Aren't you live streaming?

In this way, you have also improved your live broadcast reputation and increased your exposure rate!

You don't appreciate it, and you still want to fight against it?
Jiang Xun is more directly confronted with nausea and nausea. He has a feeling that he is being forced to consume, and his every move is watched by some bounty hunters all the time, and these bounty hunters are like flies, constantly entangled.

In such a depressing situation.

War broke out.

Because every time these players with the domain name approached Hanmei Lijian, they would be killed by Hanmei Lijian. These people were not going to hang next to Hanmei Lijian like this, and directly attacked Hanmei Lijian.

are all dead.

On the contrary, it will die faster.

If you take the initiative to fight with others, you can still delay for a while!

Once this can be said to be a battle between individual players and a collective, the Eternal Life Guild was thrown into the frontal battlefield.

Most of these bounty hunters have empty equipment level numbers, and it is very easy to clean them up.

After a while, the bounty hunter found it difficult to make up an hour, and felt like giving up.

The gaming company saw the momentum, and the price went up a bit, and these bounty hunters started chasing after Hanmei Lijian like crazy again.

It is even more impossible for Han Mei Lijian to show weakness, and wiped out these groups two or three times in a row.

This is not impossible to fight.

The main thing is that they are annoying, they come back to fight after they are revived, and they fight until they can fill up the time, just like mobs that can't die, they can't kill them all!

But the game experience of these bounty hunters is really not very good. Some people gritted their teeth and endured it, but a group of people gave up.

In the end, there are only a few people who can really receive the bounty, and no matter how high the price is, it will be too much for the gaming company.

However, gaming companies have sponsored some professional teams.

Some third-tier and fourth-tier players do not have their own clubs, so they can only play some pheasant games to get bonuses, and rely on professional teams sponsored by gaming companies.

These people slowly entered the battlefield invisibly.

And their goal is not only to kill Hanmei Lijian.

The gaming company is also angry. The people here don't pay attention to the unspoken rules between the guilds. They don't pay attention to the rules.

Destroy the Eternal Empire, destroy their empire buildings, and kill their people!
This is what the gaming company requires of these unknown players!

(End of this chapter)

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